Sad, tired of crying and here because I've hit rock bottom.



  • frankenchick
    frankenchick Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks SO much for the encouragement! This experience and all these wonderful people my just change my life!
    I can't believe the out pouring of support already! I am going to invest in a nice lunch bag and make that my first real change...packing a lunch. : ) It's so simple! Baby steps. : )
  • jerimay22
    jerimay22 Posts: 55 Member
    I think its fantastic that your husband is supportive of you no matter what, I think it's even better that your willing to come on here and spill everything to a bunch of people you don't know and ask for help! Thats a great start! It will come with time, the only way you will fail is if you don't try. *Hugs*
  • bdavis1988
    You can do it! I just got finished with the first week of my journey. I NEVER was able to loose weight until I found myfitnesspal as well as the amazing protein drinks offered by visalus. Visalus and the people on this site have helped me stay motivated to get through my first week. The first week is always the hardest. You can do it! Join my on my 90 day challenge! I just started so we can do it together! Go to and watch the video!
  • frankenchick
    frankenchick Posts: 5 Member
    Ok EVERYONE on here that replied and/or sent me a friend request has brought me to tears of hope and happiness!
    The out pouring of support and advice is MUCH more than I ever expected. For the first time in my life I think I can do this!
    I love you all! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! : ) xxxooo
  • anna0478
    anna0478 Posts: 505 Member
    You're in the right place! If anything, I can say MFP has been extremely helpful :)
  • Darlingir
    Darlingir Posts: 437
    Rock bottom is good...only up from here!!! Changes are coming!!
  • KaseyWolf
    KaseyWolf Posts: 122 Member
    Remember...who you are as a person is NOT dependent upon what a little box that measures you and gravity. Do things to feel better about yourself for yourself. Small steps, small changes...and HAVE FUN with it. It helps!!
  • ginacs6
    ginacs6 Posts: 22 Member
    Im the same...tall, curvy and no one would guess I weigh as much as I do too. I hit my highest weight last year (50lbs ago) and I felt like I'd never make it back. I hated myself. Now I feel theres no stopping me and Im by no means a fanatic.
    I sent you a request. Hope we can help each other!!
  • jap1148
    jap1148 Posts: 19 Member
    so sympathetic to how you feel...but more glad to hear you're ready to do something about it. We're all here for the same reason; we support you no matter what! Feel free to add me
  • reddi2roll
    reddi2roll Posts: 356 Member
    Well, I see lots of postiives in your message. You quit smoking WIN, you are here WIN, you recognize that take out lunch is a killer WIN, you have a loving supportive spouse WIN.

    So, start with one step at a time. Start logging what you eat, increase your water, pack your lunch the night before and take it in to work instead of eating junk food.

    If you have to, eat at your desk and then just get up and walk around the building, either inside or out. Walk up and down a few flights of stairs in the building and stay away for the candy jars and baked goods that everyone feels compelled to bring into work.

    You can do this. Many have. You have come to the right place.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Reach out if you need friends and help!

    I have a huge list of people who would love to help you!

    Hugs and welcome!
  • junejadesky
    junejadesky Posts: 524 Member
    This was me 6 years ago! I have since lost a majority of my weight. My top weight was 248lbs and I basically couldn't look at my self in the mirror. I also was a fast food junkie. Breaking that habit was the hardest thing I have ever done. I now do not eat fried foods an eat healthy.

    Here is my advice: spend time on learning how to eat better by planning lunches so you can bring them with you. This will be the key for you and it will be hard, but just take note of how you are no longer tired and feel horrible about everything. Start by making small changes and you will be amazed at how much better you feel. When you eat fast food write down 3 words about how you feel, and then do the same for a healthier choice. You and your body deserve to feel happy and healthy.

    Don't think about it as a "diet". You are making a lifestyle change for yourself because you are sick of feeling the way that you are. YOU CAN DO IT! You are a beautiful lady and celebrate all of the little success along the way.

    I always say: you are what you eat... let the food serve you and your body an not make you feel the way you do!!

    GOOD LUCK!! I am on the same journey!
  • johnnys30
    johnnys30 Posts: 64 Member
    I'd agree with other comments. Getting to the point where you're fed up and want to change is the hard part. Its not easy from here, but its downhill. :)
  • kaytyl2
    kaytyl2 Posts: 142 Member
    You have come to the right place. MFP is awesome and the people are so supportive. It really is small steps at a time and before you know it you have completed the journey. Add me if you want and I'll be happy to support you on your journey. :)
  • TomKat428
    TomKat428 Posts: 30
    Hi sweetie, I think we've all been there. It's easy to get to the point where we just feel out of control of our own lives and can't understand how we got where we are. The great thing is, you're strong enough to realize it and face it! You can so do this. Just start small, work hard and be kind to yourself. We are here to support you along the way.

