Is it me or....

Is it me or does the thought of eating the same thing, particularly salads, everyday after-- oh, say 2 weeks straight--seem to make me lose my appetite? I've tried different dressings, different veggies, different proteins, and different times of day to eat them all of which have seemingly started having me go into a "nevermind, I'm not hungry anymore" state. I have very good intentions on Sundays when I generally start planning my weekly menu and I try to compose healthy and balanced meals according to my macros but the execution of said intentions go into a downward spiral the minute I sit down with my salad at lunch time. I know that not all foods/meals will make me have this natural appetite suppresant but unfortunately such foods tends to be the less healthy types.

I can't help but feel a smidge inferior to a coworker of mine who eats a huge salad every. single. day. for. years. (not that I'm competing or anything). I just know that salads are a quick, easy and healthy meal to prep and bring to work so hence me having salads most days at work.


  • SocWkrBee
    SocWkrBee Posts: 374
    I batch cook on Sundays. I make containers of food that I can grab and go for lunch throughout the week. This week lunch is chicken and stir-fry veggies.

    I usually eat the same thing everyday. I know it's boring, but it's easy. The weekends vary a lot, but during the week I don't want to thing about it!

    You don't have to eat salad! The idea for me is to have something ready to go, so I don't get to work and head for a vending machine or fast food joint.
  • laus_8882
    laus_8882 Posts: 217 Member
    I'm really boring and will eat the same salad for years without getting tired of it. In fact, I could probably eat the same four dishes (tofu stirfry, chicken spinach salad, bolognese, red lentil curry) until December and still want to continue with them into the new year. Mmm, repetition. it's sick, I know!

    If you're intent on eating a salad and besting your coworker, why not make them really interesting? Vary your protein with marinated chicken or tofu, lentils, beans, etc. Cook this all up at the start of the week so you can choose something yummy and different each day. Then top the salads as you please. You could roast a pan of vegies at the start of the week and do roast vegie and rocket salads (with tuna or even something different like leftover roast beef/pork) for the first few days. Then mix the dregs of the veg with a little bit of feta and sauteed kale, topping with, say, some black beans the third day. The other two days you could have spinach, and chicken salads and make them taste totally different. The first could be done with a balsamic dressing, a few dried cranberries, some raw green beans and flaked almonds. The second could have a white wine vinegar and dijon dressing with toasted sunflower seeds and grated carrot.

    Remember, if you can eat it you can put it on a salad.
  • AZChristy
    AZChristy Posts: 30 Member
    Last night I had a big bowl of peanut butter captain crunch for dinner. Thats why I love lean gains and IF :)
  • friend2cptsolo
    friend2cptsolo Posts: 29 Member
    Yes batch cooking will help!
  • Melanie_RS
    Melanie_RS Posts: 417 Member
    i like to eat the same foods all the time too. it's just personal preference. and healthy eating is not synonymous with salads. Veggies are good, but you don't have to consume them in the same mixed up mess every day if you don't want to! (but you still need veggies don't hear me wrong)
  • 150930
    150930 Posts: 19
    If you are a cookbook person, I suggest cultural cookbooks such as Chinese. While there are "exotic" ingredients, they give me ideas and inspiration as to have to take my everyday ingredients to another level without having to go to the supermarket. Remember, salads do not have to be cold and beets and beans aren't for everyone. Be inspired by your meals. Bon apetit!
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    I batch cook on Sundays. I make containers of food that I can grab and go for lunch throughout the week. This week lunch is chicken and stir-fry veggies.

    I usually eat the same thing everyday. I know it's boring, but it's easy. The weekends vary a lot, but during the week I don't want to thing about it!

    You don't have to eat salad! The idea for me is to have something ready to go, so I don't get to work and head for a vending machine or fast food joint.

