Hey there, I'm new!

Hello everyone,

My name is Alex. I'm 27, I'm new to this site. I was born and raised in the Detroit suburbs, I currently live in Baltimore and work in the DC area.
I always used to eat and drink whatever I wanted and not gain a pound, because I always worked out and I always had jobs where I had to be active. 10 years ago, I had six pack abs and loved the way I looked.
Nowadays, even though I go to the gym 1-3 times a week; I have a desk job and lower metabolism. I haven't been able to get into the groove of watching what I eat and could use all the help I can get.

I'm interested in any help and suggestions to get me back to the way I was 10 years ago.



  • fitmamagcn
    Hey Alex, welcome! One thing I've started doing is Turbo Jam (Chalean Johnson)! It is awesome, fun, and you'll get those abs back by doing her videos! I am a believer! I have three kids (5, 3 and 9 months old) and my stomach is starting to look toned...finally!!! It can happen! I still have a ways to go, but I'm getting there! And I follow a low glycemic diet as well! Good luck to you...
  • jennigroves
    The best advice I can give is to be consistant. Each day should be the same...roughly the same calorie intake and exercise. Yo-Yo dieting, diets too low in calories, and all fad diets will fail you. Try to pick things that are healthy options because of what they give your body (nutirents, vitamins, etc) This is the first time that I have stuck to a consistent routine and I am seeing great results. When I have an off day, I don't try to starve or overexercise the next day to make up for it. I just make sure the next day is consistent with my regular plan. Once you get into the first 4-5 weeks, then this new way of eating and exercising becomes your lifestyle and it will be natural to choose healtier options and make better decisions. It's ok to give into temptation a little but do so in moderation and sustitue for healthier options when possible. If you are having trouble hitting the gym, find an exerice partner (preferably one who is dedicated and more advanced than you b/c they will be reliable and push you harder). Also pick goup activites like raquet ball or spin class. These will be more fun and the time and calories burned will go by much quicker.

    Stay focused and remember this is a lifestyle change so take it slow and it will be permanent. Good Luck!
  • Renea_Kay
    Renea_Kay Posts: 189 Member
    Hey Alex. Welcome to the site!!! Good luck towards your goal! Btw Im Darcy...and lol...im sitting in school right now waiting for the bell to ring.
  • asv3544
    I'm a lot less active than I was a few years ago. I do try to get to the gym a few times a week but that fluxuates. My wife and I a few months ago picked up swing dancing.
    I've always been active. But, I've never ever been on a diet!! I need to make a lifestyle change!
  • itsbella
    itsbella Posts: 1,101