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Eating Schedule

I Often Reach My Calorie Goal Early In The Day And By THe Time Night Comes I'M Hungry. I WOuld Like TO know If AnyBody Has An Eating Schedule That Keeps Them From Calorie Goals To Soon. I Would Also Like To know How It Works Out For You. ie Breakfast Time Lunch Time Snack Time And Dinner Time. Thanks In advance!!!!!!! :smooched:


  • violetta88
    violetta88 Posts: 117 Member
    Generally my cals look like this:

    Breakfast - 200 cals (porridge or fruit with yoghurt)
    Snack - 200 cals (cereal bar)
    Lunch 300 cals (sandwich and a banana)
    Snack - 100 cals (apple)
    Dinner - 500 cals (could be anything!)

    Usually with the exercise I do this works out around my calories intake :)
  • meridian35
    meridian35 Posts: 19 Member
    I tend to find the earlier in the day I start to eat, the more I eat. I know it's not healthy but if I don't have breakfast (not usually hungry before work anyway) I eat 3-400 calories a day less.
  • janemem
    janemem Posts: 575 Member
    You might find it easier to stay on track if you plan out your meals in advance and log them in your diary the night before. I do this all the time (often I plan days in advance) that way I know what I'm going to eat and when I'll be eating it.
    It's much easier to make your calories stretch through the day this way and it really does help to stop you going over. Good luck. :)
  • KRaemondH
    KRaemondH Posts: 120 Member
    I do a lot of meal planning and try to stay away from processed as much as possible. You just seem to get more 'bang for the buck' so to speak at least fullness vs calorie content. I work third shifts at a hospital with can limit me to food choices if i don't pack my own snacks and meals. my diary is open you can look and see if you want :) just take the times and apply them to around when you would wake up, snack, have lunch, snack, dinner, snack etc! good luck. we're all here if you have more questions!
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    I eat the same everyday really:)

    I eat breakfast at 7-8am, it's always porridge.
    Lunch is at 12pm, a sandwich, carrot sticks and raisins.
    Snack is around 3-4pm, always a piece of fruit.
    Dinner is at 6pm, these days it's something like grilled chicken, steak or a tuna steak with veg and boiled or baked potatoes.
    Then I'll have my pudding at around 8pm. I find this the hardest meal because I want to purge more so.
    I also drink at least three litres of water everyday and only workout three days a week.

    If you're feeling hungry, could it be because you either haven't eaten enough during the day, drank enough water or haven't eaten enough 'good' food? Maybe you haven't slept enough too?
  • Thanks these are healthy tips that I will Be using in the near future.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i eat when i'm hungry and only then

    11pm? sure. 4 am snack? you betcha
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    I snack almost all day and have two smaller meals. With my job, it's really difficult for me to have a meal, so I have to snack. I usually eat something around every hour and a half.
  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    My family loves heavy dinners, so I usually keep it light throughout the day so I can enjoy my meat and potatoes in the evening. Most of the time I have cereal for breakfast, a snack around 10:30, lunch of a homemade sandwich, salad, or a small portion of leftovers from another dinner, if I'm hungry I'll have another snack around 2, then dinner. If dinner ends up being less calories than expected then I will have a snack later in the evening. I try to keep snacks under 150 calories.
  • My family loves heavy dinners, so I usually keep it light throughout the day so I can enjoy my meat and potatoes in the evening. Most of the time I have cereal for breakfast, a snack around 10:30, lunch of a homemade sandwich, salad, or a small portion of leftovers from another dinner, if I'm hungry I'll have another snack around 2, then dinner. If dinner ends up being less calories than expected then I will have a snack later in the evening. I try to keep snacks under 150 calories.

    Thanks I Find This Helpful Because My Family Also Loves To Eat Heavier Meals At Night. Thanks!!!!
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    Generally my cals look like this:

    Breakfast - 200 cals (porridge or fruit with yoghurt)
    Snack - 200 cals (cereal bar)
    Lunch 300 cals (sandwich and a banana)
    Snack - 100 cals (apple)
    Dinner - 500 cals (could be anything!)

    Usually with the exercise I do this works out around my calories intake :)

    I don't know how you can survive on those low calorie meals.
  • MSimm62385
    MSimm62385 Posts: 227
    I find as long as I limit my meals to 400-500 calories, I can keep pretty sated on 3-4 satisfying meals every day.
  • splucy
    splucy Posts: 353
    I find that having a bigger breakfast helps me out for the day. I used to have stuff all for breakfast but now I ensure that I have a breakfast between 250-300 cals. I find that I'm not super hungry in the mornings so it's kind of force fed haha

    At the moment I aim for -

    Breakfast: 250-300
    Mid morning snack: 150-200
    Lunch: 250-300
    Mid afternoon snack: 150-200
    Dinner: 300-350
  • allyjoy83
    allyjoy83 Posts: 176 Member
    My eating schedule varies quite often, depending on what I'm doing, and readily available food. I've noticed over the last month, though, that since I made the conscious decision to stop eating in the middle of the night, I no longer feel hungry late in the night. The first week or so was tough, including some very vivid dreams involving food, but they went away. Honestly, before I started this change in my eating habits, I would wake up from sound sleep, walk to the fridge to find a snack and then go back to sleep. I was terrible!

    If you're finding that you're going through your calories early in the day, I would recommend assessing with what kind of meal you're starting your day. Is it fiber rich, sugar rich, high or low on the glycemic index, etc. ? If you're starting your day with a danish, you're not going to feel full for very long, and it can lead to snacking throughout the day. There are some people who subscribe to the complex carbohydrate start, some that are all about intermittent fasting, some are five small-mealers, there are the heavy breakfast - light dinner types. The thing you're going to have to figure out is what works best for you, and fits in your schedule, and the first step is to be aware of what you're eating when you eat it, and why. What's currently working for me, may not be the best for you, so tinker away at your meal choices and times until you find what works for you.
  • shadow3829
    shadow3829 Posts: 103 Member
    I quit thinking in terms of meals along time ago. I eat about 200 calories every 3 hours. I don't break my food on MFP into meals either, just daily intake, which I add everything I am going to eat either the night before of that morning.
  • I don't usually get hungry until dinner and then I'm INSANELY hungry, so I have to force myself to eat more during the day. I usually eat every 3-4 hours, 100-300 cal per "meal" and make sure I get some protein in, and I also drink quite a bit of coffee and tea in between which curbs any cravings nicely.

    I also eat pretty much the exact same things every single day, which helps keep my count in check.
  • laus_8882
    laus_8882 Posts: 217 Member
    I should get myself into a proper eating schedule, but I can't really be arsed. Sometimes I eat a stirfry for breakfast and dried fruit for dinner just because that's how I feel like eating and I've still managed to lose massive amounts of weight over the years. I suspect, however, that set meal times are the way to keep it off for good.
  • TraceAT
    TraceAT Posts: 54 Member
    You might find it easier to stay on track if you plan out your meals in advance and log them in your diary the night before. I do this all the time (often I plan days in advance) that way I know what I'm going to eat and when I'll be eating it.
    It's much easier to make your calories stretch through the day this way and it really does help to stop you going over. Good luck. :)

    I have found this advice the best I've come across.
    The method of planning food ahead and logging it in the diary is excellent. To know how many calories you must burn that day [and more some] along with your chosen meals to lose the right amount of weight is a superb suggestion.
    I have now tried this and it really is a great idea. It's the inspiration I was looking for.

    Thanks OP for asking your question.
  • janemem
    janemem Posts: 575 Member
    You might find it easier to stay on track if you plan out your meals in advance and log them in your diary the night before. I do this all the time (often I plan days in advance) that way I know what I'm going to eat and when I'll be eating it.
    It's much easier to make your calories stretch through the day this way and it really does help to stop you going over. Good luck. :)

    I have found this advice the best I've come across.
    The method of planning food ahead and logging it in the diary is excellent. To know how many calories you must burn that day [and more some] along with your chosen meals to lose the right amount of weight is a superb suggestion.
    I have now tried this and it really is a great idea. It's the inspiration I was looking for.

    Thanks OP for asking your question.

    I couldn't imagine not doing this now, it is just second nature and part of my daily routine.
    I find it also helps because if I eat less than I planned to for a meal/snack then I can see instantly how many calories I could add onto the next meal/snack and once I have 'bought' some extra calories through exercise you should see me revamping my meal plans, I'm a woman on a mission, lol! :laugh:
    Be warned though, it can be slightly addictive, I'll admit to being more than a bit obsessed with planning and logging. :devil:
  • HeavyLiftGirl
    HeavyLiftGirl Posts: 1,267 Member
    I get the same way because I exercise at night, so I just eat a high protein mini-meal right after. Usually an egg.

    Breakfast- 90 calories
    Lunch- 450 calories
    Dinner- 650 calories
    Snack- 200 calories