Weight or Inches?

I was just curious if people were keeping track of the inches too? I would be happy just to loose a few inches here and there and get my body fat % a bit. Im just looking to tone up, and i know that by starting to exercise again I could build muscle which could keep my weight around the same level


  • chloe210
    I was just curious if people were keeping track of the inches too? I would be happy just to loose a few inches here and there and get my body fat % a bit. Im just looking to tone up, and i know that by starting to exercise again I could build muscle which could keep my weight around the same level
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    I watch both myself. The reason of course is because some weeks I don't lose lbs but inches. I am happy with either but it helps keep me from giving up.

  • Loretta_Jo
    Loretta_Jo Posts: 609 Member
    The first time I lost weight I took my measurements. This time I never took them once. But I did go down from size 30 jeans to a size 8. I still hold them up sometimes and think to myself OMG I really fit in these things. :noway:
  • babblingbarbie
    i like inches better because i cycled like crazy this summer and only lost 6 lb but lost 2 inches off my belly and some of my clothes are too big now! at first it was frustrating not losing but i can see a big difference cause i've changed fat into muscle. if you are working out then you are bound to gain muscle but lose fat..it is very satifying to lose inches
  • leighabowers
    Wow that is great! I am just getting started. I only have about 20 pounds to lose, but I hope I have the same type of success!
  • Loretta_Jo
    Loretta_Jo Posts: 609 Member
    I hope I have the same type of success!

    You Will! :flowerforyou:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I've always done both, and here's my incentive of the day with inches vs. pounds:

    I've heard that a pound of fat is the size of a grapefruit.
    A pound of muscle is the size of an orange.

    I have a friend, who weighs less than I do (we're the same height) but I'm two sizes smaller than her (same dress, same manufacturer). I have another friend who is tiny (a "fitness" competitor) who weighs more than I do.

    So the raw numbers don't tell you the whole truth, the inches do!
  • default
    default Posts: 124 Member
    I only keep track of fat% since i am trying to put on muscle, it usually depends on what your goals are though. keep in mind that 1 lb of muscle burns 60% more calories per day then 1 lb of fat if taken into your resting metabolic rate. a lot goes into what type of body type you are and what you are looking to become
  • Loretta_Jo
    Loretta_Jo Posts: 609 Member
    I've always done both, and here's my incentive of the day with inches vs. pounds:

    I've heard that a pound of fat is the size of a grapefruit.
    A pound of muscle is the size of an orange.

    I have a friend, who weighs less than I do (we're the same height) but I'm two sizes smaller than her (same dress, same manufacturer). I have another friend who is tiny (a "fitness" competitor) who weighs more than I do.

    So the raw numbers don't tell you the whole truth, the inches do!

    You are so right and I agree with you 100%. I strongly suggest that everyone keep up with your measurements not just your weight. And to take pictures as well.
    In hind sight…and hind sight is always 20/20.…I wish I had started out taking my measurements but I just did not do it. I really don’t know why. I just didn’t.
    I didn’t take pictures either. That is what I regret the most….not having any pictures of myself when I was at my largest. The pictures I do have I had to scrounge around for. My son just gave me 4 pictures 2 weeks ago he came across during their last move. Those pictures are the closest I have of me at my largest. I can always hope I can find some pictures somewhere maybe and sometimes I do. But as for my measurements there is no way for me to go back and get those. All I can do is look at the clothes I use to wear then look at the ones I am wearing now. Like you said “The raw numbers don’t tell you the whole truth, the inches do!” But I can’t turn back time and go get them. So everybody please DO take your measurements they will surprise you.
    Since all I have to compare as to my size then and now are my weight and my clothes. It is still an eye opener for me to just look at my clothes. Believe it or not I still need that. I still need that visual…..I still can not believe that is me in the mirror. When I catch my reflection in a store window I can not believe that is really me. In my minds eye I am still that fat woman who can hardly walk because she is so big and her joints can not carry her around anymore. It is really a good feeling to know that yes that is me.
    If I had taken my measurements while I was losing maybe just maybe some of those times when the scales said I wasn’t losing I would have found out that I was losing inches and gaining muscle. Maybe I wouldn’t have been so up set and cried. Maybe I would have felt better about myself at the time….I will never know because I failed to take them.
    So everyone I will say it again DO take your measurements you will be glad you did. :flowerforyou:
  • Loretta_Jo
    Loretta_Jo Posts: 609 Member
    I only keep track of fat% since i am trying to put on muscle, it usually depends on what your goals are though. keep in mind that 1 lb of muscle burns 60% more calories per day then 1 lb of fat if taken into your resting metabolic rate. a lot goes into what type of body type you are and what you are looking to become

    That is why I am trying to build more muscle. With my nonfunctioning thyroid and my age I need all the help I can get. :flowerforyou:
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    I was just curious if people were keeping track of the inches too? I would be happy just to loose a few inches here and there and get my body fat % a bit. Im just looking to tone up, and i know that by starting to exercise again I could build muscle which could keep my weight around the same level
    I am keeping track of both! this is my first measurement.
    I just measured myself-boy was that the worst!!! OMG!! I wanted to cry. Here it is
    neck- 14.5"
    chest- 44"
    hips-50"-that just made me sick
    thigh's 31"
    My weight I am not doing until right after Thanksgiving.
    This is one big eye opener. I will do another measurement in two weeks.
  • cltimes2
    I have been doing weight, then I added body fat % and muscle mass. I'm afraid I haven't had the guts to add inches and the last time I was losing weight, after I measured, that's when I stopped and started gaining again...So, I know it is mental but I don't really want to measure again :sad: However, my jeans were literally falling off so I tried on a couple of other pairs and figure I have lost about 3 inches from my waist in about 11 weeks. Maybe I'll have the guts to measure soon...
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    I have been doing weight, then I added body fat % and muscle mass. I'm afraid I haven't had the guts to add inches and the last time I was losing weight, after I measured, that's when I stopped and started gaining again...So, I know it is mental but I don't really want to measure again :sad: However, my jeans were literally falling off so I tried on a couple of other pairs and figure I have lost about 3 inches from my waist in about 11 weeks. Maybe I'll have the guts to measure soon...
    It was a shocker me. I was really discussed. I think it was a major eye opener for me. congrates on the weight lose. Keep it up.
  • lmzz
    lmzz Posts: 5
    I've been measuring myself since April 07 and have lost 13 inches so far, 3.5 off chest, 5 off waist, and 4.5 off hips. I've only weighed myself 4 times and I only measure once a month. It's been a great approach for me. It's made me view all the changes I've made as life style changes versus the "I'm on a diet approch." It's whatever works for you. Good luck!
  • rtamayo
    rtamayo Posts: 85 Member
    Inches!!! When you work out you are building muscle and it weighs more than fat, so you can burn fat and get lean without losing any weight. I have lost 1 1/2 inches in the last 3 weeks and only lost 3 pounds. Over the last 6 months I have lost 3 1/2 inches and only 12 pounds.
    So inches count more that weight.
    I started with a 38 inch waist.
    Now I am 34 1/2.
  • FitKitty
    FitKitty Posts: 46
    I keep track of both. I have lost 1lb total, but I have gone down 5.5 inches.
    I went from a 33.5 inch waist to a 30.5 and one inch in each thigh. I dont know what the scale is doing this to me but hey... at least I look smaller!