    By the way, your profile pic is just gorgeous. You look like a pin-up girl!
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    My husband may love me no matter what, but its extremely hard for me to love myself when I've let myself get to 236lbs!!!
    I'm tall and curvy and none of my friends would EVER guess that's what I weigh but it's true!

    Saying this to a bunch of strangers is my first step in what I pray is the right direction.
    I've lost control because I'm tired all the time from work, don't get a break so I'm eating takeout regularly because it's quick.

    I have horrible back problems and since the injury in 2003 I have not been able to be that active hence all of my weight gain. That
    and being in a happy relationship (isn't that funny how that works) and quitting smoking has led be down a path of laziness, convenience when it comes to food and just "accepting" that this fat is just how I was meant to be.

    I am here as a last resort. I need motivation and I want to give it in return. So please, feel free to add me and maybe together we can beat this! : )
    Well, at least if you're at rock bottom, there is only one way to go and that's up (and I don't mean your weight.) I'm also tall and curvy, nobody ever believed me when I told them my highest weight was 221. Being single, I eat out more often than in, I made some changes to what I eat when I eat out (part of it for me is that I'm allergic to wheat so no more burgers on the go.) I bring my own breakfast and lunch to work (yogurt or protein shake and fresh fruit for breakfast, a sandwich, a v-8 juice and fruit for lunch, snacks of either raw veggies or fruit and a protein shake before I go to the gym.) If I'm eating out, I get salads with chicken or steak (I do check the websites for the restaurants I tend to favor so I make sure I'm getting good salads) no fries unless it's treat days, if you're needing to have a burger, get a kids meal (some of them now give apple slices instead of fries and you can get 1% milk with it instead of soda.)
    Talk to your doctor about what exercises he/she recommends for your type of back injury , my chiropractor recommended simple stretches for my neck (I have a bulging disc in my neck,) walking, and yoga to start. I started researching exercises that wouldn't do more damage and might help, I discovered bellydancing (no impact, great stretching, and improved my flexibility) and now am taking a body pump (weights) and body combat (mma/kickboxing) at a gym on top of my dance classes and performing.
    You're welcome to add me as a friend, we CAN beat this!
  • Redtango76
    Redtango76 Posts: 144
    I think fed up and rock bottom is probably how the majority of us got here. You are not alone! We have about the same stats and similar situations can do this !
  • dfair1967
    dfair1967 Posts: 91
    Hey we all bottomed out in one aspect or another or we would not be here also.I have sent you a friend request to help you on your change. Great support is what you will get if you are willing to travel down this road.
  • SuziQueue
    SuziQueue Posts: 64 Member
    Hey Chick - Good for you! Hitting bottom is the first step to picking your self up from your bootstraps, give yourself a nice, swift kick, and start a new journey beginning today. Commit, and make it your #1 priority to take care of you and be the you that you want to be, because no matter where you go, no matter how hard you run or try to hide from the you that you've become, there you are. You've come to the right place for support. All of us have crappy days - we have salad one day and ice cream the next, but when we stumble we get back up and make the next day better. Godspeed to you in your new, exciting journey!!
  • conniewadsworth
    Hang in there! You are not alone. I have several friends who have used MFP and have seen great results. I just started using it yesterday. My first day, even though I didn't think I ate a lot, I went over my calories by 1,422 and over a lot on the carbs, fats, and protien. Today, after dinner I was 180 calories over and a lot less in the others. I went on a walk while my husband and kids went down the street to my aunt's house to swim. I walked probably about 1 mile or so around my area and burned 130 calories after walking for 40 minutes. Take your time, there is no rush. Every step counts. Do little things like park farther away when going to a store, take steps instead of an elevator. I work in a manufacturing business doing billing and HR so I sit most of my day. Thankfully, due to employee laziness, I have to go out and verify a lot during the day, so I get some walking in at work too. Just seeing how much I was over yesterday in all my numbers, made me more aware of it today, and I tried that much harder not to snack. And cut your portions in half. My portion control is OUT of control. A friend of mine lost 30 lbs just by eating half of what was on her plate. she would throw the rest out. That way she wasn't tempted to eat it later if she put it in the fridge. Good luck with your goals and whenever you get discouraged just jump on here. We're all here for each other. :smile: