


  • Eat more and keep it to good stuff. Nothing wrong with having from fruit, veggies, lean protein and good fats (like nuts). If you body is telling you that it's hungry then fuel it as you more than likely need the calories. If you don't you will hit a road block at some point in the future so better to fix it now.

    One of my staples is 2 tbsp of natural peanut butter, 1 tbsp of all natural fruit preserves (such as Pollander's) on 2 slices of whole grain bread. I'm male and much larger than you so cut a slice of bread if you want and even the PB to 1tbsp.

    Who knew that a PB&J sandwich could be good for you and tastes just like the real thing!!!

    The above is about 500 calories btw.

    Some other healthy filling foods (think Fiber rich foods):

    Sweet potatoes (ever have a baked one?--tremendous with a touch of olive oil (more good fat) and a little S&P)
    Good fats--nuts and nut butters, good oils like canola, oil, sesame and coconut
    Beans--Loaded with Fiber so takes longer to digest
    Fish--Especially Salmon...lots of great fats
    Grapes--probably the most fiber rich fruit
    Low-fat yogurt and cottage cheese
    Soup--Go broth based and watch the sodium
  • selig0730
    selig0730 Posts: 509 Member
    eat some protein so your not staving all the time, also maybe eat more then 1200 calories, if your working out u can eat maybe 1400 for the day.
  • Alish1974
    Alish1974 Posts: 20 Member
    While exercising will get you more calories to consume during the day make sure you're also making good food decisions. One of my favorite and actually filling treats is to take a half a cup of strawberries with some cool whip. It's low enough in calories and delicious. Really any fruit and lite cool whip. It's my favorite dessert and I don't feel like I'm sacrificing anything. I also eat a lot of low carb yogurt, chicken, almonds, tuna fish, eggs, mission low carb tortillas, ground turkey fresh vegetables etc., these things are going to allow you to eat more quantity (except for the almonds - you really gotta watch your portion size) and get more of a nutritional bang for your buck if ya know what I mean.
  • piscesgirl_2
    piscesgirl_2 Posts: 6 Member
    I have to agree with the Greek Yogurt advice. Fage is my favorite. It's a tad higher in calories, but because of the higher fiber it really ties me over until my next meal. I eat it everyday. Also Try to get more for your "caloric" buck. For instance, instead of raisins, eat grapes. Just an example. Also a staple for me is at least 2C of watermelon a day. That helps you feel full. I also agree with getting more than 8c of water in. Good luck to you on this journey! :)
  • Hickyvikki69
    Hickyvikki69 Posts: 371 Member
    eat a salad n fat free dressing. it feels you up and also low in calories..its worth a try
  • tlblood
    tlblood Posts: 473 Member
    eat more to lose more... nothing from a box or bag, none of that man made crap ... meat, fruit, veggies, whole grains. period.
    a galon of water a day no food 3 hours before bed time ... make leafy greens and lean protein your best friend

    I once heard that Good food is God's food.
  • I feel ya, but my feelings of "starving" are sporadic. Yesterday, I wasn't hungry for dinner and today I thought I was going to faint after dinner. I think it all depends on what "kind" of calories you consume as opposed to how many. But I think it's very important to listen to you body as you count calories and watch intake. Dizziness and feeling lightheaded are warning signs that you should take seriously, even if it means you have to go over your calories for one day.
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    1200 is too low--that's why you're starving. Check out the Eat More to Weigh Less group. It's opposite almost everything we were told about weight loss and the concept is scary. It takes a while to get your mind around it, so give yourself time to read about it and think about it and see how it makes sense. Don't discount it out of hand--pretend it's a new animal that you've got to introduce yourself to--no sudden movements.

    I've been going up and down, up and down the scale since last January-2011 and when I was starving myself, I felt accomplished as the numbers were going down, but I felt terrible physically and emotionally and I just couldn't keep it going--so I would give up and eat and gain all the weight back again--until I felt motivated again--started up--and repeated the whole cycle. I finally figured out why I would give up--I just didn't have the energy to work out and do everything else in my life that needed doing, because I wasn't eating enough--and those times I felt well enough and motivated enough to start again? well, it was because I had been eating!

    I'm not, and the EM2WL philosoply does NOT advocate mindless bingeing--uncontrolled eating was probably what got us here to begin with-that and the fact that "dieting" has messed with our metabolism so badly that we don't process any food properly. There are boundaries and guidelines and eating plans and it's combined with the notion that you will be working out.

    I'm new at this way of thinking and eating but I've got to tell you, I feel better, I can work out harder and longer, I'm not starving and obsessing about food and I really think it will be the difference that's always been missing--it will be the factor that finally allows me to lose weight, get strong and lean and feel great while I'm doing it!

