Ripped in 30, nauseous by minute 10

I've just started doing Ripped in 30, and I can't make it through the whole workout. I start getting insanely nauseous around minute 10, so I pause it and sit down for about 5 minutes, and try to go again.

This is day 3 of trying to make it through the "week 1" workout, and I just cant. I can do "normal workouts" just fine (like 20 mins of elliptical, or 20 minutes of weight machines at a gym) but for some reason I just cant conquer this workout.

Any suggestions??


  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I can do an hour on a bike or elliptical no problem, but ten minutes on the stairmaster and I'm about to puke. It's just that your body isn't used to this kind of exercise. I would do what you can, and then call it good (and supplement with other exercise if you wish).
  • Nan_
    Nan_ Posts: 83 Member
    I just finished my first week of Ripped in 30. I mostly do the modified exercises, such as push ups on your knees, etc. I got nauseous on one exercise, don't know what it's called. It's the one where you move your legs in front of you and behind you and your arms move forward and backward too, It's like a running motion, only your legs and arms are stiff and not bent.

    I've been doing Zumba for months and been fine but for some reason that movement makes me nauseous. So I just take a break for a couple of minutes and get back to it. The other exercises don't seem to bother me and if I feel like I need to stop for a minute, I do.
  • Hollyana
    Hollyana Posts: 55 Member
    I think if you keep at it you may get past it - I felt sick quite a lot when I started exercising back in Feb/March, but I very rarely do now. Things to do with your stomach muscles were worst for me, but once I'd actually built some the nausea went away!
  • cgo8890
    cgo8890 Posts: 32
    Try starting with the 30 day shred by Jillian Michaels. I think Ripped in 30 is more intense, but the 30 day shred is a similar concept.
  • NoxDineen
    NoxDineen Posts: 497 Member
    Are you eating anything within an hour of working out? Or not eating for a loooong time before it? Are you hydrated?

    It sounds like you're doing the smart thing, doing what you can and then taking a break when your body needs it.