I need inspiration and motovation!

I used to be really commited to using MFP in the begining but all the friends I had at first I personally knew. Needless to say they no longer log in and so I've lost my motovaion some. I'm reaching out to anyone and everyone. I started loosing weight in November weighing 209 lbs with a 4 ft 11 in frame. For the first few months I used OTC Lipodrene, I called it my 10 lb miracle bottle. The first 2 bottles I lost 20 pounds taking it and then I started to Plateau so I decided to go see weight doctor. I am now taking phentermine, Nia, get B12 shots every month when I weigh in and last month she also prescribed CR7 to help with food craving. I am also taking 5-HTP, the pill form of Magnesium citrate to help keep me regular and womens one a day vitamin to help boost my metabolism. In the last 2 months taking Phentermine I've only lost 7 pounds. I have a gym membership and lost interest in that for a while too, I am determined to get back on track!!!! Please add me! I really need to stay focused and stay driven! Currently I am 175.6 and have lost 33 pounds, I still have about 40 to go! I need your help motovating myself and of course, to help give you the inspiration and motovation you need to help keep you going too!


  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
    Hi! Feel free to add me! Mike
  • MattTheWaterRat
    MattTheWaterRat Posts: 167 Member
    Whenever you feel like quitting, just youtube "Rocky Montage". I especially like the montage from Rocky IV.
  • Feel free to add me, I just joined MFP a couple of days ago and would love to gain some friends on this journey.
  • Barb121
    Barb121 Posts: 2
    Thanks for your post. I am in the same boat and am trying "again" to get motivated. I am at 229 right now at 5' 7". My first
    goal is to get into the "Onederland" on the scale. My ultimate goal is to be about 155 lbs. I have been going to weight loss classes
    at my church once a week and get motivation there. The instructor used to be a Weight Watchers leader but the program she is
    with now is Total Fitness and combines good nutrition with exercise. I tried phenermine through the Drs. office once and it made me
    feel very jittery and did not really curb my appitite so I stopped it. I do water arobics 3X per week and try to do free weights as well.
    I have had 8 surgeries on my hip and had a total hip replacement 25 years ago so I cannot do rigorous exercise outside the water.
    Let's help each other stay motivated. Commit, Decide, Success! That is my new mantra. Summer is a great time for delicious fruits
    and trying new vegetables...good luck to you!
  • erdunn75
    erdunn75 Posts: 26 Member
    Add me! I'll be a friend and motivation.
    For me, I've been on a rollar coaster of weight loss plans and strategies for years and years! And for all the wrong reasons. I started out doing cardio 3 days a week for 30 min, and eating more protein and less carbs. Now I've settled into eating Clean 80/20 and working out 6 days a week with Strength Training 3 days out of that. And I joined this site to better track my calories and find motivation and tips and tricks too.
    It's all about taking one step at a time. And if you fall get right back up, brush yourself off, and move forward another step. I have a saying on my bathroom mirror that says " I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday".
    You can do it!!
  • Witchmoo
    Witchmoo Posts: 261 Member
    I'm another one that's just decided to 'try again'...and for the first time throw some exercise into the mix.....I didn't interact on here a lot last time.....it seemed to involve offering a lot of support and getting faff all back in return.....maybe this time will be different....feel free to add me :smile:
  • chaverland77
    chaverland77 Posts: 22 Member
    Absolutly, I'm in! Thanks for helping me refocus! We can do this! When I start to fail I want you to stay on me:):grumble:
  • erdunn75
    erdunn75 Posts: 26 Member
    Stay on you huh? Be careful what you ask for. hehe Just kidding. THats what we are here for!
  • crafty30
    crafty30 Posts: 132 Member
    Hiya, feel free to add me! I love the support and motivation MFP gives and I like to comment and support my friends I have on here every day.. I find staying motivated a struggle sometimes and have days I think I can't do it but I come on here and the support is amazing! You can do this :)
  • chaverland77
    chaverland77 Posts: 22 Member
    Yes Girl! Stay on me! If you notice I haven't logged in or haven't finished my diary! Get on me lol! I know it's all from good hearts so it won't bother me but yes I'm only human and tend to put things on the back burner so to say!!!:grumble: :laugh:
  • plynn54
    plynn54 Posts: 912 Member
    :happy: please, i need help. I know what to do to lose weight, I know what to and what not to eat. I know I will feel better and look better...but just cant seem to do it. Its like i have a mental block about just doing it. All day at work I have plans on what im going to eat and do after work but by the time i get home i just want a quick meal and do nothing. please motivate me lol I dont want the 80-90 lbs i need to lose end up being 180-190 :noway:
  • bella24xo
    bella24xo Posts: 177 Member
    feel free to add me as well!! i fell off a few times on here and then finally im back on track...but motivation is my biggest thing on here!