Muscle mass.

I weighed in at 204lbs today. I am 6.7% body fat and I am 6 feet tall. I want to be 184 lbs, with a range of 180 to 188 lbs. I lift 3 times a week, chest, back and legs using Delaviers book. I am a BJJ enthusiast, I train 4 times a week. But I keep plateauing, I follow a 40/40/20 carbs/protein/fats. I do not count my exercise calories and I do not use any supplements. I am currently at 1830 calorie intake. I tryout 4 meals a day. I drink 12-14 bottles of water and I hate milk. I do not eat any beef just chicken, salmon, tilapia, egg whites and shrimps. Any ideas??????


  • Anayalata
    Anayalata Posts: 391 Member
    1. Following a percentage split for macros isn't really wise. 1g per pound of LBM of protein. 1/2g per pound of total mass for fats. Fill the rest with carbs.

    2. If you're really at 6.7% body fat then you can't get down to 184lbs without losing muscle.

    3. You're eating way too little. You're a big guy. Eat more.
  • bonwukem
    bonwukem Posts: 3
    Really, that makes sense. I would like to lose muscle to get under 190, any ideas. What do you mean by macros?
  • Anayalata
    Anayalata Posts: 391 Member
    Macros = macro-nutrients (carbs/proteins/fats)

    If you want to lose some muscle then drop the protein below .8g per pound of LBM.

    Be careful not to lose too much though.

    Roughly 140g protein (700 calories), 100g fats (900 calories), 225g carbs (1000 calories) to lose some muscle mass and fat while maintaining your current activity level.

    This is only an estimate though so try this out for a while and if you still don't lose then drop the carbs little by little.
  • kraj8995
    kraj8995 Posts: 28
    In that case you have to workout and go for morning walk.
  • bonwukem
    bonwukem Posts: 3
    Thanks, I will try that out.
  • kaervaak
    kaervaak Posts: 274 Member
    How did you calculate your body fat %? 6% is like body builder levels. If you're that low you'd be able to see muscle striations, have tons of vascularity and your abs would be so defined you could grate cheese on them.