Is your significant other 'on board'???



  • MelissaGraham7
    MelissaGraham7 Posts: 406 Member
    At first, hubby was not overly supportive. I cooked him separate stuff and just didn't make a big deal of it. Over time, he has become more and more supportive. Maybe he just had to see I was serious this time and it wasn't a "fad." Now, he eats the same thing I eat and he supports me enthusiastically and occasionally goes for a walk with me. It was so great to gradually change his diet over to the healthy stuff too! It takes time and patience because you really can't force people to your way of thinking any more than you could force yourself before you were ready.
  • galaxiegal
    galaxiegal Posts: 90
    My husband supports me, but he isn't on board for all the healthy changes. He works his *kitten* off at work and probably could burn 1000 calories a day easily. So I understand why he is not interested in changing his lifestyle.

    He is okay with not having a lot of "bad" snacks in the house, as long as I have tons to fruit to choose from. He also goes for walks with me and helps me to make healthy decisions when we go out to dinner.

    this is the same for me. My SO doesn't eat lots of sweets (which is my weaknes :wink: ) so I'm safe as far as there being unhealthy food in the house
  • txlissa62
    txlissa62 Posts: 128
    My husband is very tall and pretty much naturally thin. Every now and then he'll put on a few pounds, but it comes off really quickly for him. He's always been a much healthier eater than I (well, except for his "kiddie crack" candy habit, which he has eased up on). I'm really lucky in that he's behind me 110% without being judgmental or nagging, and that he'll eat pretty much anything. We've agreed that I'll cook what I want, and he'll either eat it as-is, modify it to his liking, or eat something else. So far, he's pretty much eaten everything as-is, with the exception of spinach. He hates it, I love it. :)
    The whiter your bread, the quicker you're dead. That's what my nutrition teacher used to say, since white bread tends to have bleach in it.
    I make my own bread, but don't really care for wheat. (I usually make sourdough.) I use King Arthur Flour unbleached white flour, so no bleach in my white bread. :)
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    My husband is happy for me and supports me, like the other day he asked me if I wanted anything from the store, and I said "Chocolate" and he said "No you don't need that, it'll knock you off track." I said "You asked me what I wanted, not what I needed." However I appreciate him reminding me that just because it's TOM I don't have to screw up, and I don't NEED the chocolate lol. So instead he bought me some Dark Chocolate Almond milk, and it's amazing!

    However he refuses to jump on board and lose weight with me, he says he wants to do this and that but wanting and doing it are 2 different things. He buys things that will tempted me at times but I don't get mad or think he is sabotaging me, it's me who can sabotage me, I didn't come all this way to let food defeat me lol. So Yes he is supportive, no he won't jump right on board with me.
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 811 Member
    My fiancee is in shape and wakes up at 6am to kickbox. Soooo yeah, I'd say he's on board. Lol.
  • MrBigMack is indeed on board... and on MFP.

    And what is this "meatless Monday" thing you talk about? We do "all-meat Monday" at our place :bigsmile:

    ROFL we love meat as well but in moderation...there are meals with no meat but those are more hubby has now joined MFP, yea!!!
  • MaddiJoseph
    MaddiJoseph Posts: 117 Member
    my husband is a little heavy based on BMI, but I don't see that changing very soon and I kinda don't want him to. He's a little big boned and if he lost more than maybe 10 pounds he'd look crazy. He supports me.... kind of. He says I'm doing well and such, but when he's home he wants to eat food that really doesn't fit my diet. I've actually adjusted my diet so I eat very little through work and can eat whatever with him for dinner, in moderation. It works for us... right up until he's laughing at me for eating a burger without the bun.
  • jyuubi
    jyuubi Posts: 109
    My boyfriend is losing weight as well, and on MFP. So we're doing it together. It's definitely a lot easier to stick to things that way.
  • AZChristy
    AZChristy Posts: 30 Member
    My SO is on board and supportive but driving me crazy. He's lost a few pounds recently and spends the whole evening walking around the house half naked and talking about how great he looks. :ohwell:
  • wayne4825
    wayne4825 Posts: 166 Member
    My soon to be wife and I are are both on board with it all. I'm doing 30DS for the second time because I want to be there with her the entire step of the way no matter how difficult or how much I dislike it. She does the same thing for me day in and day out. We keep each other motivated and pushing forward.
  • ashbee03
    ashbee03 Posts: 274 Member
    Kind of.
    But not really.
    He doesn't have to lose weight, he's a gamer nerd.
    He doesn't go to the gym.
    But he does support my eating.
    He says he's proud of me when I workout, and he basically eats whatever I make.
    Since he never cooks.

