Water Consumption

nsanville Posts: 28 Member
I am having a really hard time drinking the water that I need for the day! I know for every caffinated drink you have you should have an additional 12 oz of water because it dehydrates you (possbile myth, LOL), and even with Crystal light and lemon wedges, I cannot bring myself to get it all in, most of the time. Any tips?


  • csc101769
    csc101769 Posts: 53
    Have you tried MiO? I hate hate hate plain water....adding flavor is the ONLY way I can make myself drink it.....I never quite get in my 8 glasses but I get a lot closer than before :)
  • nsanville
    nsanville Posts: 28 Member
    Have you tried MiO? I hate hate hate plain water....adding flavor is the ONLY way I can make myself drink it.....I never quite get in my 8 glasses but I get a lot closer than before :)

    hmm, maybe I will buy some of that tonight at the market! I have been wanting to try it!
  • weeblex
    weeblex Posts: 411 Member
    I am having a really hard time drinking the water that I need for the day! I know for every caffinated drink you have you should have an additional 12 oz of water because it dehydrates you (possbile myth, LOL), and even with Crystal light and lemon wedges, I cannot bring myself to get it all in, most of the time. Any tips?

    Another 12 oz for the coffee? So that means you have to get 24oz for the same 12oz that you'd normally have, sounds dubious to me but I'm not the expert.

    As far as I'm concerned liquid is pretty much liquid.

    Have you tried drinking while exercising, I knock out 2 cups while exercising for 30 minutes in the humidity we have here, then no problem for a few more through the day.

    8 cups is only 4 bottles of water.
  • notyouraveragetalia
    notyouraveragetalia Posts: 223 Member
    What helps me is a 8oz glass before every meal or snack!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I am having a really hard time drinking the water that I need for the day! I know for every caffinated drink you have you should have an additional 12 oz of water because it dehydrates you (possbile myth, LOL), and even with Crystal light and lemon wedges, I cannot bring myself to get it all in, most of the time. Any tips?

    You're right, it's a myth (caffeine is very mildly diuretic, unless you drink a lot of coffee or caffeinated soda I wouldn't worry too much about that)

    You get a lot of the fluids you need from your foods too. You can judge your level of hydration from the colour of your urine - it should be very light to almost clear. If you're exercising heavily in the heat then extra fluids are called for.
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    All I know is I HATED plain water. I always had to have something with flavor in it. But all I drink now, well mostly is plain water and I love it. I guess I just learned to love it. I usually get 12-18 8oz cups in a day. Somedays are less but for me I don't count my water unless it's just plain water. And maybe you just need to drink it more often to learn to like it. Maybe for me it was just realizing the benefits of drinking water, I don't know I just started drinking it and love it. But that's my opinion! Good luck with the water!

    *Edited to add: I have a 24oz cup that I keep on me at all times that is filled with water and I won't refill it until it's empty. That has helped me immensely.
  • farmer50340
    farmer50340 Posts: 28 Member
    I have a container that is 64 ounces. The 8-8 ounce glasses a day. I keep the container behind the desk and a blue cup on my desk. When the cup is empty, I refil it from the container. Yes, it's plain water, and occassionally I need something different, but I've found myself drinking plenty of water this way.
  • jsenecal12
    jsenecal12 Posts: 42
    I have one of those 16 oz cups that come with the plastic straw and screw on top; I fill it and drink it along with anything I eat. If I'm feeling really fancy, I'll drink one before AND during a meal/snack. Try it - even with just 8 oz. Make it a rule for yourself; if you're going to eat, you're going to also drink at least 8 oz of water. And as silly as it may sound, the use of a straw makes me drink it a lot faster :blushing:
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I am on my FOURTH 32oz container today! I drank one during my workout, one on the way home, another before lunch, and working on the fourth now.

    IMO if you keep a bottle of water within reach during your waking hours, you WILL drink it. Sometimes when I was thirsty, I didn't drink just because I couldn't be bothered to get up and fill my cup. If it gets boring, I use a crystal light packet, or a few drops of Mio.
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    I have one of those 16 oz cups that come with the plastic straw and screw on top; I fill it and drink it along with anything I eat. If I'm feeling really fancy, I'll drink one before AND during a meal/snack. Try it - even with just 8 oz. Make it a rule for yourself; if you're going to eat, you're going to also drink at least 8 oz of water. And as silly as it may sound, the use of a straw makes me drink it a lot faster :blushing:

    I'm with you on the straw thing. I have a 24oz cup with a built in straw and that's the cup I have to use. It does help me get it down faster for some odd reason.
  • mjsunshine16
    mjsunshine16 Posts: 251 Member
    drink every time you stand up and the water will just disappear :-)
  • PaveGurl
    PaveGurl Posts: 244 Member
    I keep a 32-oz refillable bottle on my desk (mine is like this: http://store.nalgene.com/SearchResults.asp?Cat=3 , but there are a blue million out there). I make it part of my routine to fill it up with ice water in the morning when I get to work, and a goal to need to refill it at lunch time. I have to have it SUPER cold, or I think it's kinda gross, so that also helps me keep drinking; I want to drink it before it goes room temp ^__^
  • newcs
    newcs Posts: 717 Member
    As stupid as this may sound, I use the water tracker on Fit Bit because I like seeing the icon fill up. I used to hate water...I didn't actually learn to drink plain water (grew up adding Crystal Light to water) until after college. Using the Fit Bit tracker made me more aware of my water consumption and I've been known to down 16oz just to be able to click the button.
  • Monny287
    Monny287 Posts: 109
    If you're missing the carbonation and sweetness of soda, try switching to seltzer water. I also agree with the waterbottle idea. In high school, I switched out my usual two 20 oz. bottles of Diet Coke for two 1-liter bottles of water. I would end up drinking both bottles of water just because they were sitting on the edge of my desk!