
Hi, I'm new to this site...I just joined yesterday... so I'm still trying to get familiar with everything this site has to offer. A couple of years ago, I lost 50 lbs and over the last year, the weight has slowly been creeping back on. I have gained 30 pounds of the 50 back!!! I'm so disgusted with myself for letting this happen!! Today, is a new beginning...I want to take off 30 pounds and learn to eat the healthy way and get more serious about exercise. So with that being said, I am looking for support through this journey. Please add me as a buddy so we can help one another get through the tough times. :-)


  • Biffabops
    Biffabops Posts: 8 Member
    Hey There,

    I have only just joined and need friends so feel free to add me :)
  • halliedoll
    halliedoll Posts: 171
    adding :]
  • kristi5224
    kristi5224 Posts: 98 Member
    I have just met my goals after 95 days. it feels great. If you use this honestly, it works. I feel great!!
  • pfortune8
    pfortune8 Posts: 2
    Great! I'll send a request.