Hi! My name is Sarah an Im..

Totally addicted to food! :tongue: lol

I started this at 196lb, at the beginning of July and I jut weighed my self today at 187lb! Yay! I have done MFP and got down to 181, and then stopped cold. I think before I was putting to much stress on myself, working out 3-4hrs a day. I do love to work out, once i finally do it, but I mostly enjoy doing things outside. I hate being on a tedmill staring at sports center at the gym or on my floor doing work out videos, but once i get started doing whatever workout, i always put in my entire self and give it my all and more. Since high school, i have always thought of myself as fat. 5'4 and 120-130lbs the whole 4 years (aka I wasnt fat at all) I judged my weight by pants sizes and my 5'0 friends who made me feel huge in height and weight. I didnt realize then that just because I have bigger hips and wear a size 5 or 7, doesnt mean im fat compared to my friends who wear a 0. (Man I forgot I use to wear a 5...)

Since starting college, I struggled very hard in the beginning, eating lots of ramen and taco bell. I had never had to cook for myself, or even think about food. Cooking for my 120lb bf who could eat anything and not gain a pound, made it to wear I ate the same as him. I quickly found myself gaining 10-20 lbs a year until I was 196. When I saw I was only 4 lbs away from 200lbs I cried for a good hour. I was shocked to find out that my height and weight put me at obese, not almost obese but obese. I asked myself, are you just going to sit here and cry, or are you going to do something about it? That woke me up to reality. If I don't put the effort in right now, then I will go over that 200lb mark, and when I do, then thats it. I know I will give up ever being healthy again. .

So I am back here on MFP. Through trail and error, this is my current workout/Diet plan. I will at least walk 30 mins a day. Doesnt matter if I do or do not workout, I will walk at least 30 mins a day. I will log my planned meals for the day in MFP before I eat anything to make sure I do not go past my cal. I will not use my extra workout calories. I will not cry or be upset with myself if I go over. Tomorrow is another day. I will stay positive. I will be active on the boards so I have motivations. I will set my weight goals for 10lbs at a time. I am now out of the 190s, and I WILL NOT ever ever ever step on a scale and see that number again. I will forever be 187 lbs or less. I will fight to reach my goal so that one day, my kids will have a healthy active role model. I will do this for ME. I will not allow myself to fail this time.

Please, if anyone has any advice on anything, I am more than willing to hear it! Thank you for reading my story


  • StefPayne
    StefPayne Posts: 126 Member
    You can do this!! Add me for support if you would like!
  • reesa722
    reesa722 Posts: 76
    Glad you came back!

    Isn't it funny how... back then, we thought we were fat, and now we'd give anything to be that weight again? Live and learn. :)

    Good luck to you! Add me if you like!
  • You can do this!! Add me for support if you would like!

    We are all on this site to make each other excited about our "new way of living" We will do this, and we can do it together...Always up for a new mfp friend
  • AshleyCrappell
    AshleyCrappell Posts: 10 Member
    I was the same way in highschool. I'm 5'3 and was about 120 and was always self concious and covering myself in hoodies. Looking back now, I don't know what I was thinking!

    I know you can do it! ;3
  • aymetcalf
    aymetcalf Posts: 597 Member
    My story is so similar to yours!!! You can do this! Feel free to friend me :flowerforyou: - Ashley
  • lt3ag4s
    lt3ag4s Posts: 835 Member
    looks like a good plan.
  • JolieJemmaMomma
    JolieJemmaMomma Posts: 54 Member
    you can add me! i started at around the same weight and wanting to get back to that 130 or so (high school weight) also :)
  • cupcakecutie1985
    cupcakecutie1985 Posts: 110 Member
    My name is Sarah too, and we are at the same weight! I dig your story cause I too one day realized that enough was enough. I was tipping the scale at 244, so for me it was 250 that I could bare to think of! I'm down to about 186 now and still need to keep pushing! I love hearing stories like yours and I wish you all the motivation and consistency you can handle! Feel free to add me for support in your journey!!!!
  • lilylux
    lilylux Posts: 109 Member
    Well done for coming back! Haha yes I also thought I was ridiculously fat in high school (110 - 115 lbs - ridiculous!). Good luck on your journey.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i'm addicted to food too. thankfully ketosis pretty much cures me! i had candy and chips on my desk today, and i wasn't even tempted.

