46% body fat- Ugh!

It just occurred to me that not only do I have a lot of weight and inches to lose, I also have a lot of body fat to lose. Discouraging but not devastating, I just wasn't aware that it was SO bad. I can't help but feel that half of me is fat!

I wish MFP had a body fat percentage ticker because I want to monitor that as well now.

Starting Weight: 202.1
Current Weight: 193.6
Target Weight: 155
Current Body Fat: 46%
Target Body Fat: 22%


  • AnisaMG
    AnisaMG Posts: 154 Member
    I track my body fat% too. I added it to the weigh in, so it's part of my weekly or biweekly routine. As you lose weight it will go down too, good luck on your journey!! :flowerforyou:
  • JessyJ03
    JessyJ03 Posts: 627 Member
    My numbers are similar but I'm a lot heavier than you

    Starting Weight: 354 (I imagine my BF% was well over 50% here)
    Current Weight: 303.5
    Target Weight: 175 (or lower depends on when I get this far)
    Current BF %: 47.6
    Target BF%: I'm aiming for under 31% then from there we will move forward.

    When I first found out my body fat percentage that was the first thing I said to myself. I'M HALF FAT! ugh. It's just a starting point though and doesn't define who I am ;)
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    I see more value in body fat over mere weight.
  • katykellison
    katykellison Posts: 3 Member
    Curious - how are you guys calculating your body fat %?
  • tammyandzach
    tammyandzach Posts: 922 Member
    That seems really high. I started at 254 and was only 36%. how tall are you.
  • AussieRachG
    AussieRachG Posts: 43 Member
    How do you find out your body fat %?
  • SuperCindy185
    SuperCindy185 Posts: 12 Member
    I had the same reaction - UGH I"m half fat and then to be positive said wow the other half must be really strong to load all of it around! Keep up your jouney - looks like you have a great attitude!
  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    Body fat is easy to lose as you lose weight. I am 5'2" I started at 196lbs and was 39.4% BF. After six months, I only lost 20lbs, but I lost 6% BF. I felt that was a bigger victory!
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    How do you find out your body fat %?

    Try this - http://www.skinbodyfitness.com/bmr_bmi_bfp.htm

    it uses the military body fat calculator.
  • amersmanders
    amersmanders Posts: 118 Member
    I see more value in body fat over mere weight.

    I would have to agree Bobby-

    I had originally planned on focusing on just the weight, knowing that as I made adjustments to my eating and exercising that the body fat would theoretically go down with it, but after my weigh in (my gym has a body fat calculation scale), I feel like I need to shift my focus a bit.

    Also, in response to the other poster, I am 5'4"
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    Wait, what? That site gave me this result:

    Your BMR is: 1680.3
    Your BMI is: 33
    Minimum Calorie requirement is: 2604
    Your Body Fat is 41%.
    Your weight state is Obese.
    You should reduce your weight by 41 pound(s).

    But fat2fatradio gave me the number that I'm at 27.8% body weight, they use forearm and wrist measurements to determine one's frame. Not their military one, the other one. It's very inconsistent I think. I lost 56 pounds already and I thought I was 45% body fat back then. I'm confused. The 41% is probably right though, as it would put my goal weight at 143 pounds, which would be good for my BMI. I just don't feel like I have THAT much fat on me anymore. >.<
  • darrcn5
    darrcn5 Posts: 495 Member
    You can do it! I was 45% body fat in April of last year, and now I am 32%. I still have a bit to go, but that 13% has made a huge difference in how I feel and look.
  • mgs68pony
    mgs68pony Posts: 306 Member
    Well I have lost 16 pounds total and some before I started taking measurements.

    I calculated my before fat on this site

    43.6% fat at 164
    36% at my current weight of 152

    I guess this is pretty good for 12 pound loss.
  • JessyJ03
    JessyJ03 Posts: 627 Member
    I got my BF% from a hand held thing at the gym. They enter your weight, height and you hold onto it for awhile (it looks like a nintendo remote) and wah lah like magic it gives your bf% lol.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    Lowering body fat is a function of eating at a caloric deficit with adequate protein intake, coupled with proper resistance exercise.
    Clean food intake (i.e., macronutrient manipulation) becomes increasingly important when trying to reach extreme (i.e. single-digit) bodyfat levels.
    Fixed it for you.
  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    Interesting site
    my BMI in the tools here says i am in the overweight category but by this site i am in the obese category still. I think the skin i am carrying affects my measurements...surgeon said at last appointment i havnt any viseral or sub fat...

    Your BMR is: 1628.4
    Your BMI is: 29.3
    Minimum Calorie requirement is: 2809
    Your Body Fat is 40.2%.
    Your weight state is Obese.
    You should reduce your weight by 41.3 pound(s).

    heck when i started it was well into the 90% range...... dont think i need to worry bout it now lol
  • PrincessNikkiBoo
    PrincessNikkiBoo Posts: 330 Member
    I think mine is 37%... when I first started it was 45%. You can do it!