Am I doing this right??

Okay I wanted to share this with you all as a check in basically. The pictures are from left to right Day 1 of Insanity, Day 15 right after Fit Test #2, and Day 30 during Recovery Week. I can definitely see a difference now in my stomach and there has been huge improvement with my legs which you can't see unfortunately. Those first two weeks I was eating around 1500 calories per day but was still feeling hungry sometimes and would eat more as a result.

The last week of Month 1 I dropped my calorie intake to 1200 as suggested by my doctor if I wanted to see more results faster. I just started Shakeology two days ago and am in love with it. I'm watching my intake so that I'm around 30-30-30 protein, fat and carbs also suggested by my doctor. My only problem is that the last picture looks a little bigger than my second one. Could that be a muscle gain? Am I going about this the right way? I know that I gain muscle like crazy so the scale has literally been going up and down this entire time. I really haven't change much at all. Haha thanks for reading this guys.