    welcome back, you can do it.
  • TaintedVampyre
    TaintedVampyre Posts: 1,428 Member
    Wow! You truly are a little piece of inspiration. I'd be happy to have you as a motivational buddy and I'd be happy to be yours. Shoot me an add if you're interested :)
  • ktcarr82
    ktcarr82 Posts: 18
    Sarah, as I read your post it almost sounded as if I had written it. We have such similar stories. I have just recently rejoind MFP and I am working hard to lose the weight after having my two children. It is sooo much harder the older I get. You have taken the step to ask people for motivation. Keep up the GREAT work!!!
  • segan01
    segan01 Posts: 1
    You're story could be mine!! But here I am at nearly 60 years of age and still yo-yo'ing with my weight! But I have never stopped trying and will not give up! I'm very impressed with MFP! I was successful with WW, but find these tools equally user-friendly - I still can't believe there's no cost for this!
  • TMarieB30
    TMarieB30 Posts: 24
    Your story is all too familiar. Welcome back. I love this site and its welcoming support.
  • scottydewwannalosewt
    scottydewwannalosewt Posts: 52 Member
    Hi Sarah

    It's tempting not to step on the scale ever again. But don't heed that advice. You should probably consider weighing yourself at least once a week. By not stepping on the scale you risk the possibility of gaining weight which is something your striving to overcome.

  • caraguard
    caraguard Posts: 41
    keep on with your determination and positive attitude girl! feel free to friend me if you like! :)
  • AmyfromBama
    AmyfromBama Posts: 125 Member
    You can do it!!! Add me if u want!!! :)
  • Goal_Line
    Goal_Line Posts: 474 Member
    Sarah, I love your outlook!

    Excellent that you walk everyday independent of a work out. I start every day with a 30min walk and typically a 2nd 30 mins in the evening. this is on top on other workouts during the day.

    Here are my rules for a new lifestyle:

    Eat lean protean (chicken, fish, etc) - fish 2 times a week is excellent.
    All the veggies u can eat - this is your unlimited food - experiment find veggies you like to snack on
    Some fruit everyday - not not all you can eat.
    Any cals remaining use for whole grain - but not a lot.

    Say goodbye to potatoes, refined grains, and food out of a box.

    Exercise everyday. Start slow at a frequency and pace you can do. Increase frequency, variety and pace of exercise as your body gets stronger. Every week you should be able to increase the effort. DON"T over do it like you've done in the past. Listen to your body and rest when it needs it. We need habits you can sustain in the long run.

    There is debate about eating back exercise cals. My rule is if hungry eat, if not don't.

    Allow for indulgence everyone in a while. Don't deny yourself. We are looking for a lifestyle you can maintain in the long run. Self denial more often than not leads to binging and failure. Thin people eat fattening food, they just don;t eat as much and they typically are more active than fat people.

    Finally - AND THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING - if you work on the above long enough they will become habits, and you will reprogram your brain. In short you will begin to think about food more as a source of fuel for you body and less as a source of enjoyment or comfort. This is the foundation of long term success. Reprograming your brain will take time, but it will happen - mind follows body.

    You're an attractive young lady, when you get the weight off you'll be flaunting before and after pictures rather than untaging yourself...and it will feel really good!
  • sgoessling
    sgoessling Posts: 119
    WOW! I am overwhelmed with how much support and advice I just received! You guys will never know just how much this motivated me even more. It was scary writing such a personal thing in a public place, but I am glad I did it! Thank you so much! As i can only add 5 people per 10 minutes, it might be awhile, but i will add everyone who offered! thank you so so much! I am using this energy boost you guys just gave me and working out! And will do with the veggies and lean meat! I never eat pork or beef anyway unless someone else cooks it and serves it to me! thank you again everyone! Keep the inspirations and advice coming!! :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • AmyfromBama
    AmyfromBama Posts: 125 Member
    Sarah, didnt realize that your only 1 hr away from me! :)