Post Preg Weight Loss

Just a note to you ladies out there who gained more than you wanted to when you were pregnant and are now trying to loose. You can do it. I'm 12 weeks post pregnancy with my first child, 38 years old, and I've lost 47 lbs. Still have 17 more to go to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight but sticking to the diet and exercise plan is bringing it all together. I was really discouraged while I was pregnant thinking that it would take me 'forever' to loose the weight but it is do-able. It hasn't been easy...I jog 2-3 times a week for at least an hour, plus I am lifting weights again and on a 1200 calorie diet. I allow myself one 'cheat night' a week and I figure in a glass of red wine for sanity a few nights a week.

It can be done! Your belly can go back to normal. I'm amazed at how good my stomach looks already. (seriously thought it would never be the same!)


  • curvymomo3
    curvymomo3 Posts: 253 Member
    WOW YOUR TUMMY LOOKS AMAZING!!! thank you for the encouragement and hope!!! Im fighting to get the 60 lbs off from my first childs pregnancy... nearly nine years ago!
  • suncat26
    suncat26 Posts: 7
    That pic is of me pre-pregnancy (last year...June 2011). Its my inspiration picture :) My stomach isn't quite back there yet. I figure if I keep up the exercise and diet, I should be back there by September. My problem spots have never been my stomach-its always been my hips, thighs and butt. I put on a lot of my pregnancy weight in my legs.
  • suncat26
    suncat26 Posts: 7
    I need to put a picture up of me before I gave birth for comparison. I've been fit my whole life-it was very discouraging to look in the mirror while I was pregnant. My appetite was uncontrollable...I was eating everything in sight and my doctor told me he didn't think I would loose all of the weight because of the sheer amount I packed on my frame. I'm actually looking forward to next year's OBGYN appointment so I can prove to him that it is do-able.
  • wee_emski
    wee_emski Posts: 22 Member
    Wow that is amazing! I am back down to my pre-preggo weight too (my youngest is almost 10 months) but looking to tone up a bit. I was very lucky in that breastfeeding my children helped me lose weight very quickly after they were born.
  • Remi79
    Remi79 Posts: 346 Member
    My daughter will be 4 in September and I gained 60 pounds with her! I am still trying to lose the weight from that pregnancy...:frown: :grumble:
  • suncat26
    suncat26 Posts: 7
    I was unsuccessful with breast feeding...partially because of the difficult delivery, we never got a good latch and sheer exhaustion on my part. I really wanted to breast feed until I went back to work, but wound up pumping for about 3 weeks. Even that little bit did help with weight loss. (The amount of guilt I felt over not being able to breast feed was tremendous but that's another issue I suppose. 3 months later and I'm just now starting to let go of it.)

    Being able to be HONEST with myself about what I eat...logging it here even when I have a 'bad' eating day, is really what is keeping me on track. Jogging is the major thing helping with a quicker loss than if I were just dieting. It was damned hard to get up to jogging this bladder hurt like hell for the first few weeks and feeling all the extra 'stuff' jiggling around messed with my head but I got through it. The only thing that jiggles now is my butt and my boobs but I'm used to that. (the stomach jiggle was the weirdest thing!)
  • Remi79
    Remi79 Posts: 346 Member
    I couldn't breast feed at all. My daughter was born 1 month early as I had developed HELLP Syndrome and she had to be taken by emegency C-section. I was hoping to, but my milk just never came in.
  • wee_emski
    wee_emski Posts: 22 Member
    Don't feel bad for not breastfeeding! Loads of mothers aren't able to do it for whatever reason. I have been lucky to be able to breastfeed easily with all 3 of mine. If I hadn't, I would have given them formula or expressed - whatever had worked - and I wouldn't have felt guilty for it. You can only try your best!
  • suncat26
    suncat26 Posts: 7
    Yeah, I know I shouldn't feel bad about it...just couldn't help it. I really wanted to breast feed. At least I was able to give her 3 weeks...better than nothing I guess.

    I was just able to post a pic of myself right after she was born. I was wearing a horrible moomoo but it does show just how big I was compared to my pre-preg weight. I took eating for two quite seriously. (don't get me wrong...I sure enjoyed those pancakes, the ice cream and the rest of everything I ate...but now its more important to look in the mirror and be happy with what I see than the temporary pleasure of a donut or whatever.)
  • suncat26
    suncat26 Posts: 7
    Remi-I had an emergency C-section too. I think that made it that much harder to BF. Just picking the baby up and holding her was incredibly hard the first 2 weeks. The dr nicked my bladder in two spots getting her out so I had to wear a catheter for a week. If there is ANY motivation for staying healthy it is the thought that I may have to wear a catheter again. It was a very sobering experience. (My poor longsuffering husband would probably leave me if I had to do that again. I b*tched the whole time I had to wear
  • waveindigo
    waveindigo Posts: 39 Member
    That's great work! You're doing so well. Your photo is certainly a good inspiration too.
    My youngest is now 3 and while the weight came off fairly quickly, it's only been the last few months that I've really kicked it up a gear. I want abs too! At least once before I turn 40 ;)
  • Xtinajacob
    Xtinajacob Posts: 44
    I couldn't breast feed either. I never had any milk. :-(. My daughter is 4 months old. I lost all of my pregnancy weight 1 week post partum, now i am trying to lose the other 50 that i have been trying to lose for the last 2 years, lol
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