Faint and Nauseous When I try to Jog



  • I know the feeling, sweetie. I am 57, lazy as the day is long - faint and fall out just thinking about exercise! I found that when I put on some really, really comfortable tennis shoes and just stroll around (when the weather is great) I can keep walking for what seems like forever. If I keep this up for several days, well, I can pick up the pace and, eventually, my stroll becomes and paced walk...burning calories... Seriously, I was almost passing out when I started walking, because I was so lazy.
  • kero2012
    kero2012 Posts: 7
    Thanks for all the replies so far. Have been checked by the doc and all is fine, just a shock to the system trying to jog and I'll stick to walking as it will be just a beneficial. As one poster said, some people just aren't suited to running/jogging anyway. I won't be tempted to try again until i'm significantly lighter and fitter!
    If your July 14th food log is an indication of your usual food intake, you are NOT eating enough. You will not be able to run if you don't feed your body the fuel it needs. I would say it's no wonder you feel faint. Eat more!
    Hi, I don't think I even filled out the 14th of July! No that's not an indication as I only use it to track some of my intake as a reminder of what I've eaten, they're usually not complete.
  • Keiko385
    Keiko385 Posts: 514 Member
    Dont feel bad if you cant run just yet. I am slowly working my way to it as well, several short walks a day/week to begin with then try to pick up the pace a bit each time. I started off at almost 25 minute to walk 1 mile and have gotten it down to just under 17 min/mile. I know it sounds pitiful compared to some on board but we all have to start somewhere :happy: