Hit the Plateau, need help!

I've read about people getting stuck at a certain weight because their bodies are use to the same ole routine. I find myself to to be one of those people. Lost about 40 pounds and been stuck at the same weight for about two months. My goal is another 10 to 20 pounds.

I heard if you switch up your exercise and the food you eat you will continue to lose weight.

I have been walking the last several months, do you think if I just started jogging now that will count as switching my routine?
I don't have any weights or a gym membership. I've strictly just been walking and eating differently.

I also pretty much have eaten the same things every single day since I've lose my weight and I won't be able to switch my food routine. Can't really afford anything else then what I have. So I hope that won't factor in and the jogging will be enough to get me jump started.

If anyone has any suggestions, that would be great =)


  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    How about some workout videos? (free videos at www.exercisetv.tv and sparkpeople.com) You could also try upping your calories for a week or two and then dropping them back down. That might jumpstart your weight loss again.

    You look amazing by the way!
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    yes, jogging is definitely enough of a change to jumpstart your progress. If you aren't prepared to go all out, you could use a couch to 5K program, I did that last winter and went from being a NON-runner to being able to finish my 5K without any walking:bigsmile: and I lost my first 25 lbs in the process :love:
  • mszSHOGAN
    mszSHOGAN Posts: 2,278 Member
    I'm also a big supporter of the Couch to 5K program, highly recommend looking it up! Switching to jogging is a great way to pick up the pace with your weight loss :wink:

    BTW, great job on how much you've already lost. Keep it up, YOU'RE ALMOST THERE!
  • Bellatrix
    Thanks for your comments. I'm gonna look into the 5k program =)
  • inkprincess
    Wow, we're totally twins! I have lost 41lbs and my weight has been pretty stuck for the last couple months!! I switched my workout from Walk Away the Pounds to the 30 Day Shred. I hope that gets rid of my plateau! I'm on day 4 of the switch, so I don't know yet if it's working.

    Good luck to you!
  • singcoz528
    Before my pregnancy I hit a plateau at around 25 pounds down. I went completely off my diet for about a week (I didn't go completely crazy just stopped counting) and when I started back up it was like the beginning again! I lost almost 15 more pounds before I got pregnant.
  • Bellatrix
    I just starting jogging today, hope it doesn't mess up my knees from jogging on cement. I heard the beach is awesome for that...it's just way tooo cold to go.

    Thanks and good luck to you both =D
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I agree, switching from walking to jogging is a big difference, they use difference balance points, and jogging engages some different muscles as well.

    There's a million other things you can do as well that don't require a gym. All you need is a park, and google to google routines. A good one to google would be a boot camp routine, even if you have to modify the exercises at the start, it's still a great way to mix up your routine and get some good anaerobic activity mixed in with the cardio (always a good idea).
  • pudgy06

    I am struggling with all of this too, but I'll tell you want has worked for me. You can switch up foods. Put something in that you want for your daily foods, just to see what calories they have. Then you can plan better for things you can have to make your number.I also think I am having a tough time by having friends/family see that I want to be serious about this diet and they make comments and offer me food I really want so I will go off the diet. Jealousy or cruelty? I don't know. I know what makes me try everyday is that this diet and site seems to be the only thing I have had in my control for a very long time.