New to FitnessPal

Hey all, Im new to this calorie counter after getting tired of trying to count calories for months in my head and on my phones calculator. Mainly a weight lifter looking to cut down and lean out for a couple of months before starting another bulking phase.

Looking to drop to around 165 lbs @ 7-10% body fat, currently at 180 lbs and my diet is based around Intermittent Fasting and calorie intake is around 1500 Cal per day. Friends and supportive comments appreciated.

Im also in the Air Force and looking to blast everyone out of the water with my upcoming Fitness Test.

I used to be a cross country runner in highschool 10 years ago so im trying to integrate alot of running into my workouts to help shred the fat, however ive been crippled by shin splints (muscle swelling and punching the nerve type splints) so im having to push through my running workouts.


  • Norsamerican
  • Norsamerican
    Ok heres my question.
    How come whenever a female who is looking to lose weight creates a topic in the "introduce yourself" area people are quick to reply but when i create one days ago not a single reply?
    Is it because i look like im in shape and people dont want to support me trying to lose 10 or so lbs?
    Is it because im a male?
    im not bothered by it im just curious as to why
  • Nutrition1st
    Nutrition1st Posts: 216 Member
    Calories seem very low for someone who plans to hit the weights seriously. I would change the activity level so it can increase your calorie goal. Divide it by 6 and eat that many calories every 3/4 hours. Before and after you workout increase your carbs and protein based on what you will burn while training.
  • Anabelucci
    Anabelucci Posts: 22 Member
    LOL!!! I guess you're right! I hadn't ever noticed. Well I will add you as a friend! When I first started running, I think I had shin splints for about 2 months straight!
  • llepine17
    llepine17 Posts: 16 Member
    I'll support you! :) I can't believe that barely anyone commented on your post, I don't get it! Adding you as a friend!
  • HeavyLiftGirl
    HeavyLiftGirl Posts: 1,267 Member
    Hi, there! Welcome! I am more of a "tomboy" and tend to add more guys than girls...if that makes you feel any better? ;)
    I will add you now! I hope you like it here. I am mildly obsessed with this site, and have only been here about 2 weeks.
  • prettylittlegreekdoll
    Just rejoined and looking for friends for support - I think we all need support whether we are trying to lose 10 or 100 pounds. Sending request ~

  • prettylittlegreekdoll
    Went to add him and it said user deactivated account
  • Annaruthus
    Annaruthus Posts: 301 Member
    wow this guy gave up quick. He's already deactivated his account!