Awkward healthy eating side effect.



  • swfba
    swfba Posts: 12
    I love drinking lots of water but I don't love the trips to the loo. I'm sometimes there every 20 minutes! :drinker:
  • HeatherDee92
    HeatherDee92 Posts: 218 Member
    Strangely enough the last few days I have been less regular than usual.. and I've eaten what I'm sure is WAY more than enough fibre.. Actually a bit concerned!

    You should know that too much fiber can do the opposite effect of the right amount! Ranging from constipation to the runs! :(
    Oh oh... and here I've been trying to treat it by adding MORE fibre!! :-(

    You shouldn't eat much over your recommended amount of fiber, its easy to reverse just slow it down a bit:)
  • HeatherDee92
    HeatherDee92 Posts: 218 Member
    Fiber is need it in your diet but if your body isn't used to can be a pain in the *kitten* literally. :laugh:

    Increase your fiber slowly and gradually. Raw fruits and veggies are loaded with fiber so be careful if you're trying to suddenly go from not getting enough of these things to getting plenty is going to stop you up.

    As you increase your fiber, also increase your water intake. Lots of fiber with little water will stop you up. Fiber needs liquid to help it break down and get through your system.

    Disclaimer: I'm not a doctor and don't pretend to be (publicly) :drinker: But I did work for a Gastroenterologist for 6 years until we moved 4 months ago. We saw this "problem" a lot.

    Thanks for this! I am sure people will find it valuable! :)
  • HeatherDee92
    HeatherDee92 Posts: 218 Member
    I have noticed that since I have been eating healthier, my digestive track is running so great!

    I love the little things you discover once you start treating your body right!

    Has anyone else noticed this or other awkward healthy eating side effects? Or any not so awkward healthy eating side effects?

    I know this isn't the most comfortable topic, but hey we are all here to do the same thing! :)

    I'm confused - are you asking if people are crapping and farting more? I'm not trying to be gross but I don't know exactly what it is you've "discovered"!

    I find that the extra exercise makes me move my bowels; I probably pass a quick, healthy stool twice a day now, rather than a dense, pongy turd once a day. I sincerely hope this is what you were talking about, or else I've just made a tit of myself!

    This is what I was referring to! I have noticed both gas and bowel movements. I have noticed that I get really gassy when running, but I just assume its because my organs are bumping around. Also i have noticed that they aren't as bad smelling as they were when I ate unhealthy. I don't know if its the same for you, but its nice cause atleast when I am running and some gas "pops" out I am not stinking up the path for the person behind me :P
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    Whatever you do, don't try greek yoghurt with milled flax, pumpkin seeds and whey protein as a combination unless you are prepared to send people scurrying away for miles around, lol.
  • HeatherDee92
    HeatherDee92 Posts: 218 Member
    To be completely honest, I've had trouble um 'moving my bowels' and would be constipated a lot. I'd be lucky if I could go once or twice a week! Since I've been eating healthy (I'm assuming all that fiber), I'm going a lot more. It feels good because now I don't have to worry about stuff being in there too long lol!

    I had this problem, and used to not see it as a problem. I used to eat alot of cheese and people would be like you must be so constipated! I would be like no not at all! And now that I eat VERY little cheese daily I am just like oh... maybe I was, and if I binge and eat alot of cheese the next 2 days are terrible! :(

    It helps me not binge on it as much, but I have serious cheese addiction. If only it was healthier! :( HAHA

    I eat the reduced fat cheese! It IS healthier! lol

    You still have to eat it in moderation, and unless its on a salad or a sandwich I won't eat it in moderation. Like cheese and crackers, for every cracker I will have 5 pieces of cheese. Its ridiculous how awful I am about it!
  • Savemyshannon
    Savemyshannon Posts: 334 Member
    YES I have noticed and it's great! I know this is a weird, awkward topic, but it's so true!

    I did notice an increase in gassiness the first few days, but that has since subsided and things are running a lot more... regularly now. :) And as someone upthread said, everything is far less toxic smelling than before. Haha! But it has been one of my favorite side effects from my new eating habits!

