I need help with HRM please



  • seamonkey789
    seamonkey789 Posts: 233
    My heart rate monitor is not water proof (I use the pyle) but I only wear my heart rate monitor at the gym or dance classes and i wear my fitbit for normal every day stuff.

    One thing that helps with the heart rate monitor that I've found is even when I wet mine, it doesn't get a good reading till I've worked up a good sweat. I purchased some ultrasound gel off amazon and now i get a reading right away
  • andreamkelly
    andreamkelly Posts: 169
    I have a fitbit I wear unless I'm in the shower or in the pool. I wear a Polar FT7 when I'm working out or for water aerobics or playing in the pool with the grandkids. The polar FT7 works well in the pool, you just can't touch any of the buttons on the watch part while it is wet.
  • MeRoBi
    MeRoBi Posts: 127 Member
    Yes the Polar F4 is waterproof (you can wear it in the pool). The only thing you can't do is push the buttons on the watch while you're underwater. I love my F4 and I wear the chest strap right below my bra, and forget it's even there.
  • wannagetfit02
    wannagetfit02 Posts: 49 Member
    Thank you so much for all of your help. I will order off of Amazon tomorrow.
  • dinos
    dinos Posts: 1,390 Member
    Several watches are waterproof, but the ONLY watch that can record heart rate underwater is the Polar RCX5.