Have a hard time drinking my 8 glasses of water



  • mstifb
    mstifb Posts: 230
    I don't like the taste of water but having a Brita sports water bottle has helped me! It has 20 ounces in it but usually I only get 16 out of each bottle (water fountain doesn't allow me to fill it to the top) so I estimate 2 glasses everytime I drink it. It has helped me a lot!
    **In addition I was told you should drink half your body weight in water so that's what I TRY to do, although I'm not successful at it everyday. But I do try to drink one bottle after every workout!
  • Oh_Cat
    Oh_Cat Posts: 59 Member
    Some people find it easier to mark out a couple of water bottles, so you can see how much you need to drink by when :)

  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    I noticed some great benefits of drinking 8+ glasses of water:

    -My skin looks fantastic
    -I don't get hungry for no reason
    -I recover better from workouts

    I found water to be somewhat of an acquired taste. There is a certain brand of bottled water that tastes really good to me, so I drink it all the time.

    Try using some Crystal Light to start, and then find some water that you actually like - whether it be tap, a Brita filter, or something bottled).

    Maybe you'll find some sweet benefits to some extra H20 :)
  • *
  • roodieroo
    roodieroo Posts: 25 Member
    As part of my Advocare cleanse/challenge, I had to drink a gallon per day. I have tried to maintain this and usually get at least 12 cups per day... and shoot for sixteen each day. I love my water ice cold, so I fill up four quart jars each night for the next day. I always have a jar with me. Like, always. And, at the end of the day, I know exactly how much I have input based on how many jars I have to refill!

    Also, if i need to go to the bathroom... I make myself drink a big sip before "allowing" myself to go. :-) Silly, I know!

    If i feel thirsty or hungry, I shoot to drink two cups. That helps. I DO find myself snacking a lot more when I have not consumed my normal amount of water... so in that regard, I think drinking your water helps lose weight as you eat or snack less!

    When I go to a restaurant, I shoot to drink my whole glass before our food comes out to the table.

    I also mix my Spark with two cups of water, so that helps me a chug a bit once a day as I enjoy the sweet flavor. So, those bits of advice about adding some flavor are super helpful! My friend adds Mio to her water to help flavor it.

    Maybe review what a normal day is and have a goal of X ounces consumed by lunchtime? Then, by the time you leave work/school/eat diner/etc.

    Not sure if any of those will help,but those are some ideas that help me! Best of luck on your journey! :)
  • I poof-poofed the water idea, but a friend here on MFP challenged me to slowly INcrease my consumption,
    by adding at little @ a time- ( I aimed for 1 glass a day when I was lucky to drink 1 glass a WEEK)....

    I bought a 20 oz. water bottle and filled it ( and found drinking it room temp. is easier for me)
    and eventually bought another bottle.

    Long story>>>shortened>>>>16 mo. later I can drink 80 oz by lunchtime without even forcing myself.
    It seems the more you give your body what it needs, the more it craves it.

    You might be interested to understand the physiology behind it- it is NOT simply a way to *fool* the body into thinking it's FULL----yeah........my tummy NEVER fell for that, EVER.

    It's about forcing the lazy kidney muscles to do its job, so the liver doesn't have to do it. The liver is designed to BURN fat, but
    if it's doing the kidneys' job, it will STORE the fat instead.
    At least that's the way it was explained to me- and makes a LOT of sense WHY it helps in the weight loss.

  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    I keep a 64oz bottle filled with water or Crystal light on my desk at work. I find that it just sitting there reminds me that I need to drink more and I typically drink it in less than 4 hours.
  • tajmel
    tajmel Posts: 401 Member
    I don't really understand why drinking water would be difficult. This question mystifies me, but it's certainly a common one. It's water. It stops thirst and has no taste. It's necessary to sustain life. Just drink it :).

    If it helps, I like cold water better. I find using a straw helpful. I keep some around all the time (in a bottle when I'm out). Sometimes I'll drink carbonated water (ie perrier) for funsies. I've been drinking nothing but water and tea for years and frankly soda and those water flavor packets taste disgusting to me. If they help you drink more I suppose it's ok, but plain water is best.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    It's a debunked myth that everyone needs 8 a day. Listen to your body. Look at your urine. It should be clear (not cloudy) and pale yellow.
    Well 8 glasses a day is just the ideal. I read somewhere that our daily water intake should match depend on our body weight divided by two

    e.g. 120lbs: 120/2 = 60

    It means that for a 120 lb person, he should consume at least 60 oz or 7.5 glasses of water a day. If you live in a hot climate, you need more water.
  • I add fresh fruit to my water... oranges, lemons, grapefruit, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries sometimes watermelon. Oddly enough, it makes my water "pretty" and gives you the mind set that your drinking healthy!! I've turned everyone on to that in my office. I put my "pretty" water in the new Starbucks to go Tumbler 16 fl. oz, the tumbler is clear so you can show your water off! Good Luck!
  • I have been participating in a medically supervised nutrition program since last October. They recommend 64 ounces of fluids per day with the following requirements: NO CARBONATION, NO CAFFEINE, 10 CALORIES OR LESS per 8 ounces.

    That said, I can drink Mio but watch to not get the Mio Energy variety if you are avoiding caffeine. I have also drank Propel Zero, Sobe Zero and Vitamin Water Zero... likewise, watch out for Vitamin Water Zero having at least one energy flavor that has caffeine. Decaf tea and decaf coffee were allowed with sugar substitutes. I really like the Vitamin Water Zero lemonade flavor the best. Crystal Light has some great flavors too...try the Mojito! I only drink my "water" cold or hot or iced decaf tea, never luke warm.

    You might also enjoy infusing water with fresh mint, lavender, ginger, sliced lemon, lime or orange, etc. Bruise your herbs to release the oils.

    I never have a problem getting in my 64 ounces with the flavor varieties that I have available and because I'm exercising a lot, so my body is demanding fluids.

    As others have said, drinking water does fill you up, curbs cravings and will do wonders for your skin. So yes, I think a full 64 ounces a day is beneficial.
  • I struggled at first, but now I think my body thinks it is part fish. Start slow. If you feel like you are having to force yourself to drink water you won't want to. Once I bought myself a couple of refillable bottles, and keep them filled all day, just sipping from them every now and then, I now drink plenty of water. On the occasions when I don't get as much water and start getting dehydrated, I feel bad.