Homemade hangover remedy?



  • NatGnat
    NatGnat Posts: 13 Member
    It's not healthy or weightloss-friendly but hell you already drank enough to get a hangover sooo.. this is what I do. Go to a taqueria and eat a big ol' breakfast burrito with all the good stuff on it i.e. eggs, cheese, bacon, potatoes, lots of salsa etc. and wash it down with a sprite. Take some ibuprofen and chill. Then start drinking lots of water to replenish/flush your system from the alcohol. What ever you do don't drink water first. I know you are super thirsty but for some reason it will make you feel like you are drunk all over again but the really bad, sick kind of drunk.
  • Dalacombe
    Dalacombe Posts: 30
    Well, that word we're not supposed to mention + sleep + water. A banana (potassium) will help too. Keep your fluids up since you just dehydrated your body with alcohol. If you have any preggo friends with morning sickness, begging a Zofran has not been unheard of ;)
  • laurastrait21
    laurastrait21 Posts: 307 Member
    I always feel better after some canned soup -- the salt and extra fluid does wonders!
  • 17ChargerGirl17
    Isn't that what Menudo is for??? LOL
  • Furbuster
    Furbuster Posts: 254 Member
    A can of fat Coke and Marmite on toast.

    Sugar, caffeine, salt and carbs. Works for me - less as I get older though :((
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    Panadol Paracetamol with caffeine. Seriously.

    You will be bouncing off the walls in 10 minutes.
  • pennyrtyler
    pennyrtyler Posts: 79 Member
    Eggs and toast ... small fruit juice or Gatorade ... aspirin ... water ... nap if possible

    Also, if you live near a 7-11, I always found that a hot dog and Crystal Light Slurpee worked magic.

    Good luck!

    Also - get moving and keep moving. The more you lay around, the longer you're going to feel like ka-ka.
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Drink Pickle Juice - The Russians are big vodka drinkers and this is a trick they use in the mother land. I didn't believe this until I tried it. Trust me, it works. People always think it sounds disgusting, drinking pickle juice but it does work. Pickle juice helps get rid of the hangover because the high salt intake helps keep you from pissing out the water you need to rehydrate yourself. There is also something in the vinegar that "we're told" helps counter-act the toxins. Whatever - it works.
  • hobbitgrrl
    hobbitgrrl Posts: 67 Member
    My go-to hangover remedy: McDonald's cheeseburgers. Unhealthy as hell (not that getting pi$$ drunk isn't unhealthy all on it's own lol), but they're like magic on the icky day-after-boozing tummy.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    There is no such thing. You're body is physically Ill from being punished with poison. Lots and lots of water, and good healthful food, like salad, fruits...that kind of thing. The greasy burger, fast food, junk food, salt and sugar and all that is actually the worst thing for you, at that point.

    I've done tons of research because at one point in my life, I was searching aggressively for a cure I could market and sell. I owned hangover.com and was looking for something. I had MD's contributing, and in the end, it came down to:

    When you drink, knock back 8oz of water with every one ounce of alcohol. (glass of wine, one beer, one shot)
    Stay away from sugary sweet drinks.
    Eat a good meal before you go out drinking.
    In the morning, drink more water, and eat healthful food.
    Take a teaspoon of honey (if you don't have or like honey, just use sugar).

    There are two things going on with a hangover. One is dehydration. The other is massive sugar withdrawal. Sometimes a teaspoon of honey will do wonders because you're replacing the sugar you're body spent all night processing and it takes some pain away.

    If you do these simple things, you will likely not have a hangover at all. But, no one ever keeps up with the water, and therefore they dehydrate massively and wake up hurting.

    Hope this helps at least a little. Maybe for next time.

    I used to drink very heavily every weekend, and one time I was out with my friends and we were pounding beer and whiskey shots all night, but I was determined to match up my drinks with water. When I woke up in the morning, I was fine. I was a little slow, but I wasn't hungover at all. It's mostly dehydration.

    Also, I forget how long it takes for your body to process alcohol, but it's a long time. Half the time, you're still actually drunk. It's not really a hangover as much as its just that you're still drunk and the alcohol is still processing through. Your body NEEDS water.
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    Drink Pickle Juice - The Russians are big vodka drinkers and this is a trick they use in the mother land. I didn't believe this until I tried it. Trust me, it works. People always think it sounds disgusting, drinking pickle juice but it does work. Pickle juice helps get rid of the hangover because the high salt intake helps keep you from pissing out the water you need to rehydrate yourself. There is also something in the vinegar that "we're told" helps counter-act the toxins. Whatever - it works.
    I'd never heard of it for hangovers, but my boyfriend swears by pickles and/or pickle juice for an upset stomach. Seriously, he'll say that he's incredibly nauseated, I'll offer to go get some Pepto Bismol or something, and he'll say, "Nah, I think we have pickles." Last time, we were out of pickles but the jar of juice was still in the fridge and he just started chugging it.

    Honestly, that's the last thing I'd want to do if I felt barfy, but whatever works, I guess...
  • Hollyana
    Hollyana Posts: 55 Member
    Good strong cup of builder's tea with a couple of sugars.
  • snarky
    snarky Posts: 263 Member
    Tall glass of water and a TOGO's turkey and avocado sammich would always make me feel better.

    That was back when I drank a lot and still ate meat. I haven't experimented enough since turning into a vegetarian to give you a more recent solution.

    Good luck!
  • sun33082
    sun33082 Posts: 416 Member
    Water...and if you drink it before you pass out, you won't have a hang over.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    Coca cola and a packet of crisps (chips)
  • frogmommy
    frogmommy Posts: 151 Member
    Pedialyte powder mixed in water. Drink it with two Advil before bed. If you feel extra yucky in the morning, drink another. The generic powder actually tasted better than the brand name stuff.

    Not exactly homemade, but you do wake up feeling like you cheated death.
  • KansasGal
    KansasGal Posts: 268 Member
    General Tso's chicken, crab rangoons and egg rolls! Wash it down with a big bottle of Gatorade! Works for my husband and me like a charm!!! Then we rent movies and relax the rest of the day!
  • GoJo65
    GoJo65 Posts: 52 Member
    Thanks all-finally did go back to sleep after a bunch of water & Gatorade & feel much better. I ws drinking water last night but not enough & I think it was the dang shots we were doing that did me in..:devil:

    Now to see what I can scrounge up to eat? Pickles maybe? :wink:
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    fat. nice greasy breakfast
  • cvthatcher
    cvthatcher Posts: 47 Member
    Gatorade and lots of it before you go to bed. Then more in the morning. Water helps too.

    I know a guy who drank pedialyte when he was really trashed and was fine the next morning. I couldn't do it, the stuff taste nasty.

    my friend bought pedialyte specifically for that purpose! she had a mini fridge in her room by her bed and would try and remember to swallow some before bed and then pretty much constantly sipped on it once she woke up in the morning. i never tried it myself, but they say it works well. seems like gatorade would do the trick, and the greasiest meal in town :drinker: