What would you do if you won the lottery?



  • antizoni1
    antizoni1 Posts: 334
    Quit my Job and turn off my cell phone
  • shimila1101
    shimila1101 Posts: 119
    -Pay off my house and move to a nicer one paid for in cash
    -Pay off my fiances medical school loans
    -Give our families money
    -Go back to school for my Masters
    -Build/operate a cat sanctuary
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    Get fixed(hips) lose the rest of the weight get the plastics afterwards then travel travel and travel! :drinker:
  • JuneBPrice
    JuneBPrice Posts: 294 Member
    I'd pay for college, but outside of that, I'd change nothing about my life. Getting that much money at my age without earning it would destroy me.
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    pay off all my debt
    pay off my dad's debt so he can retire in peace
    ^^^ same for my father-in-law
    set up funds for my kids
    spoil myself and my family!
  • Buy a house for me and my son, pay of student loans, help family, donate some, take a trip to Austria to see family, buy season passes to Disneyland, buy a vacation condo in San Diego.....be happy because I would never have to worry about money again!!!
  • tajmel
    tajmel Posts: 401 Member
    * Repay student debt and pre-pay the rest of my tuition
    * Buy five houses, four of which would be gifts
    * Install gym, library, and garden, and put in enough solar panels and efficiency upgrades to be self-sustaining
    * Replace my compact car with a compact hatchback
    * Set up a small trust for each of my children
    * Set up a scholarship for my younger brother
    * Start a community garden
    * Travel

    Do I still have money left? Because I could go on...
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    "Two chicks at the same time."

    Just 2? Ye of so small dreams! :huh:

    "Damn straight. I always wanted to do that, man. And I think if I were a millionaire I could hook that up, too; 'cause chicks dig dudes with money. "
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    Depends on how much I won. :D

    If it was more like 1-5 million:
    1. Give my parents money for retirement
    2. Pay off my debts and my sisters debts
    3. Buy a condo in my dream building (or pay for a down payment, it is about $800k to live there)
    4. Take a 6 week sabbatical to travel
    5. Save the rest

    If it was a lot more:
    Do all of the stuff above
    Start a business, maybe a clothing boutique? Not sure
    Save a lot
    Work on some downtown redevelopment projects
    Donate more
  • HisShadow
    HisShadow Posts: 59 Member
    Take my family and Disappear.

    In my new locale, install a home gym and hire a personal trainer, nutritionist & chef.
  • jacquelyn_erika
    jacquelyn_erika Posts: 524 Member
    -Take care of my families financial needs
    -Pay off my debt and my boyfriend's debt (student loans...ick)
    -Buy two new cars, nothing fancy, something with great gas mileage
    -Build a beautiful house
    -Start an animal rescue shelter

    ....there's so much more. Those are the things that come to mind right away though!
  • kalyn_QT
    kalyn_QT Posts: 273 Member
    1. pay off college loans
    2. hire personal trainer
    3. donate some
    4. save

    in that order.
  • countindowntothin
    countindowntothin Posts: 201 Member
    Quit my job
    Pay off all my family's debt, along with my parents' and brothers'.
    Buy a huge space of land and build a nice house, but not too big (I'm not cleaning all that up!)
    Have 4 more kids
    buy new car for me and truck for my husband
    By an RV
    buy a house in the mountains and at the beach
    buy the husband a boat (or 2)
    College for all my kids and any neices and nephews I may accrue
    give some to my friends
    homeschool my children
    hire a chef (full time) and trainer (when I'm home)
    boob job and tummy tuck
  • tajmel
    tajmel Posts: 401 Member
    Does literally everyone on this site have student debt?
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    Pay off ever penny of student loan, vehicle and mortgage debt we have.
    Fix up our house in Texas and finally sell it.
    Sell this house and build the house of my dreams.
    Replace all kinds of things that I've been meaning to replace: broken iPod, broken hairdryer, living room furniture, etc.
    Make a very large savings account.
    Set up college tuition savings for both my kids.
    Keep working and just enjoy having the financial padding.
  • NorthcN
    NorthcN Posts: 6 Member
    1. Tell no one not even family
    2. pay off student loans
    3. buy parents house so they can go travel the world like they want to.
    4. Continue my life as normal.
  • kellyallday
    kellyallday Posts: 137 Member
    In this order:

    1) Find a great place to hide.
    2) Tithe.
    3) Setup an annuity or high interest account that will kick out monthly dividends. This account would be never touched again (setup and forgotten)... and willed to my descendants, with restrictions regarding cashing it out or taking loans against it. You would be surprised how many lottery winners go bankrupt.
    4) Give all of my relatives and/or close friends one lump sum, and tell them that if they blow it, don't come back.
    5) Purchase several lots of land and or houses in up and coming areas... income property, and hire a management firm to oversee the renting out, repairs, etcetera.
    6) Travel, and hire a chef, trainer and stylist to go with me.
    7) Setup a school/orphanage of excellence that would foster healthful living, encourage diversity and service.
  • harleygaljojo
    harleygaljojo Posts: 111 Member
    I would retire and move the the beach.
    Take care of my family and close friends
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,173 Member
    No particular order

    Pay off all my kids student loans.
    Buy a house and put a personal gym in it....and hire a personal chef...LOL!
    Donate to the ASPCA .....and adopt a dog.
    Donate to some other causes.
    Help out my other relatives.
    Start a business to help other women sell their handmade goods....without a fee.
    Save the rest for travel and to live comfortably
  • Hmmm...I won the lottery, huh?

    1. Send my son to Stanford
    2. Donate to charity and help others in need.
    3. Why not a few random acts of anonymous kindness?
    4. Quit my job so I can exercise more.
    5. Pay off all family debts
    6. Set up a trust for my son and future grandchildren.
    7. Visit Europe
    8. Find a nice girl and take her somewhere exotic and fun.
    9. How do you spell Ferrari? ;-}