Anyone falling into the obsessive side of weightloss?

At my heaviest i was 210lbs (giving birth to my son), i am now 146lbs. My first goal was 150, which i thought i would be happy with, but im not happy with it. I'm 5'6. I have a new goal, 130lbs. However i fear my goal won't ever feel good enough......


  • kaylasch
    kaylasch Posts: 6 Member
    I'm going through that as well. Started at 162, my goal was 145, now I've made it to 135. But I still want to lose more... I've definitely become obsessed but know I need to stop. But how?
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    At my heaviest i was 210lbs (giving birth to my son), i am now 146lbs. My first goal was 150, which i thought i would be happy with, but im not happy with it. I'm 5'6. I have a new goal, 130lbs. However i fear my goal won't ever feel good enough......

    Surprisingly enough this has not happened to me.. I am currently at 250 lbs. down 310 lbs. and still losing weight slowly but my focus on the scale is nothing like it use to be... I would count the days til Wednesday every week because that was always weigh in day and now I sometime forget that Wednesday had come because I am more focus in on how my clothes fit now and how I feel overall... I use to be a numbers guy but not so much anymore..... Best of Luck.....
  • mgram2
    mgram2 Posts: 128 Member
    At my heaviest i was 210lbs (giving birth to my son), i am now 146lbs. My first goal was 150, which i thought i would be happy with, but im not happy with it. I'm 5'6. I have a new goal, 130lbs. However i fear my goal won't ever feel good enough......

    I completely understand this. At my heaviest I was 171 (when I was pregnant with my son)... then lost the baby weight and went back to 143 (which was my norm).. but then somehow gained back to 162 a couple years later. My original goal was to get back down to 143 .. then 135 when that wasn't good enough.. then 130.. and now it's 125.
    Everyone tells me how fantastic I look.. but I don't know.. I guess I just still see the overweight me. I don't think it's a numbers thing .. .it's honestly a head game with myself.

    ..I'm 5'5
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    MAYBE!! I started at 210 ih im 5 9 tall first it was 180 then 170 165 now i want 158 :)
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    I know my goal won't ever be good enough. In fact, now I've just accepted it, and decided to be happy and eat some total crap every once and a while, because even though I'm pretty close to goal (and about the same as you), I'm still picking everything apart in the mirror.
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    Yeah, I am fighting through that now. Finally my period came and encouraged some compulsive eating. A few days ago, I was "full" on 700 calories. I mean, I felt full, but I wonder how much of that was in my head. I've been really stressing this because last year I lost 30 pounds and plateaued at 230, which I never could get below, and I gained it all back and then some. Now I'm at 227, but it's only been a few days, and I'm stressing that I didn't really break my plateau and I'm going to see 230 again. I'm freaking out also because I have stopped finding joy in eating, which has NEVER, EVER been a problem (even last year when I did this on MFP). I am afraid to talk to anyone about it because they might think I'm exaggerating the problem, but in my head I'm freaking out about everything- from the fact that I'm not eating enough, to the fact that I feel like if I eat over 800 calories, I'll be at 230 again.

    And please, don't stress the starvation mode thing on me... I'm freaking out enough about it!!!
  • TheLongRunner
    TheLongRunner Posts: 688 Member
    OMG I could have totally written this. I started at 247 had an original goal of 147. Met that goal. Thought I could go I just keep lowering my goal. I have my current ultimate goal set at 139 and I hit 139.6 this morning and immediately started contemplating how much lower I could go. I have been feeling somewhat depressed about this thinking all day long. AT what point will I be happy?
  • I completely understand. I have been diagnosed with an eating disorder and just had a baby six weeks ago today. I'll tell you - it IS a head game. Your body image is bad - you see what you were so used to seeing before, instead of what everyone else sees. PLEASE do not wait until you get sick. I spent a lot of time in inpatient treatment and still struggle every single day. The only reason I'm eating as much as I am now is because I'm breastfeeding. Pregnancy and the changes that came with it are the hardest thing i've had to deal with. I swear I still look pregnant but everyone says i look great. I'm telling you YOU LOOK GREAT. All of you! Don't let it go too far. At one point I got so sick I lost hair, I was always cold, I didn't and couldn't live a normal life. I don't want anyone to have to go through what I still go through to this day. You are all my inspiration for doing this the RIGHT way. Keep on the right track you look awesome. :happy:
  • I'm so glad I'm not alone! I had an original goal of 135 and now I'm 127, but I still freak out every time I go over my suggested daily caloric intake...I mean, I certainly don't condone eating disorders, but I think I understand how it could get to that point. I'm just terrified of gaining it all back and I always seem to find someone smaller than me and I question if I should set my goal even lower.

    When you do hit your goal, are you guys setting your caloric intake to maintain your current weight? I just feel like that'd be really difficult after 7 months of 1200cal a day.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I know this will happen to me if I'm not very careful, so when I hit the low 120s, I'm planning on switching out all scale number goals for workout and fitness goals. I want to be in incredible shape, especially since I'm thinking about doing the Appalachian Thru Hike in a couple of years, which is a pretty long walk.

    Having new goals to replace just being thin will hopefully stop me from going overboard with losing.
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    I have been there. About 5 years ago I got on the scale, saw 148, and went on a diet. My goal was 135. I ended up continuing to lose until I weighed 114 lbs. And I STILL wasn't happy with my body. Unfortunately I have already begun to develop a bad relationship with food that lasted for years, and I ended up gaining back 45 lbs altogether.

    Now that I'm trying to lose weight again, I have discovered the importance of strength training, and the importance of NOT just going by the number on the scale. I am happier with my body now at 156 than I ever was at 114 because I was just flab, skin, and bones. Please don't let things get out of hand like I did - if you are honestly concerned it's getting to that point, I recommended talking to someone you know in real life and let them know how you're feeling. Losing weight is difficult, especially when you're not seeing the results you thought you were going to get. I just offer my story as a warning because you're at the point where you can make the decision to change your attitude about eating and not let yourself get overly obsessive. I no longer count calories but just watch my portions, in addition to exercising 6x a week. It's been really great for my mental health.
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    At my heaviest i was 210lbs (giving birth to my son), i am now 146lbs. My first goal was 150, which i thought i would be happy with, but im not happy with it. I'm 5'6. I have a new goal, 130lbs. However i fear my goal won't ever feel good enough......
    I'm 5' 6" and wasn't quite satisfied at 145 because I still had a little tummy, etc. I am happier at 125-130. I think you will like the results when you get there! I'm hoping to be there by February! (the hard part for me is maintaining-I didn't use the maintenance mode last time but this time I will) good luck
  • Coeby83
    Coeby83 Posts: 17
    Thanks for your comments everyone, add me if u wanna chat more about it:)