Sugar addiction HELP...



  • mzhokie
    mzhokie Posts: 349 Member
    Anytime I need to stop a bad carb addiction, I go low carb for a week or two. If I cut them all out as much as possible, then after a couple of days I'm good. For real sugar issues, I eat carrots and sweet red peppers. They are sweet, have some sugar in them but a natural source. Still it helps with a sugar crash.

    for me I can go low carb with lean protein, lots of veggies, etc. for about a week without going nuts. I find the change of pace nice for a short period of time. once I start thinking about the bag things you can eat but still be low carb.... like lots of cheese, fatty meats, etc.... I know I'm done. I also think it's easier to go low carb in the summer when you grill more and lots of fresh veggies at the farmers markets.

    To me whatever you get naturally from veggies doesn't count. once I add sugar back, whatever I get from fruits and honey doesn't count either. It's the processed stuff that I try to cut out from time to time to clean up my diet.
  • tdicande
    tdicande Posts: 6 Member
    I have been reading a book by Kay Sheppard and following her food plan which cuts out all wheat, flour, sugar and artificial sugar subs. It's a low fat, clean way to eat and it has really helped me so far.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    I will probably have a sweet tooth til the day I die ....... but what I've done to curb the monster is to step away from baked goods & sugary stuff 99% of the time. That means saying "no, thanks" to the goodies at work, and the goodies at the restaurant, or at my mom's, or at the neighbor's BBQ ...... you get the idea ......

    And then I feel no guilt about having a bit of my favorite cake on my birthday, or an icecream at the town fair ...... because it's an occasional treat ..... and it's PLANNED for !

    That being said, I'm not deprived ..... I have dessert each evening ..... it may be some plain yogurt with fresh fruit, or a bit of dark chocolate ....... those don't create cravings FOR ME ...... find out what works for you :drinker:
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    yea, for me any sugar creates a craving. Its not psychological in physical which affects my psychology. Its not me just wanting something a feeling bad when i do it - same for most sugar addicts. The answer is not to eat sugar. If I don't eat it I don't get a craving - simple. As for bad feelings - well part of the physical affect on my brain is after a while I deplete my serotonin level so I can feel low , depressed and have bad feelings. I also deplete my beta endorphins which makes any bad thoughts I think stronger - all in all I start to feel crap. The low blood sugar I get due to eating sugar (after a while my insulin levels increase to drop my blood sugar and it drops even lower than I started with) makes me feel knackered. Because I am knackered (and I subconsciously know what will spark me up ) and craving along with low serotonin (also responsible for me to being able to control my impulses and say no) I find it very difficult not to eat more. If I do this for a while (over a few days) my adrenalin system starts to get triggered which adds to the psychological fun. I end up feeling anxious and depressed - bad a bout things. I also can feel detached from those I love and have been known to get snappy. All this from a little bit of sugar which my brain told me would be a good idea this time around. I find it best to be on my guard and try and avoid the stuff like the plague. If you identify then seriously go over to radiant recovery for more info. If I slip the way out for me is to forget my diet for a couple of days. Stop eating sugar completely and allow myself to eat anything and everything I want. My blood sugar returns to normal, I stop craving, my psychology returns to normal because the psychical side is back in equilibrium and then I can start my diet again.
  • If I have the urge for something sweet I eat one of the FIBER ONE CHOCOLATE BROWNIES!! :) They are 90 Cals && 4g of Fiber!
  • mrh0rnet
    mrh0rnet Posts: 26
    I eat ice cream, nutella and chocolate syrup regularly and have not one problem losing weight constantly. I fit it in my calorie intake for the day and continue to lose, no problems. I don't believe in depriving myself TOTALLY of anything, it's a simple matter of moderation. The only people that have issues with that most likely are those with no will power.
  • I am SO annoyed with myself because I went well with no sugar for a few days then ate one biscuit and i was off. I need to go cold turkey
  • zanniew
    zanniew Posts: 26 Member
    We should start a Radiant Recovery group here on MFP, no? I've looked for one every now and then . . .
  • zanniew
    zanniew Posts: 26 Member
    Also look out on line for Radiant Recovery ( - this is a community that help each other get around sugar addiction and will help you understand why sugar messes you up. Stopping is good - staying stopped can be difficult because of out biochemistry so understanding what is going on can help you.

    We should start a Radiant Recovery group here on MFP, no? I've looked for one every now and then . . .
  • Vercell
    Vercell Posts: 437 Member
    I am one and I am still having a hard time.
  • zanniew
    zanniew Posts: 26 Member
    I eat ice cream, nutella and chocolate syrup regularly and have not one problem losing weight constantly. I fit it in my calorie intake for the day and continue to lose, no problems. I don't believe in depriving myself TOTALLY of anything, it's a simple matter of moderation. The only people that have issues with that most likely are those with no will power.

    Ohhh, dear me. There are actually genetic differences going on between those who can "just say no, tra la la" and those who become irrational due to low serotonin and sugar addiction. Will power!! I and others with my biochemistry have gritted our teeth against major addiction and its companion depressions and miseries, lost our hundreds of pounds, then found ourselves readdicted after one attempt to "not deprive" ourselves. Can you moderate opium use? Is alcoholism a matter of low will power?