Need to Lose Weightt FAST-HELP!



  • bkvamp
    bkvamp Posts: 30
    You should try juice fasting for a month.. I usually lose a pound a day.. and you are not starving yourself because you eat so much veggies just in liquid form.
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    You should try juice fasting for a month.. I usually lose a pound a day.. and you are not starving yourself because you eat so much veggies just in liquid form.

  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    That is not healthy or sustainable. It's taken me 17 weeks to lose 30.5lbs. It shouldn't be taking 50 days unless you're morbidly obese.

    Just lose it steadily.
  • roguestates
    roguestates Posts: 223
    Oh dear, this thread is such a clusterf*ck of disordered eating advice :/
  • jlm_getfit
    jlm_getfit Posts: 53 Member
    Oh dear, this thread is such a clusterf*ck of disordered eating advice :/

    LOVE this post!!! I completely agree!! Slow and steady wins the long term race!!!
  • beautybeyondmyskin77
    How quickly you lose weight really depends on how much you have to lose. 30lbs in 50 days is a pretty big goal, especially if you're not obese. Don't let that discourage you, though! I bet even if you lose 10lbs in that time, people will still be amazed when you go back to school. You can keep losing through the fall and then you'll have winter break, and you could totally be at your ultimate goal weight when you go back to school in January!

    Also, weight loss should be for YOU, not for anyone else. You should be doing this because you want to be healthy. If you're doing it for any other reason, you are more likely to give up. Your OWN happiness should be the priority to you. Losing weight won't magically fix all your problems!

    That being said, there is no quick fix for losing weight. If you eat healthy, stay within your calorie goal, and exercise, the weight will come off! Don't believe any of those crazy diet myths like "don't eat after 7pm" or "stop eating carbs." Some of those quick fix solutions may work temporarily but as soon as you start eating normally again the weight will come back twice as fast. Please do this the healthy way, even if it's not as fast as you'd like.

    Feel free to add me - I lost a little over 15 pounds, reached my goal weight, and I continue to try to lose fat and gain muscle to look and feel better every day!

    ETA: And drink PLENTY of water! The week I started drinking more water, I dropped 3lbs. Water weight is annoying and totally easy to get rid of - just drink more!
    lauren couldnt have said this better , the weight will come off but do it the right way eat healthier choices and drank plently of water that is a start ... come up with a routine of excerise that works for you, 5 to 6 times a week... But Most IMPORTANTLY DO IT FOR YOU!!!!
  • beautybeyondmyskin77
    You should try juice fasting for a month.. I usually lose a pound a day.. and you are not starving yourself because you eat so much veggies just in liquid form.

    I agree!!!!!:noway: :noway: :noway: :noway:
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    What your avatar says.

    I agree =)
  • rhinowithonehorn
    Its doable but you need to work at it and stay with it.

    1000 calorie diet

    exercise quite a bit about 600-800 calories

    almost no one has the will power to do this though
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    if you're concerned about losing so much in so many days, why did you wait so long?! You should have started sooner.
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    You should look up the definition of "need" and "want". I believe you have them confused.

    Not saying you don't really want to and that it can't be done but it will be more muscle than you should lose and you will just gain more weight after because your metabolism isn't as high. Give it a try but I really don't recommend juice fasting. Go low carb and just eat protein at least you have a chance of keeping some muscle.
  • olivewalnut
    olivewalnut Posts: 10 Member
    sure, you could probably do it by starving yourself... and then when you start school and start eating again you will gain it all back and more... I think that is far worse than finding a healthy eating plan and losing the weight slowly.
    I understand the pressures you may feel but being too sick to do anything really isn't worth it.
  • paygep
    paygep Posts: 401 Member
    here's an articale "how to lose 20 pounds in 3-4 weeks". it's a "very low calorie diet" about 800 calories a day. i did this to lose weight for my cousin's wedding cause my bridesmaid dress came in too small! it's hard to stick to but it does work.

    For the love of god please don't do this. This is exactly one of those crazy diet things I was saying to ignore. It's a top-notch way to kill your metabolism though, if you're interested! :happy: :grumble:

    it's not really as bad as you might think, more like a cleansing diet than anything else.... eat two to three servings of raw fruits and veggies before every meal, finished with protein and healthy fats, five meals a day, tons of water, that sort of thing
  • debobrien1
    debobrien1 Posts: 95
    You should try juice fasting for a month.. I usually lose a pound a day.. and you are not starving yourself because you eat so much veggies just in liquid form.


    Lauren... You're cracking me up!!! Your advise has been spot on!
  • eviegreen
    eviegreen Posts: 123 Member
    To the people suggesting that this girl severely restrict her calories and put her health at risk: WTF are you thinking?!

    OP, listen to what the sane people are saying. 1 to 2 pounds a week is healthy weight loss. I'm not going to lecture you on the reasons for this change (I agree with the person who said you should be doing this for YOU, not for anyone else), but if you want to see a big difference in your body 50 days, try strength training. Someone suggested the Insanity Workout, and that's a good one. There's also the 30 Day Shred. The scale might hardly move while strength training, but you lose a lot of inches in 50 days, and you'll be fit if you do it the healthy way.
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    Here's the deal.

    It's not so much that you want to weigh 30lbs lighter but that you want to look like you weigh 30 pounds lighter. Amirite? Since you have the time and the inclination to bust your *kitten* doing this in such a short amount of time, this is how you do it:

    Feed your body and work out hard. Maybe try a round of Insanity or P90X or one of the other hardcore workouts.

    You want your schoolmates to say "Damn, she looks hot" instead of wanting to feed you a cheeseburger right? There ya go.
  • GroovyFoxyLove
    I'm sorry but going from 160 to 130 in 50 days will not happen. Way too unrealistic. I am currently at 249 and started my journey at 265. Since June 19th, I have lost 16 lbs but the reason it has come off so fast is because I am obese and I've been eating right, eating below my calorie goal and working out vigorously for 40 minutes, 6 days a week. It's true that very heavy set people such as myself lose quite a bit of weight in a short amount of time for a while. But if I was 160, trying to reach 130..there's is no way I would've lost that much so far. I'd like to add that my goal weight is 130 as well, but I know it will take some time before I get there..with hard work and confidence!
  • halliedoll
    halliedoll Posts: 171
    Alot of water and a good amount of fiber. Go online to and buy Jillian Michaels "blast fat, boost metabolism DVD" for $4. You're supposed to lose 5 pounds per week if done every day. after two days though, i lost 2 pounds.
    I dont think you'll make such a drastic goal, but with the right discipline and regime you could possibly get a little further than halfway. Stay away from salts and sugars.
  • GroovyFoxyLove
    Oh and I'm so glad someone mentioned 30 Day Shred! This is the workout I do 2 times daily for 6 days a week! I've lost 7 inches off my waist, 4 inches off my hips and 2 inches off my arms so far! I'm on Level 2. =0) it is a great workout, indeed. You might want to look into it or the Insanity..a lot of people I know have recommended it to me but I'm happy with 30DS for now.
  • nursing23
    nursing23 Posts: 75
    all you sarcastic ones can hop off. i started this topic by saying i need encouragement . even if you dont agree with my goal dorsnt mean you have to be rude about it. all im really looking for is encouragement to keep my on here.
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