Thank goodness I logged on tonight

I had kind of a rotten end of my day and got home feeling exhausted and like all I wanted to do was sit on the couch all night and mope. Even after a great morning workout, and doing well eating all day I was thinking of blowing it with a bunch of snacks and just vegging out and not cooking a nice healthy dinner. However while eating my first planned snack...which wasn't terrible, just some peanut butter crackers I decided to log onto myfitnesspal. I started checking out everyone's progress and now I am totally going to get my butt off this couch, cook a nice HEALTHY dinner, AND finish my laundry like I had planned! Thank you everyone for keeping me motivated and supporting me in my weight loss efforts!

What does everyone else do to stay motivated or change their mood when they feel like completely destroying all of the hard work they've put in throughout the day, week etc.?


  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    Good for you :)

    I guess I just remind myself of my goals, and think about the times when I've been frustrated because I haven't seen the progress I want. I want to prevent that feeling as much as possible.
  • tinaruby
    tinaruby Posts: 74 Member
    :-) I find myself not eating things I want to just because I log everything and I don't want anyone to see me cheating...and I can't not log it or I am cheating myself....Catch 22. MFP holds me accountable for sure. :-)
  • leader62
    leader62 Posts: 4
    I think about why I'm doing this. I think about my life, how frustrated I feel and how left out I am. That keeps me going, staying focus. Reading other peoples success also inspires me to continue on to.
  • beachy102
    beachy102 Posts: 8 Member
    I try to think specifically back to the last time (hopefully just a few days ago) that I felt really good and happy. Exercise makes my mood and overall outlook on life SO much better and giving in to drinking wine and eating too much unhealthy food may feel good in the moment but the next day I am miserable - physically and emotionally. So whenever I feel really good, like this morning after doing an hour of yoga, I make sure to take a minute and look in the mirror, be proud of myself, and consciously record the moment in my brain so I can hopefully recall it next time I am about to blow it - which usually happens after a bad day like you. It doesn't always work but something tells me that now that I've said it 'out loud' here, it will probably be easier to do next time! Thanks for the encouraging story :)
  • Katydid0505
    Katydid0505 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks everyone! Meal I had instead of a whole bunch of crappy snacks:
    Veggie burger no bun topped with avocado, cucumber, tomato, and a homemade low calorie southwestern sauce, along with some fat free cottage cheese.

    I know is a small success but I am going to CELEBRATE it!! =)
  • grdnr03
    grdnr03 Posts: 547 Member
    im glad you didn't blow it. getting to a healthy body and mind is not an easy thing to do. when you see results you will feel good about making the right choices