Bariatric surgery



  • abaum01
    abaum01 Posts: 1 Member
    In order to qualify for bariatric surgery, you need to be at least 100 pounds overweight, or have a BMI of 40 or above. You may also qualify for surgery if you have a BMI of 35 with co-morbitities, such as sleep apnea, hypertension, diabetes, etc. In addition, unless you have a BMI of 50 or higher, you will also be required to go on a medically supervised weight loss plan for six months first to see if you can lose the weight that way.

    Surgery is not the easy way out or a quick fix. It is only a tool. With it, you still have to make lifelong changes, and change your relationship to food, or it will not work. If not, you will gain the weight back again. Believe me, I've seen people I know who have had the surgery and 5-10 years out, gain the weight back.

    I have been researching weight loss surgery for a while now, as I have been considering it and talked to my doctor about it. My doctor is in support of me having the surgery, but right now I am on a six month medically supervised weight loss plan. I am really hoping this works, because I really don't want to have surgery, but I am willing to do what I need to in order to lose the weight. Every time I try to lose weight, I lose 25 pounds, and then it just stops. But I have to get my mind out of the "diet" mentality and into a "lifestyle change" mentality. I think I am getting there, and I love this website because it has really been helpful. I have my first weigh in this week, and I am hoping to see some changes!