Rude people....learn some manners!~



  • NJGmywholewrld
    NJGmywholewrld Posts: 123 Member
    Sadly, that is something that will probably remain with her. I think what makes it worse is when your young child is with you, and they hear it. That is one of my bigger reasons for losing weight. I never ever want my son to have to come to my defense, or be embarassed. I know from experience, that when I have been ridiculed in public, my husband would always want to come to my defense. I would get upset with him because him confronting them seemed as though it was acknowledgement on his behalf, that he was with someone that was obese. It seemed to hurt worse. Bullying does not just happen within the young population, it happens to everyone.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    Kids are the cruelest when it comes to being different in any way. Sometimes it doesn't even have to do with how they're raised, it's just how they act in times of peer pressure and looking to fit in if not just because they're little sh*ts by nature.

    I can remember when I was younger, my mother's always been overweight all her life, and she was with me on a field trip or something and a little boy told me my mother was fat. I punched him in the face and told him so what it's better than being ugly like you. You can bet no one said anything about my mother again.

    It's easy to say "well if they don't want those mean things said they should stop being lazy" but you don't know the situation that got them there and chances are if you had people, especially snot-nosed little potty mouths, ragging you on just how you look all the time you wouldn't have motivation to do jack squat except cry and feel bad for yourself.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    that is really sad!! some teens just arent brought up well, though if i'd have over heard that i'd have said something but i can be very confrontational when it comes to things like this!! it is disgusting on how some people see/treat overweight people

    You can be raised to be a decent human being and still act that way. My mother was friend with the parents of an older teenage boy that used to corner me in the church we attended's gym every Sunday and threw basketballs in my face. They were good people and they punished him severely every time it happened but he targeted me because I was a fat kid. It's just what he wanted to do.
  • Southernb3lle
    Southernb3lle Posts: 862 Member
    God, this makes me sick. WTH is wrong with kids these days? Oh yeah ...wait..their parents are the ones that are to blame for this. If the parents had ANY manners at all they would teach their children to be respectful. I would die if one of my children did this..but they wouldn't cause they know better and do HAVE MANNERS.
  • suzieqcookie
    suzieqcookie Posts: 314 Member
    There is no accountability anymore...if the parents heard you saying something to the little darlings they would probably want to sue you for infringing on the little angel's right to free speech. Makes me sick.

    ^^ that ^^ and they probably have parents who make fun of fat people or have become masters of putting other people down to make themselves feel good. Teenagers have always been idiots, but they learned it somewhere.
  • dfair1967
    dfair1967 Posts: 91
    People in general have a lack of respect for one another. Today's society is down the crapper. Everyone has this s***ty all about me attitude. They don't care about anything or any one but there simple minded selves. Just think how it's going to be in say twenty years. Respect and manners are a thing of the past. Very sad but true.
  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    Rudeness is everywhere you go. I know this for a fact with my problems. For the most part, I block it all out and pay it no heed. Or try to.

    I hope the poor woman uses it to shove it back into the teens faces and the mother. You can't help it if a child begins to cry...

    As a person who use to be bullied herself, I have to say to be strong and do not let it get to you. If you must, laugh at them for being so stupid in the first place.
  • mdj1501
    mdj1501 Posts: 392 Member
    Yes it should be legal to kick kids's *kitten* when they act this way.

    THIS^^^ I would have had to say something. Some kids now days have no manners because they are not taught respect.
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    I'm grateful for kids like that, probably still be my 265lb former self without people like that, and also don't blame the parents for their behaviour, it's like blaming the fat lady's parents for her weight
  • WestCoastPhoenix
    WestCoastPhoenix Posts: 802 Member
    Yes it should be legal to kick kids's *kitten* when they act this way.
    Because resorting to violence is clearly the way to show them who is more mature... how about ignore it and realize that some people are simply not worthy of your time?
  • WestCoastPhoenix
    WestCoastPhoenix Posts: 802 Member
    Yes it should be legal to kick kids's *kitten* when they act this way.