    So check it out and good luck!!!
  • Look for low cal foods like cabbage, watch what you add to food. I eat eggs but never the yolk. I never had an issue with carbs or fat but my sodium goes through the roof if don't watch it so just try and stay natural. I eat wholesome rye bread which is 200cal instead of 300-350
  • pagella
    pagella Posts: 44
    MIne is also only 1200. I drink lots and lots of water and eat lots of 90 cal fiber one brownies helps with the choc cravings. good luck!
  • starlite_79
    starlite_79 Posts: 88 Member
    i just got started on MFP yesterday and my daily goal is 1,240. i seem to do well most of the day, until night time. i've been trying to eat healthier snacks like low fat cottage cheese + pineapple, baby carrots + hummus--heck, i just snacked on 2 turkey sausage patties. aiming for more protein to fill me up, which is challenging because i'm a self-confessed carbaholic. also drinking the recommended 8 cups of water (subbing 2-3 of those cups of water for tea).
  • sarbar71
    sarbar71 Posts: 191 Member
    You could try putting some protein powder into a yogurt for breakfast or a snack. It will help fill you up longer!
  • BSBgirl337
    BSBgirl337 Posts: 119 Member
    Do you know if you change your settings from 2 pounds per down down to 1 or 1.5, you'll be able to eat more? I started on 1200, too, and was always hungry. I changed my weight loss goal on here to 1.5 per week, and now I get 1460 before exercise.

    The advice people are giving you to exercise more so you can eat more is not going to help in my opinion. I exercise quite a bit whether I diet or not, and take zumba 3 times a week. If you are already hungry, exercising is just going to make you more hungry! Earning 300 more calories a day isn't going to fix that. Listen to your body and up your calorie intake. You're way more likely to succeed if you're not starving all the time! :)
  • bsajbel
    bsajbel Posts: 2
    I started about 30 pounds away from my goal weight at 180 pounds (female) and have been on a 1200 calorie diet for over a month now with no problems or complaints. Actually figuring out where a calorie comes from and what makes certain foods high or low in calories made my life SO much easier! Google "energy density" and read an article or two. Basically, it tells you how to stretch your calories the farthest. If you don't have time to read them and figure it all out, it takes your body longer to break down certain foods (namely proteins and fiber), so you feel full longer on less calories. Multi-grain Sandwich Thins are my saving grace, with a thin smear of peanut butter (nuts are tricky- good fats, but extremely high in calories), hummus, or sugar free jelly. Also, plain cereals (like bran and multi-grain cheerios) with unsweetened ALMOND milk. Unsweetened soy and almond milk is very low in calories without the massive amount of sugar present in cow's milk. You can add in fruits like blueberries and strawberries, too. One cup of my bran cereal and one cup of almond milk is under 150 calories. Also, green veggies are excellent and there are SO many options out there that aren't plain lettuce! My favorite treats (without starving myself) are low-sugar dark chocolate, fruit smoothies (cup unsweetened almond milk, cup frozen berries, 2 Splenda = 150 calories), and freezer pops I make myself with Crystal Lite. I drink a LOT of water throughout the day and green tea. I find that most of the time I think I'm hungry, it's just because I'm bored. A glass of water or a piece of sugar free gum keeps my mouth busy and I usually find that I forget about eating because I wasn't really hungry in the first place! Good luck!
  • stargazer008
    stargazer008 Posts: 531
    Raise your cals then or eat more filling, protein rich, fibre rich foods.
  • JuneBPrice
    JuneBPrice Posts: 294 Member
    Up your calories. If you're hungry, you're not eating enough.
  • jchizick
    jchizick Posts: 12 Member
    Stick to drinking water, eating too much gum on an empty stomach will activate digestive enzymes in your stomach and you don't want that. You have been on a 1200 calorie diet for some time now, try and zig-zag your calories. So, one day eat 1500 calories and the next 1100. Over a week your average daily calories will still be 1200. Mixing it up will stop your body from getting accustomed to 1200 calories. The body is smart, it will adapt to 1200 calories and you will not see results as quickly. What is your split Carbs / Protein / Fat ? Everyone's' body is sensitive to different ratios, find one that works for you.
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 811 Member
    When i exercise i get more calories but still not much thoe :) because i weigh 155 i wont lose alot of calories working out...

    What the heck does this mean? I weighed 160lbs and I lost a ton of calories working out. Also, up your calorie intake.
  • Ash_ah_lee
    Ash_ah_lee Posts: 116 Member
    I eat 1200 a day.. but my net is at 1060... breakfast.. am snack..lunch..afternoon snack... dinner.. then before bed snack.. and im never hungry..
  • I am in your situation too whereby not many alofies are burned from exercising. Initially when I started to cut down on my calories, trust me, I was always feeling hungry. I guess you have to give your body some time to adapt to your lower calorie intake. For me, it took approximately 2 weeks. If you are really hungry, dot starve yourself! Snack on food that are low in calories but filing at the same time. For me, japanese cucumbers are the way to go! There are only around 10 calories per stick and 2 sticks should keep you feeling satisfied. I would advice to never snack on nuts or protein bars when you are hungry as you will tend to have lots of them, resulting in many calories consumed. Those snacks should only be consumed when not hungry, So that you can easily control your portion. Just my suggestions! Good luck