How to stay motivated in times of hardship???

I found out on Friday that my pappa is in the hospital and basically dying, I know I should stick with my exercise routine but I find it soo difficult to find the motivation let alone be away from my phone for extended periods of time.

How do you go about living as if nothing is wrong??? How do you motivate yourself??


  • mdj1501
    mdj1501 Posts: 392 Member
    So very sorry about all you are going through... all you can do is try your best to keep your head above water and do what you can do. Best of luck to you!
  • WickedBean
    WickedBean Posts: 244 Member
    I go for long walks... outside. that way my phone can be with me at all times and I am out getting fresh air and am able to clear my head.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    So sorry to hear...Look after yourself - go for walks, but don't panic about exercising right now....
  • Kara52217
    Kara52217 Posts: 353 Member
    Sorry to hear about what your going through.

    I always think though that If they were to tell me something that they would want me to be doing this for myself to live a longer heatlthier life. So While it is hard they would want you to be doing what is best for you. As there is nothing you can do to change the situation. But do spend time with them .
  • JMPerlin
    JMPerlin Posts: 287 Member
    My Dad died 4 weeks ago. In my picture he is wearing the black tux. Not gonna lie you it was tough, still is. However I stuck to working out as best I can. My Dad wouldn't want me to jeapordize my health just to mourn him. If the unthinkable happens stay strong for you and your family and take it day by day. It will get easier and you will find that working out will take your mind off your situation. I will pray for you and your family.

    God Bless.
  • anfmusicgrl
    anfmusicgrl Posts: 63 Member
    I'm very sorry to heard about your pappa. Take care of yourself. If you can't exercise, just try and do simple things like keep drinking water instead of other crap, make healthier choices on your meals. Just do what you can. I keep my phone on my at all times. Even when exercising I keep it within an arms reach in case of news about my mother.

    It wasn't until I came across extreme hardship, that I found the strength within me to start conquering my weight. My mom got cancer, my step mom died (both in their 40's) and it scared me. I realized that my weight is something I had control over, as well as the crap I let in my I began. I have found that exercise is a good de-stresser for me, and helps me get my mind off the constant dwelling of my mom's cancer. (She is stage 4 leiomyosarcoma)

    Stay strong. For me, my motivation is life. I want to do all I can to prevent getting sick, or dying early. Some things are out of my control, but some things are in my control. For me, that is all I needed. All people are different though.

    Just do remember that in losing weight, it's not a race, it's building a lifestyle. If you have things in real life that prevent you right now from being able to go all out on your exercise, that is not failure. Do what you can, make the best decisions you can, but most importantly....find the balance that can help you best deal with the emotional stress of what you are going through. I wish your pappa the best, and will keep you in my thoughts.
  • Giantess
    Giantess Posts: 213 Member
    Last week my fiancee wound up in the hospital for a week with a life-threatening condition. We're getting married this week--and we are broke to begin with. I was terrified, sick to my stomach.

    I slept in the hospital with him, and when they wheeled him out for tests I went for walks outside the hospital. Most hospitals have Wifi--I kept him company and logged all my calories, just to keep something of a routine.

    Don't stress yourself over not exercising! If you don't feel like working out, compromise with yourself--I just went for walks, and it helped get some of the stress off.

    I'm sorry for your worry and pain. It's important now to be kind to yourself and not judgmental.
  • spearson288
    spearson288 Posts: 55 Member
    Sorry to hear about what your going through.

    I always think though that If they were to tell me something that they would want me to be doing this for myself to live a longer heatlthier life. So While it is hard they would want you to be doing what is best for you. As there is nothing you can do to change the situation. But do spend time with them .

    Thank you. and yes that is exactly what he would have told me.
  • spearson288
    spearson288 Posts: 55 Member
    My Dad died 4 weeks ago. In my picture he is wearing the black tux. Not gonna lie you it was tough, still is. However I stuck to working out as best I can. My Dad wouldn't want me to jeapordize my health just to mourn him. If the unthinkable happens stay strong for you and your family and take it day by day. It will get easier and you will find that working out will take your mind off your situation. I will pray for you and your family.

    God Bless.

    I am so sorry for your loss, my pappa is hard enough I couldn't imagine it being my dad. Thank you

    God bless to you as well.
  • jerbear1962
    jerbear1962 Posts: 1,157 Member
    Sorry to hear about your poppa. I would do light worouts at the in place and turn on some music and dance
  • HauteHauteMami
    HauteHauteMami Posts: 128 Member
    I am very sorry about you Pappa... When things get me down I run... I put on my headphones and blast my music... I let myself get lost in the music... For the time I am running... My problems disappear... For me its the best therapy ever...
  • spearson288
    spearson288 Posts: 55 Member
    I'm very sorry to heard about your pappa. Take care of yourself. If you can't exercise, just try and do simple things like keep drinking water instead of other crap, make healthier choices on your meals. Just do what you can. I keep my phone on my at all times. Even when exercising I keep it within an arms reach in case of news about my mother.

    It wasn't until I came across extreme hardship, that I found the strength within me to start conquering my weight. My mom got cancer, my step mom died (both in their 40's) and it scared me. I realized that my weight is something I had control over, as well as the crap I let in my I began. I have found that exercise is a good de-stresser for me, and helps me get my mind off the constant dwelling of my mom's cancer. (She is stage 4 leiomyosarcoma)

    Stay strong. For me, my motivation is life. I want to do all I can to prevent getting sick, or dying early. Some things are out of my control, but some things are in my control. For me, that is all I needed. All people are different though.

    Just do remember that in losing weight, it's not a race, it's building a lifestyle. If you have things in real life that prevent you right now from being able to go all out on your exercise, that is not failure. Do what you can, make the best decisions you can, but most importantly....find the balance that can help you best deal with the emotional stress of what you are going through. I wish your pappa the best, and will keep you in my thoughts.

    This is exactly what I am trying to do, but in times of stress I tend to even forget about eating. I don't know how many times in the weekend my Fiancee asked me what had I ate and the answer was nothing.

    He has cancer as well, in three different spots. Two in his lungs and a large one in his brain. It is hard to deal with because he seemed so much the same and yet so different. That's what cancer does though.

    Thank you so much for your kind words and your support.
  • VogtAndrea
    VogtAndrea Posts: 236
    If you're having a hard time being away from the phone, then turn on some music with a great beat but not loud enough to drown out that phone and dance. Even if you only do it for 15 minutes, its more than you would have exercised otherwise. If you manage 15 minutes once, try for twice, then 3 times in a day.... that makes your basic cardio workout. And STRETCH... and drink water. I have a powerwalk dvd that I use when the weather's rotten or when I don't want to leave the house.
    Your motivation??? What would your pappa want for you? Would he want you to sit around and mope or would he rather see you healthy, moving and thinking about the good times with him in your life?