Still not doing so great

I am having a hard time, I got to lose about 11 pounds but a few days before thanksgiving I started to eat slowly but way to much. I thought that I was going to just pick myself up and keep going but haven't done that . So I weigh now 297 again, if you are not careful it can come just as fast as it left. I have felt like giving up, I am 54 years old and it's just so hard for me right now. Health wise, it's not been so great too. Oh well, let me get off now Madeline


  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    If you give up, nothing changes. You already know this is affecting your health, and from reading your profile, you have plenty of reasons to stick around, and you are sustained by your faith, so I am going to suggest some additional reading. Below is a link to a post I started earlier today. In April of this year, I felt just like you. In January of this year, I had surgery and lost about 12 lbs. :drinker: as a result. "Good start, " I thought, " I will 'watch it' and keep losing from here." I "watched it," alright--watched it go right back up. so that by mid April, I had regained what I had lost, plus 3 lbs. of "interest.":brokenheart: :sad:

    I went back to a prior post of mine & pulled some info that I think might help here:

    ".... I have tended to be heavy since I was about 10 or 11, with some time spent at pretty close to a normal weight in high school and college, but on my 55th birthday, I realized that about 35 pounds had settled in places that I didn't really care to have it, AND even if it were gone, I would still be about 70 pounds over what I should be for my height. The last straw was having a male acquaintance who had no willpower, and whose wife despaired of ever getting him to lose an ounce, manage to lose 16 pounds in 6 weeks--just by using Smart ones meals for both his lunch and dinner!! I figured, if he could do it, there were no more excuses for me.

    I read that people who log their food and track their exercise are more successful at weight loss than those who don't. I also read that in order to really be successful at KEEPING weight off, one should approach the fight as a lifestyle change--not a "diet." I knew I needed to become more active, and I have always liked walking, so I started with a vengeance. I now try to do 24-28 miles a week on the walking trails near my home. ...

    I started my journey the day after Easter, and lost 27 pounds in 13 weeks.

    I eat anything I choose to, BUT I choose wisely. I always eat breakfast, even if it is a nutrition bar, in a pinch. I watch my sodium intake, since I am on medication for high blood pressure."***NOTE As of 12/7, my BP meds were reduced by 75% by my doctor.:drinker: :drinker: )***

    "I started off planning to be 100 pounds lighter by my birthday next year, which is in April. I decided to go for broke and shoot for my ideal weight by the 4th of July. Even if I don't quite make it in that time frame, I still feel I will have "won" because I will be healthier than I probably every have been, and lighter too.

    Just call me a potato who fell off the couch and started walking !! "

    OK, so here is that "link" I mentioned:

    YOU have to do this for YOU!!!! Good luck!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:


    P.S. Check out our 50+ Women's thread, here is a link to it:
  • inkaddict
    get back on the wagon any time.
    Just cause you fell off doesnt mean you have to wait until tomorrow or next week to get back on. So what we are human, we aren't perfect.
    Think of the people that love you, and how they will get to have you in their lives for that much longer when you eat healthy and live a healthy lifestyle.
  • xeniasimms
    OMG I have been doing the same thing. Thank you for writing that! I needed it! Since Thanksgiving I have been cnsuming at least 25oo calories a day. And I haven't been to the gym in 2 weeks. I ate three cups (yes 24 oz.) of dulce de leche ice cream yesterday and that's on top of the food I ate too. I needed to hear that someone else is struggling too. Come on, we can get back on track together. Tomorrow we will get back on track, eating right and exercising. Let's forget the wiehgt we've gained back and the tone we've lost. We can't get tomorrow back! We'll move forward!