    I've also noticed my morning breath isn't as bad. Before, it used to be like dragon breath, even when I flossed/brushed/scraped the night before, but now it's nowhere near as toxic.
  • Dragonflybjm63
    I have been eating egg and spinach for breakfast for most mornings over the last month or so and my nails are so strong and seem to grow quick
  • HeatherDee92
    HeatherDee92 Posts: 218 Member

    I've also noticed my morning breath isn't as bad. Before, it used to be like dragon breath, even when I flossed/brushed/scraped the night before, but now it's nowhere near as toxic.

    I will have to pay attention to this! My morning breath always used to be terrible no matter what I did before bed! I Am gonna pay attention to it in the morning :)
  • cestlafete
    cestlafete Posts: 71 Member
    This is always one of the first things I notice once I get back on the wagon. Since I have been pushing water I don't mind just water as much and I also feel like crap when I steer away from the healthy options. Last night I did not finish my dinner and when I had a brownie sundae I did not enjoy it. I know bad me in the first place but it was just too damn sweet and too much chocolate. Like hell you would have heard me say that before!

    Ive noticed this as well- my love of sweets has changed!!! Like I'd LOVE a brownie sundae, but an itty bitty one, not a huge one like I used to eat. Actually my have dessert is some really great vanilla ice cream (french vanilla or vanilla bean) with half a banana sliced on it and a tiny bit of hot fudge. YUM

    For me, my IBS is much better when I stay 'on the wagon'. I ate a cheeseburger and fries from our favorite local joint last week and it about killed me.

    This. The worst thing is that I know when I've had an 'off day' versus falling off the wagon by how often I'm having a BM. I get really frustrated about it too, and whine about how I couldn't weigh myself because I didn't have my morning constitutional! I'm very used to one in the morning, one midday and one at night, or somewhere around that. And running the risk of sounding more gross than the topic at hand already is, I have found there is a lot to be said of the satisfaction that comes from a quick toilet with great 'results', haha!
  • BaileyBoo13524
    BaileyBoo13524 Posts: 593 Member
    I've always had digestive and acid reflux problems, but in addition to losing weight I also take fiber supplements and I am now normal for the most part. Every once in a while I still get a bad bout of acid reflux/esophageal spasms and constipation, but it has decresed so much! Another thing that I've noticed is since losing weight and geting in better shape I never get migraines or anxiety attacks anymore which I used to get very frequently :) all the more reason to keep pushing!
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    I've lived with IBS all of my life and since I have started eating better and avoiding fried foods my system has really settled down and I don't get flare ups nearly as often as I used to get them.
  • TammyLynne71
    TammyLynne71 Posts: 184 Member
    no heartburn, no dry skin, no constipation, hair in better condition and less illness
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    im off my meds for crohns disease!!! but the gas is killer! *phew* lol
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    I've always had digestive and acid reflux problems, but in addition to losing weight I also take fiber supplements and I am now normal for the most part. Every once in a while I still get a bad bout of acid reflux/esophageal spasms and constipation, but it has decresed so much! Another thing that I've noticed is since losing weight and geting in better shape I never get migraines or anxiety attacks anymore which I used to get very frequently :) all the more reason to keep pushing!

    YES YES!! Im also on way less anxiety meds!!!
  • HeatherDee92
    HeatherDee92 Posts: 218 Member
    im off my meds for crohns disease!!! but the gas is killer! *phew* lol

    THATS SO EXCITING! I know how difficult living with crohns is, and the fact that you are able to go without med is such a great success! This is what I call a NSV!!!!
  • tripod271
    tripod271 Posts: 112 Member
    I started laughing as soon as I read your title. Absolutely, eating healthy improves everything - including elimination!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Hooray for healthy bowels! :bigsmile:
  • Ilovejacks
    Ilovejacks Posts: 153 Member
    Protein makes it where you can't go,i try but,don't get enough fiber so i have to sometimes take laxatives.Protein will stop uou up badly:(
    Strangely enough the last few days I have been less regular than usual.. and I've eaten what I'm sure is WAY more than enough fibre.. Actually a bit concerned!
  • petiteLady89
    petiteLady89 Posts: 198 Member
    Yes, I do! :)