what to do when you hate "working out"



  • bnfs2012
    bnfs2012 Posts: 29
    So, I hate running! Always have..even when I was at my goal weight!! But I was able to make a trade on craigslist. I had a small boat that they wanted and they had a wii. what I wanted. I bought the zumba wii game and I love it!! I unfortunately am so out of shape and like you, have a bad knee..but I do it at the low intensity and I can survive. I have never taken a Zumba class but when finances and me being more confident in my body, I will definitely take one!! I usually just start off with pilates..yoga,,,stretching,,and walking...Good luck!
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
  • ctooch99
    ctooch99 Posts: 459 Member
    How about a martial art? Killer workout. If not into a class, how about training at home on a heavy bag? I love it - work out your frustrations, burn calories put on some high energy music and KILL the calories. Doing it after dinner tonight!
  • CheriSoVery
    CheriSoVery Posts: 6 Member
    little things like doing squats while you wait for the shower to heat up, keeping hand weights next to where you watch TV, parking as far as possible away from the store so you have to walk. Walking the dog instead of just letting him run in the yard ... that sort of thing.

    If you have any nice bridges to walk over, that's one of my favorite things to do

    mowing the lawn without the power drive on so you HAVE to push and pull all on your own. Raking leaves, shoveling snow.
  • NoxDineen
    NoxDineen Posts: 497 Member
    You figure out specifically what you hate and then find alternatives. Gyms just rob me of any desire to work out, I can't explain it. I can be super excited, then walk in the door and BOOM I just want to leave. For years I thought that meant I just hated working out at all and enjoyed my metabolism but was skinnyfat with terrible fitness.

    I started Couch to 5k last month and was stunned to find myself enjoying it, looking forward to runs and actually smiling as I trotted along. Turns out runner's high is real, and it feels incredible.

    This next bit will sound crazy but when I decided I wanted to go further and be in great shape I just went app crazy. Gyms suck? Fine, I'll work out at home. I grabbed Nike Training Club and GAIN Fitness (both free on iPhone) and -- here's the crazy bit -- a free hypnosis app. Every night I fall asleep listening to the "Exercise Motivation" and "Desire Healthy Food" sessions and I couldn't imagine not working out.

    Short answer, try other things until you find something you like. Find a fitness buddy if you can, and if not post your successes here or on a fitness community like Fitocracy. It's really motivating. Good luck n
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    If you can invest in a bike, I'd really suggest it. I just bought one and I loooove it. And I HATE the stationary bike, so that's saying something. Riding outdoors is just so much more fun. And it may feel a little safer than walking!
  • kskalniak
    kskalniak Posts: 17
    Definately try some fun or corny dance videos and not major dancing, just light fun. Maybe even try marching in place while you are watching TV. I hated exercise too but it was depression keeping me down. My daughter has been a great motivation to get me off my behind. I'm also disabled with fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis but already feeling better with moving around.:happy:
  • jesusHchris
    jesusHchris Posts: 1,405 Member
    i do deep cleaning.. like hand scrubbing the floors (great for the butt!) or washing walls, yard work.....

    Ladies, listen to this one. I'm off to find a hot maid now.
  • Josette89
    Josette89 Posts: 244
    I don't see how someone can hate exercise. When you get in a good exercise your body releases endorphins to give you that feel good feeling, that is why in many cases exercise becomes as addictive as a drug. Maybe you should just keep doing it, be very positive. Try to do things that you enjoy more so it will be something fun and not just another "to-do". I walk my dogs about a mile or more every morning and do Zumba about twice a week. I am getting amazing results. I'm not spending on a gym membership and I am not killing myself while doing these exercises. Just relax and stay positive. :)
  • RainaWalks
    RainaWalks Posts: 72
    i walk in the mall early in the morning or else i do walk at home dvds....

    i can't do the high impact stuff either...my knees won't allow it....so i clean and walk...
  • Josette89
    Josette89 Posts: 244
    PLUS, I was in a bad car accident when I was 17. I have a bad hip and a bad knee. The one thing that will make it better is more movement, increase the production of Sinovial Fluid. I guarantee your issues will seem to fade away the more exercise you do. Strengthen your body. Plus, the weight loss will do wonders for that knee. :)
  • elfgirlkaname
    elfgirlkaname Posts: 3 Member
    I try learning to do the dances of my favorite music videos :) like this one :)http://youtu.be/5tLooPlf2Sw my favorite Korean group XD!! all the korean pop groups dance crazy intense!! and it's super catchy!

    here's a video showing the dance moves http://youtu.be/wO7PKKVvHVc they talk about it and fool around a bit it's funny :) (even when I don't know what they are saying)

    just start slow and learn it a move at a time it's fun!
    also I want to have some friends learn it too so we can do a little skit/preformance at my local asian culture convention :D
  • elfgirlkaname
    elfgirlkaname Posts: 3 Member
    here are some other more clear viedos of the coreography :)



    also the pause button is my friend :)
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    I hate working out but love the results!!!!

    This. Walking. Dancing. Zumba. Kickboxing. Weight lifting. Mix it up. You wont be bored.
    this plus the belly dancing, or jazzercise is a blast! or do a video of pole dancing. i would never do that in public, but i would in my home! i also have a punching bag that i love, and wii fit, and xbox thingy. find something that is fun! dont give up! and yes i make myself do the "workout" thing a lot because the results are much better than the dislike!
  • arielian
    arielian Posts: 200
    go shopping! it burns lot of calories to walk in the mall for hours! I did it for almost six hours and burned 1400+ calories!
  • gwenivy
    gwenivy Posts: 1
    There's a video u can purchase called walk the pounds away. I am like u, I have a bad back so it is very hard to do anything. I just started today 10 mins. did me in; but hey we have to start somewhere. This is my 3rd week and I have lost 15 teen pds just watching what I'm eating. I intend to try to walk another 5 or 10 mins each day. Good luck with u and don't be to hard on urself.
    Remember, to stretch everyday.
  • Amryfal
    Amryfal Posts: 225

    This next bit will sound crazy but when I decided I wanted to go further and be in great shape I just went app crazy. Gyms suck? Fine, I'll work out at home. I grabbed Nike Training Club and GAIN Fitness (both free on iPhone) and -- here's the crazy bit -- a free hypnosis app. Every night I fall asleep listening to the "Exercise Motivation" and "Desire Healthy Food" sessions and I couldn't imagine not working out.

    wow! good idea! i had no idea "there's an app for that," but i should have known :D
  • Amryfal
    Amryfal Posts: 225
    If you can invest in a bike, I'd really suggest it. I just bought one and I loooove it. And I HATE the stationary bike, so that's saying something. Riding outdoors is just so much more fun. And it may feel a little safer than walking!

    i did get a bike...and it is fun to ride it outside. as soon as i can go a little faster, i'll totally feel safer lol
  • Amryfal
    Amryfal Posts: 225
    go shopping! it burns lot of calories to walk in the mall for hours! I did it for almost six hours and burned 1400+ calories!

    i love doing that. went to chicago recently and walked navy pier for hours...had crazy pizza...and was still under my calorie limit :)
  • jzsor12
    jzsor12 Posts: 69
    when you're better maybe try out a martial art of your choice
    just don't pick one that you're going to get hurt

    or as everyone has suggested try zumba, or maybe even badminton or squash