    I do the same! Yes I do have salad most everyday but I vary them and I love salad. With that said it is usually a small salad to go along with leftovers from the night before or whatever I batch cooked on Sunday. Though today is not leftovers, I'm having a side veggie loaded salad topped with cottage cheese and a whole wheat tortilla topped with turkey pepperoni, cheese and green olives then toasted. I have the luxury of a small toaster oven at work, I strongly suggest one if you can.
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    Can't say that it bothers me. In fact I find that it helps with cravings. I eat a salad & cheese sandwich for lunch every day, and generally have the same breakfast (fiber one) and snacks (apples, peaches, carrots & cheese, scrambled egg in a high-fiber tortilla, air-popped popcorn, light yogurt) every day as well. The only thing that varies is my dinner. I've found that when I stray from these staples I have cravings for other stuff. It's like my tastebuds forget about the stuff I don't eat often, and when I do have them I start craving them again. It's what works for me...
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    I love salads ..... but I also batch-cook a lot of foods to portion & freeze & then bring to work ...... we have a microwave, but even if we didn't, I can always batch-cook chili, soups and stews that can be eaten at room temp .....

    It's all good :drinker:
  • SweetxCatastrophe
    SweetxCatastrophe Posts: 593 Member
    Then don't eat salad everyday -- or redefine your idea of a salad. It doesn't have to be lettuce with celery and cucumbers. A salad can be roasted veggies and chicken, diced and tossed together with balsamic dressing (VERY tasty); some tuna salad; chicken salad mixed with mayo or ranch dressing, grapes or apples and some walnuts or pecans. My favorite of all time is taco salad: crunchy romaine lettuce with any meat (ground or shredded beef, leftover chicken, pork) with tomatoes, green onion, shredded cheese, sour cream, avocado and some salsa as the dressing. Its huge, easy and super filling.
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    I feel this way, but with bad foods. I used to be completely excited about cheat days and treating myself. Now, if I don't know the calorie content, or it looks too delicious, I really do lose my appetite. I don't know why. I think it's an unhealthy aversion. What can you do?
  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    Yes! I'm not a big fan of salads.
    Since moving back in with my parents they eat salads as a part of every dinner and then pack salads for lunch the next day.
    It gets very boring and then sooner or later i lose my appetite when i think of salads.
    sucks! So instead of chicken salad i just have chicken for lunch the next day lol.
  • ImKindOfABigDeal40
    ImKindOfABigDeal40 Posts: 807 Member
    Sounds like you might be on a "diet." I pretty much eat what I want, within reason, and still lose weight. I definitely don't eat the same things every day though. You will burn yourself out that way. Good luck to you.
  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member
    I don't think I understand. Do you want to lose your appetite? Why would you eat something you don't like?
  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    I batch cook because I simply don't have the time to pre-prep lunches every night. But I'll make big batches of 2-3 different things (right now my freezer rotation consists of an olive-garden-style sausage & kale soup, a veggie pasta dish, and spicy burritos) so that I have some variety in my lunches.
  • DivaJadelyn
    DivaJadelyn Posts: 280 Member
    Salad doesn't necessarily equate healthy. I like salad, I'll eat it when I want it. But I also spice it up with low calorie, well balanced other foods. A flat bread sandwhich or a skinny bagel at Bruegger's, or a nice bowl of soup, even a burger if I can control what's in/on it. Why do you feel the need you *have* to eat salad every day?
  • seardefilip
    i eat similarly but never JUST salad- everyday-

    I am eating more cleanly that ever but I add variety-
  • jdploki70
    jdploki70 Posts: 343
    I absolutely love salads, though. I just built my menu around things I already liked, which made the transition a lot easier. then again, never been a huge fan of junk food, fatty food, or empty calories.
  • tinksmommy2006
    Yes batch cooking will help!

    I batch cook my lunches foe the week...dinner is different every night and breakfast is just like 3 or 4 things. I dont get bored with it because i picked my favorite things to eat. and not one of them is a salad
  • oboeing
    oboeing Posts: 1,816 Member
    I work 70 hours a week, and don't have time to cook during the week. So on the weekends, I take a few hours and cook 3 or 4 different dishes, cut up my fruit, make my salad, and individually portion everything out. All the meals go into the freezer, so I have about 6 options to pick from for lunch or dinner (obviously i don't go through the 20 something portions from these meals in one week), i don't eat the salad everyday, sometimes i just make a sandwich (whole wheat wrap, turkey, different kinds of mustard, sometimes avacado!), and preplan my meals for the week, down to every last snack. Then I pack up in the morning based off my menu for the day and off I go. Variety is key, or the diet won't stick!!!!