    So aslong as I'm cooking, he'll eat it.
    No matter what it is lol.

    So in that sense he's good.

    But when we are out and stuff, he does have abad habit of pointing out stuff that is on sale that isn't so good for you.
    Knowing I feel guilty because sometimes I feel like I'm depriving him.
    But he says he really doesn't care, whatever helps. lol.

    As far as other people go, no.
    At work all my co-workers eat junk in front of me.
    My mom always offers me coupons to like KFC and stuff, and whenever I'm upset she wants to comfort me by taking me out to get something to eat.
    I don't mean something nice, I mean something fatty and well, comforting !
    No matter how much I tell her she's always like "one bad day won't hurt you".
    But then it turns into every other day.
  • Janiot
    Janiot Posts: 187 Member
    Yep - my husband has lost 18 kgs too!
  • My boyfriend is trying to gain weight so it's a little hard. No excuses though- I'm the only one who's in control of what I eat and if I exercise or not. Plus he's super supportive.
  • Dare2BThin
    Dare2BThin Posts: 211 Member
    My hubby is very supportive of me. He has an active job, he works in a warehouse, and he plays basketball 3 times a week. As for food he still eats what he likes but as far as at home he's great because he eats what I cook, Hes not picky LOL
  • ang3h
    ang3h Posts: 185 Member
    My husband is very supportive but he has the fastest metabolism ever.. and happily eats all the goodies I can't in front of me :( drives me nuts.
  • My husband lays on our bed and watches me on the elliptical while eating nacho cheese doritos.... On a good note being exhausted and pouring sweat while on the elliptical and watching him grub down made me certain I'll never be eating those again :( He is supportive just a bit goofy at times.
  • chatter27
    chatter27 Posts: 121
    My husband is on board...ish. He supports me bettering myself as long as its not on again off again. He just wants me to stay committed.
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    My boyfriend has been amazingly supportive since I started living healthy. I got healthy right after me moved to Cali in September. I had told him I wanted to lose some of the weight I had gained over the summer, and that I was wanting to reduce my meat intake. He honestly didn't really care about if I was going to lose weight or not, but he's a straight up carnivore, so I wasn't sure how he'd feel about less meat. It's worked really well though. The only meal I cook for both of us is dinner, so I usually limit my meat to dinner, but he's been really great about letting me cook meatless dinners a few times. He's even started requesting meatless recipes from time to time, and his eating has cleaned up quite a bit too.

    He's also gotten active with me and has actually lost quite a bit of weight himself! We started running together, did our first 5k race together, and go to the gym together a lot. We even went for a 7 mile run together this morning! It's been wonderful. We both feel so much better, and it's given us hobbies and interests we can share.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    On a scale of 1 to 10 my husband is at 5. Verbal support for me but he has spent the past year doing his own thing regarding food. The past week he decided he wants to "do what I do" and is copying everything right down to portion. Smart guy- he'll get it figured out :wink:
  • Front_Runner
    Front_Runner Posts: 175
    My guy ROCKS - and I love him to no end. Is he on board? Well... not really. I mean - he eats what I cook and never complains. He's almost always up for a walk. But he eats a lot!!! And he's a snacker - which is tough for me at times. Especially when he busts out a sack of tortilla chips and homemade guacamole - or cuts up a bunch of bread and cheese. He also drinks beer most evenings - which has a lot of empty calories. It's tough, but it could be WAY worse. I do wish he would eat less, though. I worry about his long term health. And I know he would look SO hot if he lost some of that tummy! He doesn't believe BMI applies to him - because he's built big... and I get that to a point... but I think it applies more than he is willing to accept (if that makes sense). But I love him no matter what... and never seen sexier legs on any man. ;)