Eating the wrong things, HELP!

HELP! Im having a really hard time doing this! I cant seem to learn what to eat and how to control my cravings. Im a some what picky eater so chosing what to eat is hard. I dont think that I eat TO MUCH, its just I eat the wrong things. I could eat fruit all day thats not a problem. My husband and i usually eat a decent supper. We have the meat, veggies, potatoes. Its just through the day or lunch I always end up eating something BAD! I dont really snack on cakes and nasty stuff like that. I find most of that stuff sickening. I dont know what to do!!! I really really want to lose some of this weight. I just want to at least lose the first 25 pounds, that way I cant finally say in a longgg time that Im under 200 pounds! I would feel soooo much better about myself! Suggestions!?!?!


  • HeavyLiftGirl
    HeavyLiftGirl Posts: 1,267 Member
    Avoid your trigger foods. What do I mean by that? Pack your work area with ONLY healthy snacks. Also-- start packing your lunch to avoid going out to fast food or to the cafeteria and making bad choices.

    You CAN do this. GL!
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    Well, what are you eating? I lost weight and kept my cholesterol, blood pressure, etc. good while still eating chips, cookies, etc. So, just eating chips once in a while is not the problem.

    Eat meat, veggies and potatoes for supper is fine, as long as you are measuring what you eat. Did you eat 1 cup of potatoes or 1/2 cup or 2 cups? Did you eat 4 oz. of meat? Or 6 oz? Or 12 oz?

    The amount you eat will make a difference.

    If you like fruit, try snacking on that instead of junk food.
  • born2makeulaugh2
    Hi, is there you're first time managing your calories ? There are plenty of websites and resources you could read on finding things that are healthy. Educate yourself on the better choices of food. First, focus on adding more fruits,veggies, and lean meats to your diets. If you are still cravings crackers,cookies, etc. eat the portion amounts and that's it.

    This is a baby step process and I was once in your shoes. I had to self educate myself and read articles on the good & the bad.
    I am more than happy to help.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Options great site. Use the features. Find your BMR and TDEE. Eat somewhere in between. Don't eat less than BMR, and don't create more than 1,000 calorie deficit between TDEE and added exercise.

    For your foods, we have no clue what you are eating as your diary is locked. Be sure to add EVERYTHING in it. EVERYTHING. Even things you think don't matter.

    Without knowing your calorie goals and your diet, we cannot even say if what you are eating is ruining you.
  • JudyL5305
    JudyL5305 Posts: 215 Member
    Definitely plan out your meals, brown bag it to work for lunch, snacks and if you eat breakfasts. I would recommend researching into what you like to eat. I am an extremely picky eater so I know the hardships. For instance do you like veggie's if so then fill up your plate on them. I eat 2 veggies for dinner always. Push yourself to eat them as healthy as possible ie roasted, steamed, grilled. You like meat ok which ones? Beef? Pork? if it's beef try to go for the leanest cuts possible. Do you like fish? If so make that one night. There is plenty out there you just need to be creative. I read the SOuthBeach years ago and it helped me to understand the good and bad and gave me lots of ideas on food. Look in the recipe section here see if there is anything you like.
  • welly5
    welly5 Posts: 293 Member
    What helped me the most was finding websites with lots of healthy tasty recipes. Changing your eating habits is hard esp when you don't have a big pool of healthy recipes that you know and love to choose from

    check out her recipes are awesome and all have the calories!

    Plus using the app or this website to track your calories really helps. I got rid of my cravings by getting as much fiber as possible and lean protein.

