Relationship advice?



  • Ivyzmama
    Ivyzmama Posts: 108 Member
    Your self-description: " I'm extremely friendly and always up to make new friends! :) " means you might be too open minded and accepting for your own good. I'm not saying you need to be close-minded but you do need to learn to be discriminating. I'm just mentioning this because I'd describe myself the same way you describe yourself - and that pretty much means we're both wearing a sign on our forehead that reads "I'm so nice that you can walk all over me." Both you and I need to move to a slightly more selfish, more defensive middle path for our own safety, and happiness. Don't wait till you're in your 40's, like me, to figure this out!
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Seeking a relationship for the sake of being in a relationship just sounds like a bad idea to me.
  • EndlessSacrifice
    I suggest that you seek therapy before anything else. On the outside you're doing better. Better grades, you're happier, etc. However, if you're still feeling hesitant towards having a relationship, there must be something in your head still bothering you. You're still stressed and distrusting towards others. It's okay. Don't blame yourself. A therapist can help you work through the aspects of a relationship that stress you out, and you'll be able to vent about your past relationship. Hope everything goes well.
  • Dayna5K
    Dayna5K Posts: 136 Member
    3 words

    Gay best friend

    i get the cuddles and the warmth without the emotional attatchment :) just no sex.. which is fine with me.

    Hahaha!!! This is true. My GBF (gay bestie) recently moved to South America ( see profile pic). What to do now?? lol
  • jcmartin0313
    jcmartin0313 Posts: 574 Member
    It is normal to want to be in relationships. Whether or not you need therapy is a question for a professional. If your desire for a companion causes destructive or depressive behavior than you probably should seek a therapist. Since you say you do not sleep around, you do not sound like you are being destructive. Loneliness is rough thing and I do not envy you. Best of luck.
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    You're 19 years old. Why are you concerned about a relationship? Focus on your education and there will be plenty of time for a relationship in the future!!

    Uncle Top
  • SomeoneSomeplace
    SomeoneSomeplace Posts: 1,094 Member
    I have a long history of dating guys that are bad for me.

    And all it took was one bad guy to get me started on that path.

    Until you have fully healed and gotten over your bad relationship I don't think it's smart to start a new one. You can't use another person to heal your wounds or as a way to feel confident. I do this myself and it's honestly really unhealthy and leads to more pain and turmoil than happiness and healing.

    After my fist true love I rebounded with some guys, did the whole single thing for a while, but I found I still missed me ex. I missed the companionship, having a person to take care of , who loved me etc. So I ended up with the wrong person again. My dating history reads like a whose who of human crap. I've settled a lot, I've been with a lot of guys who weren't good enough for me.

    I realize now that as much as I hate being single (and I hate it) it's really what's best for me. You need to take time to figure out how much you're worth and what you deserve and learn to love yourself first.

    I know it's cliche but I honestly think all my relationships have failed because I still haven't gotten over the scar my first real love left me with. There is nothing wrong with feeling good in a relationship but you shouldn't need another person to make you happy. And you shouldn't be with someone simply because you feel the need to have that special person. You should end up with someone because you truly want to be with them, not just that you don't want to be alone

    I am not in therapy but I am strongly considering it. I have talked to my pastor quite a few times and this has helped a lot. Sometimes having a sounding board is very helpful. But honestly I feel that if you try and start something now you'll end up or settle for someone who isn't good enough for you
  • TheDudette
    TheDudette Posts: 174
    Seek therapy.

    Seriously? ...

    Most people hear that as criticism, but it generally isn't, and I know it wasn't meant that way here. The fact is that everyone would benefit from therapy. I had weekly therapy for more than a year, and it changed my life immensely and very much for the better. A therapist can teach you a lot about what is and isn't healthy in a relationship, and you can learn about red flags you can catch earlier on next time around. When you stay in a bad relationship for any length of time, there's a lot more healing that needs to take place versus a regular break-up. It's also generally a sign of low self-esteem, which is definitely helped with therapy.

    It's very sound advice, and I really hope you follow it.

    Best advice ever!
  • ethansmug
    ethansmug Posts: 159 Member
    Whats yo name, what's yo number, I would like to get to know ya =P

    But seriously, right now it sounds like you need to work on you and forget about any kind of relationships.

    I mean if you want sex then just be honest with it and use a condom, but just be sure that before you enter into something real that your head is on straight and that you know who you are before figuring out who it is you want to be with.

    That being said, if you need a booty call hit me up heeheeheehee
  • Melanie_RS
    Melanie_RS Posts: 417 Member
    if you are in school, ditch the relationship, keep your grades up, get a real job someday and THEN find a person to share it with. don't get distracted, people are awful!
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    why is friends with benifits not you at all? as long as you are clear with what you want you could be happy with everything that comes out of it.

    edit. i think of fwb as a best friend who you might get a bit frisky some times. but could draw the line where ever they want to.
  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    You came out of a bad relationship that messed you up mentally so why not therapy? Therapy is not bad and it doesn't make you a bad person for going. It might help you resolve your trust issues so you can date again.
  • jayb33z
    jayb33z Posts: 87 Member
    polenex shower massager...
  • Papabear0428
    I think just about everyone here has come to a consensus: You really don't need to be in a relationship right now until you figure out what's really going on inside that head of yours. You're so young so maybe being in a relationship is not necessarily a good thing for you right now until you learn to love yourself first. I also think counseling could help you. Give yourself time to know and love yourself first, then you'll be ready to seek out and love someone who will treat you right the first time.
  • paintlisapurple
    paintlisapurple Posts: 982 Member
    Keep doing your own'll happen when u least expect it.
  • rozsbluejay
    rozsbluejay Posts: 303 Member
    Don't worry I know how you feel about being single and all. I know I would love someone in my arms right now but I was in a situation where someone emotionally abused be and at that point I chose to be single than to be with someone that treated me bad. I kept replaying the situation in my head and I got really emotionally sick. So I did seek help. So I would go to therapy. Nothing to get mad or embarrassed about. This way you have a professional to talk about and give you real advice and you get to really talk to someone in detail and really open up about someone and just let go and release all your emotions.
  • Dayna5K
    Dayna5K Posts: 136 Member
    You're 19 years old. Why are you concerned about a relationship? Focus on your education and there will be plenty of time for a relationship in the future!!

    Uncle Top

  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Seeking a relationship for the sake of being in a relationship just sounds like a bad idea to me.

    I second that.
  • aliceguy
    aliceguy Posts: 128 Member
    I can relate to your situation but from the other side having been hurnt and burnt by what I thought were great relationships until it was clear they weren't. Same story, cant trust, dont want to go through all that again etc..etc....But being on your own for a while lets you have a clear look at yourself and find out what you are about, strengths and weaknesses and so on IMO. Yes, you do miss the companionship and not being able to share moments, thoughts etc but I believe if you go looking for a partner, then the quest may blind you to some of their shortfalls I believe.
    Just let life take its course, be true to yourself and your beliefs and what happens will happen. Oh, and the FWB thing...does anyone think they can really just have regular sex with someone and have no emotional attachment really? I know I couldn't...
  • aliceguy
    aliceguy Posts: 128 Member
    or has someone complained??? Cos no answers for hours on this page which seems weird..