3 weeks, I've lost 13 pounds, but...

Now I'm quite stuck. My goal is to loose 30 pounds, and I think I melted those pounds quite fast in the first days. I don't know why, I was not doing an extreme diet or exercise. Anyway, I decided to add an weight loss aid in the next week, some of those pills with orlistat. I have heard negative comments about those pills, but it always had worked for me just fine, and I want to know your opinion.

You can also add me as a friend. gisellenid. I've read that you can loose weight x3 faster with friends! Se habla inglés y español.

Giselle Enid


  • i would like to buy that too but i cant afford it at the moment. i hope it works for you
  • The faster you lose weight, the easier it would be pile all straight back on.
  • shaj316
    shaj316 Posts: 161
    You might have just lost a lot of water initially. Most people seem to lose a lot initially especially if they didn't drink enough water to begin with and drink a lot more. I think you should give the calorie count thing more of a try before you resort to taking pills. There are a lot of folks on MFP that followed most of the method and worked great for them.

    Good luck whatever you do.
  • Jewels211
    Jewels211 Posts: 184 Member
    If you've only got 17 more lbs to lose, it probably will come off a lot slower; it just seems to be the way it is. The more you have to lose, the faster the first part comes off, then it slows down. Just hang in there. Can't comment on the pills; they make me nervous. Every one I've ever heard of that actually worked ended up being pulled off the market b/c they were dangerous in some way. Good luck, and know there are plenty here in the same boat as you are.
  • The faster you lose weight, the easier it would be pile all straight back on.
    I agree. You are stuck because after 3 weeks, your body has adjusted to your lower metabolic rate. Weight loss pills tamper with your body's natural chemistry. I advise against it.
  • adjones5
    adjones5 Posts: 938 Member
    I don't recommend diet pills ever, under any circumstance. In my opinion it would be more beneficial to practice self discipline and be patient than to take pills.
  • dont lose ur weight too fast or ule gain it back or get sick
  • I don't recommend diet pills ever, under any circumstance. In my opinion it would be more beneficial to practice self discipline and be patient than to take pills.

    Agreed! Plus you'd feel more accomplished knowing it was all your hard work which got you your goal.
  • candicole007
    candicole007 Posts: 120 Member
    The faster you lose weight, the easier it would be pile all straight back on.
    I agree. You are stuck because after 3 weeks, your body has adjusted to your lower metabolic rate. Weight loss pills tamper with your body's natural chemistry. I advise against it.

  • just eat right and move more and u will lose weight u can do it. diet pills r not safe u could get heart problems from taking them.
  • Gisellenid
    Gisellenid Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks everyone!!