    THIS^^^ I would have had to say something. Some kids now days have no manners because they are not taught respect.
    Beating up people you don't care for is a great way to show you are a respectful person. :huh:
  • hollyNhollywood
    hollyNhollywood Posts: 426 Member
    Sadly, I've had my own nephew make a comment about me. I was lined up with my two sisters and Mom to take pictures (and truth be told, we had all put on weight, so not sure why I was singled out. I didn't even think myself that big. I mean I know I need to lose weight, but... ). And my nephew, trying to look cool in front of his friends that were over, said "daaaamn Aunt Holly is huuuuge".
    Me being super sensitive, started crying. Which made the situation even worse.
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,267 Member
    Yes it should be legal to kick kids's *kitten* when they act this way.
    Because resorting to violence is clearly the way to show them who is more mature... how about ignore it and realize that some people are simply not worthy of your time?

  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    How horrible. I know that feeling and it sucks. When I was pregnant with my daughter, I was not even at my heaviest. I was 270ish lbs and honestly, that is 35lbs smaller than my heaviest weight. Some kids on 4wheelers in my neighborhood were shouting things like "fat *kitten*" at me while they were riding by. I was livid and went knocking on their doors. Of course, nobody answered because their parents weren't home apparently. I was an angry/emotional preggo... I was fat, miserable, drove a freakin 2 door mustang and had to yank a 2year old in and out of the back seat anytime I went anywhere, it was 100+ degrees and humid out, and my husband was deployed. If I had gotten my hands on them, I may very well have gone to jail that day... LOL

    I am always teaching my children to respect other people and their feelings. I can only hope that my children grow to have more tact than some of the teens and adults I've encountered in my life. I like to think that I am teaching them to be respectable human beings. :smile:
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    Call me ignorant I thought having a fat @ss was a good thing.....?
  • tinydancer4
    tinydancer4 Posts: 114 Member
    That's so horrible :-( I had my moments as a teenager, but I would never have been so rude about someone in the street.

    The other week on the train home, I heard this guy telling the man next to him he was too fat and taking up too much space and that he shouldn't sit down if he couldn't fit in one seat. I felt so bad for him I nearly started crying! It must have been so embarrassing for him as the train was really busy but it was quiet so everyone could hear what was going on.

    I do hope that if I'd been sat closer I would have said something (the people opposite them were just acting like nothing was happening) but I don't know if I really would have done.
  • springseternal
    springseternal Posts: 245 Member
    About a year ago, I was on a walk one day when a man who had one arm amputated above the elbow jogged by. Three houses up there was a pair of teenage girls sitting on their porch steps. One of them yelled "omg look at that stump." The other yelled "ewww put a shirt on you monster." He had ear buds in, so I hope he didn't hear them. I stopped and had a few choice words with their mom, but I doubt it did anything.

    (apropos of nothing, I actually met the man a few weeks back through work. He's a sweet, intelligent college professor. Very nice guy.)
  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    Call me ignorant I thought having a fat @ss was a good thing.....?

    oh i still very much have a fat *kitten*... but i don't think they were using that term to compliment my large rump. haha!
  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    I was on a walk one day when a man who had one arm amputated jogged by. Three houses up there was a pair of teenage girls sitting on their porch steps. One of them yelled "omg look at that stump." The other yelled "ewww put a shirt on you monster." He had ear buds in, so I hope he didn't hear them. I stopped and had a few choice words with their mom, but I doubt it did anything.

    WTH... I seriously hope that my children don't turn into "those kids" as teenagers. As of now, my children have no issue playing with or being around people with disabilities or who are different. They do ask (because they are only 3 and 6) why... and I always tell them because God made everyone different and that's why we are all beautiful.
  • MisterTEZ
    MisterTEZ Posts: 272 Member
    I think you acted with great restraint kim, I don't think I could...