Getting Rid of Clothes



  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    I sell them to pay for new p, smaller clothes. :-)
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I had no choice. My sister raided my closet and whatever fit her she took lol I had to go to a second hand store and get new clothes so I actually had some :P
  • bcsrule
    bcsrule Posts: 51 Member
    My closet has been cleaned out, everything something got to big it left the house to church thrift shops. I've got 2 pair of jeans that fit, and basic t's for work, I can liteilty name all the pieces that I have right now. BIG, Big shopping spree coming my way in 6.8 lbs!
  • LCFulmer
    LCFulmer Posts: 183 Member
    So I decided to clean out my closet last night and my pants drawer. Before when I've lost weight, I didn't worry about hanging on to larger sized clothing. I just let it sit in the drawers. Last night I made the big decision to give all of the stuff I'm too small for away. I feel like hanging on to it before gave me a dangerous safety net that allowed me to fall back into bad habits and not be too concerned when I went up a pants size. Basically, I made the conscious decision last night by getting rid of bigger clothes that I won't be going back there!

    What about the rest of you? Do you get rid of the bigger sizes right away so you don't stumble back into them?

    Ditto.... I put my "too big for me now" cloths on the floor under my standing mirror... symbolic. Mirror reminds me of where I am and the cloths remind me of how far I come. After a while I give them away to other women I know that are larger and loosing weight as well. Just this past weekend I gave away size 14 & size 16 cloths... some size 12 (women size that is). Its a good feeling and keeps me encouraged, especially when there are no clothes on the floor to give away..tell myself to keep working.
  • gauchogirl
    gauchogirl Posts: 467 Member
    I've altered all of mine repeatedly. Once I can't do that anymore, I get rid of them. I've never tried to lose weight before, so I have no history with going back and forth. Since this was a lifestyle change, no reason to hang onto them. We only have one small closet for both my husband and I, so no room to spare.
  • crd314
    crd314 Posts: 18 Member
    I get rid of them. I kept them in the past and it was too easy to creep back up into them. When I know I don't have any bigger clothes to wear, it's a great reality check. Right now I'm only keeping anything that is only 1 size up, since most of it is a few years old and has shrunk to mostly fit me through repeated washing. And it's all my work clothes and I can't afford to replace everything at once and I don't care if my pants don't fit perfectly at work. Anything bigger I donated to ARC. I would love to get down to where I can get rid of anything that is double digits!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    If you have nice, interview appropriate clothing that is now too big, look for an organization like My Sister's Closet to donate them to. They help underprivileged women who are looking for a job be dressed for the occasion.

    I have two pairs of jeans that are too small (motivation) and one pair that are too large (insurance). I learned years ago not too allow myself too many items of clothing that are too big to stay in the house. It becomes far too easy to put them on and keep right on gaining weight. This way, ss soon as my current clothes start getting tight I know it's time to get focused on losing a few pounds again.
  • Robin1109
    Robin1109 Posts: 231 Member
    If you have nice, interview appropriate clothing that is now too big, look for an organization like My Sister's Closet to donate them to. They help underprivileged women who are looking for a job be dressed for the occasion.

    I'll definitely keep that in mind. Everything I had to give away was basic and not super dressy.
  • heddylyn
    heddylyn Posts: 173 Member
    Dump them like a bad boyfriend! Besides, it's a great excuse to go shopping to get some hot new clothes to go with your hot new bod!
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