weight loss plateau question



  • tjk71
    tjk71 Posts: 167
    You need to eat more!!! Check out this link to figure out your numbers to eat more to lose weight.
    Eat healthy unprocessed foods. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    OP -- eat to your calorie goal. Period.

    You can certainly eat under 1,200 once and a while and nothing TERRIBLE will happen to you -- but that shouldn't be a regular occurrence unless you are under a doctor supervision because it can eventually affect how your body functions. People generally don't get overweight by just NOT being able to eat 1,200 in a day. You might be busy with you new job -- but all that means is that you have to take some time to plan your meals ahead of time to make sure you are getting the right nutrition.

    You can't take short cuts to being healthy.
  • jfan175
    jfan175 Posts: 812 Member
    I don't believe that there's a starvation mode that stops weightloss, but I do believe that if you restrict calories to that extent you will lose as much or more muscle than fat.
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    You have to eat more If you don't eat enough your body goes into starvation mode It's either to much or not enough I know Get moving add in cardio You have to find out what works for you what your body responds to But eating 800-1000 calories is not good

    Don't feed into the starvation mode crap, it's just that crap.

    I usually have a good week loss followed by a bad week loss.

    I can not believe a doctor would advise you to eat 600 cals a day. I would sack him especially if he is following your diet honey!

    This week ate way over what I like but haven't gained anything but haven't lost anything either. Giving it one more week and if the scale doesn't budge I'm going back to 600 and stay there till I'm ready to quit losing.

    *face palm*

    Don't panic, I got this. Doc says it's okay, I'm NOT encouraging her to do it. She can eat more if she likes. For me it's not an option as it's not working. Gonna give it another week and we'll see

    I would sack your doctor if he is advising you to eat 600 cals a day and is following your diet! It is terrible, sorry for saying that but your diary is open and I would not recommend it to anyone to be healthy!
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    You have to eat more If you don't eat enough your body goes into starvation mode It's either to much or not enough I know Get moving add in cardio You have to find out what works for you what your body responds to But eating 800-1000 calories is not good

    Don't feed into the starvation mode crap, it's just that crap.

    I usually have a good week loss followed by a bad week loss.

    I can not believe a doctor would advise you to eat 600 cals a day. I would sack him especially if he is following your diet honey!

    This week ate way over what I like but haven't gained anything but haven't lost anything either. Giving it one more week and if the scale doesn't budge I'm going back to 600 and stay there till I'm ready to quit losing.

    *face palm*

    Don't panic, I got this. Doc says it's okay, I'm NOT encouraging her to do it. She can eat more if she likes. For me it's not an option as it's not working. Gonna give it another week and we'll see

    I would sack your doctor if he is advising you to eat 600 cals a day and is following your diet! It is terrible, sorry for saying that but your diary is open and I would not recommend it to anyone to be healthy!

    Unless you have a medical condition you are not disclosing, there is no reason a doctor would be on board with a diet this restrictive. Period. If you doctor actually is, find another or seek counsel of a nutritionist or dietician.
  • scorpio61
    scorpio61 Posts: 46 Member
    Did I miss something here? Is someone really saying it's ok to eat 600 calories and be healthy? Eating 800-1000 is not safe nor is it healthy I guess if I buy into this crap I'm crazy to Yes some of us don't eat enough and some of us eat to much Or just eating the wrong things and wonder why we are not losing Like I said you have to play with food and see what works for you Just like doing cardio and lifting wts what your body responds to
  • Amber_lee_81
    Amber_lee_81 Posts: 36 Member
    You need to eat more than the 800- calories. The body goes into starvation mode and will hold onto every ounce of food and turn it into fat. I would up the cals to the 1500 or so (1400-1600) and I think you will see results in loss but also general feel less tired etc.
  • elements2005
    thank you so much everyone! I appreciate how active the users on this website are! =)
  • Blaineyyy
    Blaineyyy Posts: 151 Member
    MINIMUM calories, at NET have to be at 1,200 for even a lower, but still healthy, intake. Higher if you're working out, and higher still if your workout is higher intensity. At 1,200 your body will have enough energy to keep your body working at it's best, and you'll no doubt feel more active and "into" what you're doing.

    Any exercise you can get in, do it. Whether it be a gym workout, or simply changing your transport to work from a car/bus, say, and brisk walk it instead. Though I don't know how convenient that is for you, but you get my meaning.

    Also, meeting your calorie goal means very little if the food you're eating is plain junk, and your body won't thank you for limiting it's calorie intake in the first place, let alone if the limited calories are processed rubbish. So be sure to find unprocessed and natural foods. Most will also keep your fuller for longer so you're also less liable to snack.

    Oh and by the way, one week isn't a plateau. Not that I've had one personally, but I've seen people who've had them for weeks/months due to personal or otherwise circumstances, so that'd be what I'd more likely class as one if I had to say. Weight can fluctuate in a week, that doesn't mean to say it's a plateau - just have patience. And good luck!