Eating vegan to aid weight loss?



  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Emily, there is tons of variety in vegan foods, but it definitely takes a willingness to step back from the normal foods. I've eaten a much wider array of foods since being vegan than I did before. When it comes to eating out, there is definitely less to choose from, that's very true.
  • _TastySnoBalls_
    _TastySnoBalls_ Posts: 1,298 Member
    variety is NOT an issue. My vegan diet has more variety in it than my vegetarian and omnivore diets. I actually cook now. The options are endless. Personally, it did not help me lose weight because i am a mindless, binge eater. and once i got into vegan baking, it was all over (eating an entire tin of muffins in a day). sooooooooo, that's why i am here. to gain control of my portions. Nutrients are not an issue, you can everything you need on a WELL BALANCED vegan diet.
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Has anyone heard of this before? I am severely anemic, but cannot absorb iron from meat for some odd reason - awaiting tests to find out why. SO I'm trying a new route, getting my iron purely from vegetables and pulses. As much as i love milk, cheese and chocolate, I over eat on them, all the time and its not helping my diet lol.

    Would changing to a vegan diet, even just for a couple of months aid my weight loss and improve my iron intake?

    If you can't absorb iron from meat I don't think you would be able to absorb it from other sources either. Do you have a link?
  • Luxxmundi
    Luxxmundi Posts: 52
    Has anyone heard of this before? I am severely anemic, but cannot absorb iron from meat for some odd reason - awaiting tests to find out why. SO I'm trying a new route, getting my iron purely from vegetables and pulses. As much as i love milk, cheese and chocolate, I over eat on them, all the time and its not helping my diet lol.

    Would changing to a vegan diet, even just for a couple of months aid my weight loss and improve my iron intake?

    If you can't absorb iron from meat I don't think you would be able to absorb it from other sources either. Do you have a link?

    A link to what sorry? I'm not saying i'm going to 100% be able to absorb more iron this way, but im willing to try it. With my energy levels as low as they are, it makes it very hard to get anything done. Even going back upto an 8 would be nice, at least I could stay awake for the day then!
  • laus_8882
    laus_8882 Posts: 217 Member
    I've done the McDougall diet and lost a ton of weight. The food's a bit questionable unless, like me, you thoroughly enjoy a plate of lentil and vegetable slop with a head of lettuce as a side. Personally I didn't find it sustainable, because I absolutely love plain yogurt, nuts and seeds. Nuts and seeds are allowed occasionally but I like to eat them daily, in quantities far larger than the McDougall plan recommends. I'm not so sure you'll be able to get your iron up on the diet though. I ate a lot of leafy greens, got in beans and lentils daily and mine remained extremely low. You might need to supplement for a few months to get your levels up.

    So yeah, great for weight loss, just not something everyone can stick to for maintenance.
  • Veganniee
    Veganniee Posts: 460 Member
    I haven't read the entire thread because these things tend to decline into vegan v meat eaters and I just want to address the OP's point.

    Your dinner sounds lovely and is just the kind of thing you should be eating as a vegan. Lentils are perfect and your main meals should be based around pulses, nuts, tofu etc rather than processed foods such as veggie sausages and burgers.

    As for whether it's a good diet, that depends on what you eat. Unprocessed fresh food, yes; vegan junk food, no!
  • Luxxmundi
    Luxxmundi Posts: 52
    I haven't read the entire thread because these things tend to decline into vegan v meat eaters and I just want to address the OP's point.

    Your dinner sounds lovely and is just the kind of thing you should be eating as a vegan. Lentils are perfect and your main meals should be based around pulses, nuts, tofu etc rather than processed foods such as veggie sausages and burgers.

    As for whether it's a good diet, that depends on what you eat. Unprocessed fresh food, yes; vegan junk food, no!

    Thank you :) I'm attempting make everything from scratch, I have bought some veggie burgers but these are a treat food lol. The only thing im not sure on is milk. As in what do I put in my coffee instead of cows milk? Does soya taste okay?
  • momtokgo
    momtokgo Posts: 446 Member
    For the milk you will just have to try them out. I find soy really horribly sweet and won't drink it, but I love original almond milk. Not nearly as sweet, or thick.
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Has anyone heard of this before? I am severely anemic, but cannot absorb iron from meat for some odd reason - awaiting tests to find out why. SO I'm trying a new route, getting my iron purely from vegetables and pulses. As much as i love milk, cheese and chocolate, I over eat on them, all the time and its not helping my diet lol.

    Would changing to a vegan diet, even just for a couple of months aid my weight loss and improve my iron intake?

    If you can't absorb iron from meat I don't think you would be able to absorb it from other sources either. Do you have a link?

    A link to what sorry? I'm not saying i'm going to 100% be able to absorb more iron this way, but im willing to try it. With my energy levels as low as they are, it makes it very hard to get anything done. Even going back upto an 8 would be nice, at least I could stay awake for the day then!

    A link that shows its absorbed via a different pathway. I know we are able to absorb more iron from meat than plant. What does your doctor say? Will he give you supplements?
  • Veganniee
    Veganniee Posts: 460 Member
    I have bought some veggie burgers but these are a treat food lol. The only thing im not sure on is milk. As in what do I put in my coffee instead of cows milk? Does soya taste okay?

    Oh burgers are fine. I was just thinking if you were going to rely on processed food daily it might not be a good diet!

    Soya isn't too nice unless you buy the chilled one rather than long life. Rice or oat milks aren't my favourites either. I have either almond or coconut which are both lovely. I'm someone that would rather have black coffee than something that isn't cows milk in it, but have managed to easily convert to coconut milk in my morning coffee. I'd suggest buying small cartons of all of them to try. You might love ones that I don't. However, almond seems to be universally loved and rice is not!
  • Luxxmundi
    Luxxmundi Posts: 52
    Has anyone heard of this before? I am severely anemic, but cannot absorb iron from meat for some odd reason - awaiting tests to find out why. SO I'm trying a new route, getting my iron purely from vegetables and pulses. As much as i love milk, cheese and chocolate, I over eat on them, all the time and its not helping my diet lol.

    Would changing to a vegan diet, even just for a couple of months aid my weight loss and improve my iron intake?

    If you can't absorb iron from meat I don't think you would be able to absorb it from other sources either. Do you have a link?

    A link to what sorry? I'm not saying i'm going to 100% be able to absorb more iron this way, but im willing to try it. With my energy levels as low as they are, it makes it very hard to get anything done. Even going back upto an 8 would be nice, at least I could stay awake for the day then!

    A link that shows its absorbed via a different pathway. I know we are able to absorb more iron from meat than plant. What does your doctor say? Will he give you supplements?

    I'm already on over 800mg a day,and as said before, its made no difference over the last three months. My body is just not absorbing iron at all, no matter how much meat I eat or if I increase my Vit C intake. I've tried both of those paths before, so thought I'd try the plant route. It might not work, but at least I can say I've tried everything. My Dr has me on the waiting list for an IV, and to see a specialist about my thyroid, in the meant time, theres not much else he can do.
  • cafeteriagirl
    cafeteriagirl Posts: 267 Member
    Yes, my sister started because of her health problems on the Dr. Furhman's Eat to Live program. I also am trying it I noticed another person posted about the program. It does help you lose and you feel better also. Good luck if you choose that route. BTW, I was looking online at youtube last night and there is many videos posted from Dr. Furhman if you have any questions on his plan.
  • momtokgo
    momtokgo Posts: 446 Member
    Has anyone heard of this before? I am severely anemic, but cannot absorb iron from meat for some odd reason - awaiting tests to find out why. SO I'm trying a new route, getting my iron purely from vegetables and pulses. As much as i love milk, cheese and chocolate, I over eat on them, all the time and its not helping my diet lol.

    Would changing to a vegan diet, even just for a couple of months aid my weight loss and improve my iron intake?

    If you can't absorb iron from meat I don't think you would be able to absorb it from other sources either. Do you have a link?

    A link to what sorry? I'm not saying i'm going to 100% be able to absorb more iron this way, but im willing to try it. With my energy levels as low as they are, it makes it very hard to get anything done. Even going back upto an 8 would be nice, at least I could stay awake for the day then!

    A link that shows its absorbed via a different pathway. I know we are able to absorb more iron from meat than plant. What does your doctor say? Will he give you supplements?

    I'm already on over 800mg a day,and as said before, its made no difference over the last three months. My body is just not absorbing iron at all, no matter how much meat I eat or if I increase my Vit C intake. I've tried both of those paths before, so thought I'd try the plant route. It might not work, but at least I can say I've tried everything. My Dr has me on the waiting list for an IV, and to see a specialist about my thyroid, in the meant time, theres not much else he can do.

    Don't put too much hope into the IV either, it might not work. I have the same issue as you with the mal absorbtion, and did an IV a few months ago. My hemoglobin levels went up, my iron did not. Not saying it won't work for you, just be prepared that it might not.
  • SuperVegan8
    SuperVegan8 Posts: 78 Member
    Has anyone heard of this before? I am severely anemic, but cannot absorb iron from meat for some odd reason - awaiting tests to find out why. SO I'm trying a new route, getting my iron purely from vegetables and pulses. As much as i love milk, cheese and chocolate, I over eat on them, all the time and its not helping my diet lol.

    Would changing to a vegan diet, even just for a couple of months aid my weight loss and improve my iron intake?

    I was iron deficient but not anemic prior to becoming vegan. Even with iron supplements i was never able to maintain healthy iron levels. Now my iron levels are within normal ranges from a vegan diet (including my daily Deva multivitamin). I'm not saying that becoming vegan will fix your iron levels because everyone is different, but its worth chatting to your doctor about and giving it a go.
  • SelkieDiver
    SelkieDiver Posts: 260 Member
    To the OP:
    Thank you :) I'm attempting make everything from scratch, I have bought some veggie burgers but these are a treat food lol. The only thing im not sure on is milk. As in what do I put in my coffee instead of cows milk? Does soya taste okay?

    For coffee, I like either Silk soymilk creamer or Trader Joe's. For other things you would use cows milk in (cooking especially) I like unflavored Almond milk. I personally can detect a flavor change when I use soy milk in cooking and it isn't always pleasant.

    One thing that may help your iron absorption is to combine nuts and seeds with greens. These 2 foods have a beneficial effect when eaten together.
  • Luxxmundi
    Luxxmundi Posts: 52
    I've gone for soy milk in coffee, I have to admit It is sweet, but it means I'm not having my usual two sugars. I haven't used it in cooking yet, I normally substitute with coconut milk. But can't stand coconut milk on its own or in cereal lol

    IV has been postponed, again. Waiting on a hospital appointment, but it seems to never come. Was meant to have it done today, but no room for me, again. I feel like I'm getting worse but it doesn't matter to anyone else :(