    I know other people had to cut out the food that they craved at least for two weeks just to help stop the cravings for it, but for myself I still allowed those foods but only if they fit into my calorie budget for the day. Good luck!!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Eat whatever you want and remain in a caloric deficit.
    Fat loss is easy once you arent afraid of food.
  • Motivated__
    First of all: YOU CAN DO THIS! Yes, it is not easy in the beginning, but when you find what works for you it will be easier. I definitely agree with planning your meals, especially the ones where you go over board. I used to work in a mall and it was so tempting to just go to the food court, but you need to tell yourself no, because you already know where that leads. To help control what I was eating I ate Lean Cuisines and Smart One's meals. YES, they are frozen foods so its not as fantastic as eating fresh fruits/veggies etc., but it is a full meal that you can easily plan your entire week with. This is only my suggestion and what worked for me.
  • superdonna
    superdonna Posts: 57 Member
    I'm not a help as I eat junk. I just try to keep it in moderation, or else I'll binge if I feel deprived. I try to stay within my calories for the day. It's working for me. Don't buy junk so it's not accessable, preplan your meals, pre log your meals, and drink lots of water. Best of luck!!
  • skininbonz
    skininbonz Posts: 17 Member
    we actually need little meat (4 -6oz) unless we are athletes. Make the rest of your meals either fruits veggies or milk. It's really hard to measure things out and cut off the extra meat we dont need. I been there. I am addicted to meat. I probably eat twice (if not more) than I am supposed to. I was born and raised to think that meat is what fills you up. I have been hooked on blueberry smoothies. It can be replaced with strawberrys, or a mixture. Get at me if you want me tall you how I make mine. I have 3 fruits in there. At lunch I buy 8 inch plates instead of the standard 10-12 inch. At each meal, half of it is veggies. The other half is grain, protein, fruit (fruit can be put as a side in a small dish) and milk on the side. Good luck, maybe we can work together.
  • ErinRibbens
    ErinRibbens Posts: 370 Member
    Are you tracking your food now? It would help if we could see your diary. Feel free to add me if you'd like. Track your intake for awhile and see what you need to cut back. Make sure you are counting every bite.

    Try sitting down when you're NOT hungry and make a list of healthy meals or snacks you like (check calories & figure out how big to make your meals & snacks). Plan out what you will eat the next day rather than letting yourself get hungry and then binge on something unhealthy.

    Make sure you grocery shop when you're NOT hungry, and don't keep junk food in your house at all.

    Different things work for different people- some can eat small amounts of junk food to keep them satisfied and still lose weight since they are still eating less calories than they are burning. For me, I do better when i cut my trigger foods completely out of my diet- for me that's refined sugars and white flour. If I don't eat it for several weeks I stop craving it but once I start I have a hard time stopping. You have to figure out what works for you.

    You can do it! You are starting out right by using the tools here and educating yourself.
  • Megan21kj
    Megan21kj Posts: 5
    I started out 208 after i had my son. but i am a stay at home mom so i work out four times a day. mornings i eat ceral dosent matter what kind. just eat one bowl. wait 20 mints after eating then exercise. i also take bob harpers formula. after every meal. lunch yogurt or tuna fish and 9 ritz crackes. dinner i dont fry anything bake it. dont eat anything white. motivation place sayings around the house. look at the food u use to eat as if it will make u gain. i hate going grocery shopping. i love snack cakes they can be so tempting. i say to myself i came to far to give up now. award ur self on sundays. but dont over do it.
  • fabandfunat51
    fabandfunat51 Posts: 117 Member
    My husband and I are doing this together. . . we could not believe the amounts of HEALTHY foods we were eating! When we started using MFP, it was certainly an eye opener. If you do nothing else, you have to maintain PORTION CONTROL! You can eat ANYTHING you want (NO food is BAD food!) however, IF YOU BITE IT. . . .YOU WRITE IT!

    You can do this - friend me if you want.
  • amh91011
    amh91011 Posts: 17
    I unlocked my diary...I'll warn you there isnt much in there right now! But I did keep some record. I started a few weeks ago, kept track and then kind of stopped. :( Anyone who wants to add me feel free! I need all the support and friends I can! I'll try making a list of things that I like and feel are healthy then try to figure the calories out! Thanks for all the info and suggestions!
  • kristengraham
    kristengraham Posts: 59 Member
    Personally, planning my meals ahead of time really helps me! And not only do I plan them but I get as much of it ready the night beofre as possible! And I never seem to have time to sit down and eat breakfast... soo.... I make smoothies, put them in a cup and enjoy on my commute. This morning I switched it up a big.... ice; old fashioned oats; lil FF milk; greek yogurt; banana; PB.... it was delish... and help me over til lunch! If I'm in a rush I might grab waffles and put some PB on them. Salads are very filling... you can add so much too them... just careful with the dressing! I love fruits and veggies... and I use Greek yogurt (add a little ranch dip mix in) to dip them in! Feel free to add me if you'd like! :)