2nd day on MyFitnessPal....does it get easier?

Hi, all! I'm Mary, gonna be 41 in a few weeks, would love to lose 45 pounds, and am living in Missouri. I started this two days ago and have not been within my calories yet, but I figure I will have to get used to the idea of eating less, right??

How long did it take you to get on board with the program and start staying within your calorie range the majority of the time? Any advice?



  • Dahllywood
    Dahllywood Posts: 642 Member
    Hi Mary,
    First off, good luck with your weight loss journey. In order to "get on board", you have to be confident in yourself. No one is going to make the change for you, you have to set your goals and start them. With that said, you can't wait around for the calories to magically fall off, you have to do it yourself.

    Start eating better, exercising more, and soon enough the weight will start falling off.
    But, have fun too! This is a lifestyle change, and should not be considered a temporary diet.
  • Heya Mary!

    Are you trying to loose the 1 or the 2 pounds a week? (no need to answer, just getting the thought in there)

    if you are trying to loose 2 a week, that's one hard pill to swallow! It is the same one I am doing and let me tell you...NOT EASY.
    With having a baby and a husband who love to eat...staying on track is a pain in the ________.

    So, how long? I gave myself 1 practice week!
    During this week I tracked everything, tried to stay on task, started exersizing more but knew I would slip up that one week and knew it was okay.
    It was my grace period.
    the week after that I buckled down hard core. Still slipped on a few days and by week three I had it.

    Are there weeks I mess it up? Yes. Does that mean I have completely given up? nope. Is it hard some days? Yup! Is it worth it?
    Well i can now jog/run without having an asthma attack every time! So yeah...it's worth it!

    Good luck and feel free to add me if you would like!
  • CiscoGeo
    CiscoGeo Posts: 4 Member
    I find that it helps if I plan ahead. When I have some extra time, I'll add meals that I'd like to eat and after seeing what nutrients they contain, I'll sub for something else. After a while, you'll become familiar with what foods contain what nutrients so choosing a combination of meals that keep you below your limits will become second nature. Hang in there, it gets easier as you become more aware of what you're taking in.
  • gregpack
    gregpack Posts: 426 Member
    Its a real eye opener when you first use this program. If you are honest with yourself and the amount you eat you'll probably figure out why you are overweight.

    Figure out how to "budget" your calories. It's a numbers game. Everything adds up. Cutting ten calories here and twenty calories there might mean you save enough to eat a 100 calorie snack in the evening to tie you over. Even then I must confess it gets pretty hard to comply below 1800 calories. You may want to try cutting out carbs as much as possible.It will likely help curb your appetite.
  • lorettaasmith
    lorettaasmith Posts: 418 Member
    It does get easier....pretty soon you won't have to think about it so much, you develop better habits ....and your body gets accustomed to the lower calorie limits. It really is a lifestyle change. It helps me to think of that way instead of as a diet. There are definitely still challenges, but none you can't handle...or recover from! Good luck with your new journey.
  • The most important thing in my opinion is to control your expectations. Don't put too much pressure on yourself and take things nice and slow.
  • chlorisaann
    chlorisaann Posts: 366 Member
    I just look at it this way... The more I exercise the more I get to eat!! A nice slow 30 min walk can get you about another 100 cals!! more if you step up the pace!!
  • Exactly!

    MFP is NOT a diet. Diets don't work!

    MFP is a lifestyle change. And you have the whole rest of your life to make it work.
  • Darlis
    Darlis Posts: 191 Member
    Yes, as you learn to make better food choices it does get easier. Now I opt for steamed veggies instead of a potato, grilled chicken instead of fried chicken or red meat, lots of food choices out there! Feel free to check my diary, I feel like I have eaten ALL day, 3 meals and 3 snacks and I still am way under calories for the day....hmmmm, I don't really want anything else to eat tonight. WOW, it's taken me a while to say THAT!!!
  • RickMckc
    RickMckc Posts: 38
    Yes, it gets easier. But you have to think of this as a LONG TERM project. I've been doing this right at a year and I can't ever imagine not tracking what I eat from now on.

    At first you might need to set your calorie level higher just so you can get the hang of it. For me the most important part was to get into the discipline of recording EVERYTHING. Even if you don't hit your goal get into that habit and eventually you will find yourself gaining more self control.

    Good luck from a fellow Missourian. :)
  • selig0730
    selig0730 Posts: 509 Member
    first month will be tough but dont let that stop you, you need lots of friends to moviate you and lose 1.5-2 ibs a week. try to eat lots of small meals so you your not hungry all the time, hope this helps
  • Aj722
    Aj722 Posts: 12
    The first few weeks are the hardest, but after that it starts to become a way of life. Sure some days are better than others, but every day you stick with it is better than the day before you started. I set small goals for myself (no prize, just pride). Things like: Hit my calorie goal for 10 days in a row, log in every food for the week, log in every day for 50 days. After you do it so much it becomes habit and not a chore. The more I kept track of everything the better I felt about myself and the strides I took towards better health. It's a life long journey but YOU CAN DO IT! Best of luck to you!!
  • Beautiful_Ideal
    Beautiful_Ideal Posts: 69 Member
    Short answer: YES!

    Your stomach will shrink and you'll get used to eating less. And you'll get used to making healthier choices, like drinking more water and choosing cleaner, more filling foods, that will keep you feeling satisfied and great (hopefully/most of the time). Of course it's not always easy, and not every day is perfect, but everything has definitely gotten easier for me, and I've definitely seen results.

    Disclaimer: I'm a horrible optimist ;)
  • 33neenaj
    33neenaj Posts: 306
    MFP is just a tool. When used consistently....it's easy and it works.
  • aubhob
    aubhob Posts: 25
    i really struggled the first weel on a 1700 calorie a day goal-but after gthe first week I was able to regularly keep under 1300 calories
    now i stay around 950 to 1200 calories a day-thius lifestyle change works but you have to be dedicated and be truthful when writing down your food-good luck
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    YES it gets easier! :-) Tracking and knowledge are the first steps, the rest will come. Welcome and good luck!!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I started staying in my calories right away. I made a game of it, trying to see how many cals I could come in under by. Eventually I learned to make smarter food choices and get more bang for my caloric buck.
    It doesn't get easier. If it was easy, everyone would be at their goal weight. You have to want it though.
  • Primamd
    Primamd Posts: 13 Member
    Mary, it does get easier! I'ver been on MFP just over a week - and i'm always looking forward to keying in my little triumphs! You automatically start eating healthier and looking for ways to add fitness activities to your life.
    Hang in there - a better life awaits!
  • daves160
    daves160 Posts: 600
    Hi Mary and welcome.

    Like anything else, you have to develop the habit. As you continue to log and add new friends for support and encouragement, you will find that it becomes somewhat addicting.

    Challenge yourself and learn. Good foods make a difference as does exercise.

    Good luck and add me if you like.
  • Tdk4685
    Tdk4685 Posts: 293 Member
    Yes it does get easier. It just takes a few weeks to get your body used to eating differently. I think I was pretty much used to the program after about a month. I had a hard time exercising at first too and now that is just part of my lifestyle. Losing weight this way is not a quick process but I have found it to be constant and the weight stays off. So give it a chance and stick with it.