Morning workouts ...

When do they start getting easier????

The workout isnt so bad, it's dragging myself out of bed that early!

Well all know with obesity also comes fatigue ... when does one start taking over the other and the fatigue go away???

I'm doing it but I wish I was happy to get moving in the morning. When I get there I am, but not beforehand! :(
When did it start becoming 2nd nature to you?


  • A 9am or even 8am workout is 2nd nature.

    6am? Never will be. LOL :) I have to do them now and then due to childcare issues and what-not, but they still get me every time. I'm good once I get moving, but dragging out of bed is hard.

    Sorry that wasn't more motivational. :wink:
  • debbiestine
    debbiestine Posts: 265 Member
    I love my morning workouts-at 830. If you aren't a morning person-try an evening workout instead. different strokes for different folks!
  • asaw00
    asaw00 Posts: 1,904 Member
    I sit and have a cup of coffee and watch alittle tv before i workout. There is NO way I could get up and go. Try just trying to wake up alittle first. good luck!!
  • swest222
    swest222 Posts: 455 Member
    My morning workout starts around 645am ... and I tell ya, it's tough dragging my butt out of bed!!
    it's the only time of day I can get it in since I work full time days.
    In the evenings i have my little ones while my hubby goes to work (cuts child care costs) ...
  • bubsyh
    bubsyh Posts: 57 Member
    I dance in the shower, does that count?

    I could never do a morning workout. Sleep is too important to me and I usually need to work out after work as there is a LOT of pent up rage.
  • swfba
    swfba Posts: 12
    I wouldn't have the energy to work out early in the day. I'm much happier working out in the afternoon. I think I might actually cry if I had to get up at 6am :laugh:
  • mlreyes_09
    mlreyes_09 Posts: 12
    I get up at 4:30 - at the gym by 4:45 for about an hour workout. It isn't ideal (I'd much rather sleep), but with kids and work and everything else, the only time I have is the crack of dawn! It hurts to get out of bed that early, but once I'm at the gym and moving, I'm fine. The nice part is that the gym is relatively quiet at that time!
  • krnlcsf
    krnlcsf Posts: 310
    I do my workouts either around 3/4pm or 9/10pm depending on my work schedule. the nights when i'm working out at 9 or 10 pm is after working from 5am-9pm. if it's important to you then you just have to push through. if you want it bad enough you'll find the energy to do your workout whenever it suits you, whether that's morning or night... but personally there is NO WAY i'm getting up any earlier than i already do (4:30am) to work out.
  • Working out at a time where you don't have to drag yourself out of bed would be easier but if an early morning workout is your only option, then I can tell you that it does get easier after a while. How long it will take just depends. Could be a month or 2 or even 3. Back when I had to work out in the morning due to scheduling, it took about 2 months for things to become natural. So just keep at it. It'll definitely get easier.

    What time someone is able to wake up really just depends on what time they go to bed. For a while, I used to get up at 4am but only because I went to bed around 8pm.
  • missfelicia6
    missfelicia6 Posts: 174 Member
    Don't think about it as "dragging yourself outta bed" Think about it as "I'm gonna get out there and pound some pavement!!"

    Try eating one spoonful of honey (raw honey) before bed. You will wake up a new woman!! Eat one before bed and one in the morning. You will have bounce in your step, lose weight, sleep better, and wake up easier. Research honey. It's so good for your body!!
  • WarriorReady
    WarriorReady Posts: 571 Member
    I understand completely! I still hit snooze one too many times but... Maybe try going to bed 15 minutes earlier or even 30 if possible and see if that helps. Getting proper sleep is important! Good luck - you've got this! :bigsmile:
  • theresmynapkin
    theresmynapkin Posts: 183 Member
    I've always been a morning person so for me it's easier than others. Although sometimes it is really hard to drag my butt outta bed, usually I tell myself that I'm already awake, might as well accomplish something. Maybe going to bed a little earlier would help?
  • achvr
    achvr Posts: 21 Member
    If I could workout at 5 am, I'ld be a happy camper. Yes, it's second nature to me to have my workout before anythign else. It took a while for me to get that way. I'm a morning person, but not a night person. I generally workout around 9:15 or so. But I'ld rather already have my workout in. My time frame depends on when my trainer can work me into his schedule. Just keep doing what your doing. The body will follow. :)
  • itsgood
    itsgood Posts: 85 Member
    I just keep telling myself it's non-negotiable. It's the time that I can fit into my schedule, and I know if I put it off I'll find all kinds of excuses, so I just push through. Getting out of bed kills, but while getting dressed I find myself going into workout-mode. It does get easier; it becomes a habit. :-D
  • GoJo65
    GoJo65 Posts: 52 Member
    I hear ya mamabear! I slept thru my run this AM..waking at 2a-5a every dang Sunday does NOT help for getting up at 6a...

