Two Fat Happenings in one day. :(

Yesterday while I was at work, a little girl asked me what was under my arm. At first I had no idea what she was talking about, I thought I had something stuck to it, but as I lefted it I sadly realized she was talking about my arm flab. :frown: But she was just a little girl. It really upset me, but I joked it off. I told her it was fat. She asked why. I told her its because Im overweight. What else can you do, it was just a child :[

Then, I got up off of our office chair and heard a snap! The chair now leans to the side and the lifting piston thing isnt working properly. Maybe the chair was old, and it was about to happen anyway, but it still makes me feel like a fat *kitten*.

Anyway, as much as all this sucks, Im actually ok. Im still working towards my goal, ive already lost 38lbs. Ive changed my eatting habbits. At least Im working toward a change.

Thats all, just looking to talk to people about it!


  • HellsKells
    HellsKells Posts: 671 Member
    Doh! That sucks, but hey, you have a great attitude about it, and just remember that chairs break all the time...even for skinny people and kids will ALWAYS ask awkward questions, no matter what size you are. :wink:
  • NoxDineen
    NoxDineen Posts: 497 Member
    :( What a terrible day. /hug
  • Seokie
    Seokie Posts: 197 Member
    Sorry that all happened to you today but you have a great attitude about it

  • FatToFit12
    FatToFit12 Posts: 66 Member
    38 lbs is an awesome loss. Don't get down on yourself, kids will embarrass you no matter your size. You should be proud!
  • remember too's getting better :)
  • jandemum
    jandemum Posts: 2
    I think the amount of weight you have already lost is an inspiration! Your ability to post it up here shows that your willing to have a laugh! My five year old son turned to me while I hopped out the shower the other morning and goes 'look mummy, your tummy wobbles like jelly when you move!' I think I wanted to climb back into the shower and cry, but alas I smiled at my son, told him that mummy needs to do more exercise!' aghhhhhh the things they say! Painful, but cute!
    Good luck with the rest of your journey!
  • hula808
    hula808 Posts: 172 Member
    Yes crappy day, but your weight loss and commitment to date is pure awesome!
  • swfba
    swfba Posts: 12
    Your weight loss is great! I think you are doing an awesome job and you should pat yourself on the back :)

    My seven year old son is autistic and calls me fat on a regular basis. I try to explain its hurtful but what can I do? He doesn't get it.
  • spells1977
    spells1977 Posts: 146 Member
    You are doing so well :flowerforyou:

    It's really embarassing when things like that happen but you have the correct attitude in dusting yourself down and carrying on with your great weight loss.

    I remember a couple of years back i saw someone i hadn't seen in ages and in my defence lol i was wearing a really baggy long coat which didn't really flatter me even back then. She put her hand on my tummy and said "omg you kept that quiet, Congratulations you must be due soon" :noway: I was mortified and so was she when she saw my reaction and realised her mistake!!

    Also i was once at a bus stop and two teenagers where there. One started pushing the other saying "i'm not standing next to that fat bird" :embarassed: Like they'd catch it or something.....

    I guess these things are sent to try us and you are doing the right thing. Good luck on the rest of your journey :smile:
  • VanillaBeanSeed
    VanillaBeanSeed Posts: 562 Member
    thanks for all the encouraging words! Im proud of my loss to far and look forward to losing more!!