    But when I do manage to workout early-I have SO much more energy the rest of the day.

    Hope you find something that helps!
  • maryjaquiss
    maryjaquiss Posts: 307 Member
    Mind over matter, in my case. The critical time is the 60 seconds after the alarm has gone off. If I don't think about it and leap out of bed, I do it; if not, I rationalise that it doesn't matter if I don't get up and go back to sleep. Then I have to exercise in the evening when I'd rather chill on the sofa. I always enjoy it when I'm out there though :)
  • Kamnikar64
    Kamnikar64 Posts: 345 Member
    Hi MommaBear,

    5 years ago I committed to working out in the morning and got up at 5:00 in order to get to the gym before everyone else was up. It was a struggle for a couple of months, but then I hopped out of bed and while I wasn't thrilled, I was motivated to go. I felt bad if I missed a day. Then a stressful time and I stopped going and that was that. I'm trying again to get into that habbit, life is better and I'm ready. That being said, I hate getting out of bed but I know that in a month or two I won't want to miss a day. That's what keeps me going and dragging myself out of bed. Let me know when you reach that day and I'll let you know when I hit that day as well. I promise it will come.
  • kaubin97
    kaubin97 Posts: 56 Member
    I'm up & down stairs by 5am starting my workout as it's the only time I can fit it in. I find afterwork by the time I drive the 30 minutes home I've unwound and I'm too relax to get into workout mode. Plus it time to cook for the kids & all that other mommy stuff :smile:
    It's tought but I know I need this. I felt extrwmwly guilty last Thursday when I over slept my alarm and missed my work out which I see a sign of moving towards the am workouts beign 2nd nature.
    But I agree with previous posted don't think of it as dragging yourself up, think of it as gettign up & kicking some butt :tongue:
    Also I soooo feel the difference with my bedtime. If I'm out by 10pm it's easier for me to get up at 4:50am. Anythign after 10 and it turns into dragging myself out of bed :yawn:
  • HI!
    I wake up at 5:30m every morning to workout, so I understand. I try to go to bed early (around 10pm) the previous night in order to feel more energized the next morning.

    here are a few things that have helped me make it an easier/more enjoyable routine:

    1. As soon as you wake up, be thankful you're alive, and think about all the wonderful things you can accomplish today.

    2. Stretch for a few minutes. Relax and breathe.

    3. Brush your teeth/wash your face etc. (Try using an energizing scrub on your face. I use one called "morning burst". I also wash my face with almost-cold water)

    4. Go to the kitchen and make yourself some green tea or coffee (this will give you more energy when you're actually working out. you can also add a little fruit and eat half of it so you can get a little sugar kick before workout)

    5. Put on some music you feel inspires you

    6. After the workout, eat the rest of the fruit while you're on your way home.

    7. Have a filling breakfast that you can also think of as a treat for how hard you worked out.

    I HOPE THIS HELPS! You don't have to do it all, sometimes, when I am in a hurry, just washing my face and drinking some green tea before the gym, is all I need.

    :) Try it. And if you want, add me and let me go how it goes. Good luck!
  • Rach_Gem_n_Disguise
    Rach_Gem_n_Disguise Posts: 140 Member
    I'm a morning person, so it's not that bad for me. Every morning my morning exercise consists of my mini stepper...I'm addicted to it. I bought it at Walmart. It's made by Gold's Gym. I do it while I get ready in front of the mirror while putting on my makeup and blow drying/curling my hair, etc. I can burn over 100 calories this way every morning in about 15-16 minutes. I recommend it to anymore that doesn't want to drag out equipment or dvd's, etc. :smile: