I need encouragment!! I keep starting then stopping

I am doing the Insanity workout and trying to eat healthier. I am a single mom and on an EXTREMELY tight budget. I also work 11am-7pm so my eating habits are not to great. Granted I keep starting my workout up and then two weeks in (if that) I just stop. Even after seeing how much i changed my body in that short amount of time. I am 5'6" and weigh 195 and am only 23 years old. I used to be a dancer for 12 years and although it's been hard to be a single mom and I snack a lot because of it I want to get my stamina back. I want to be able to have more energy to play with her. Especially since I run around in heels for 8 hours at work I don't have enough energy for outside work. Really I am just looking for people to help encourage me to stay with the fitness program and to eat healthy. I want to do this for myself and for my daughter. so PLEASE HELP!!! lol :flowerforyou:


  • ecrim
    ecrim Posts: 17
    Feel free to add me... I'm just starting up on here and I also live a hectic lifestyle!
  • hpy2bnlv
    hpy2bnlv Posts: 1 Member
    Try logging your food prior to eating it. It just may stop you from eating that extra bit. Also, try measuring the amounts rather than guessing. It helps. If nothing else, it makes it less appealing to just grab a snack and go. Getting down to your daughter's level to play will help you find that extra energy. You can sleep when you die :laugh:
  • kmccauley1026
    I pack all my lunches for the week on Mon or Sunday. I then in the AM each day, record my weight and then all the food I have packed to eat that day. Then that is it. I shouldn't be adding to it much. I also find that if you use the app for this site on your phone, you can scan the barcode of what you are eating and be very precise about the calorie and fat intake.
  • Papabear0428
    Please feel free to add me for motivation and encouragement!
  • GodsGirl37
    GodsGirl37 Posts: 348
    feel free to add me. I am also a single mom
  • rhiannamk
    rhiannamk Posts: 5
    Hey, I just started Insanity too! I'd love to help keep each other accountable! Do you have the MFP app? I find it makes it a lot easier too. Feel free to add me!
  • vcreinert
    vcreinert Posts: 83
    You have to do it for yourself. Encouragement is great. But people still cheat or go off their diet even with encouragement. So make a pact with yourself to stay on it. Once the weight starts coming off and you see a difference, I will assure you the motivation will get stronger. The first 10 lbs were the hardest and then I saw a difference in my clothing and especially my face. It made me work harder. Now i"m 18 lbs down.
  • BobzStuff
    BobzStuff Posts: 121 Member
    It's hard because if it were easy we wouldnt learn from it. I keep stopping but as long as you keep starting you are winning. You CAN do this.
  • sunshine_gem
    sunshine_gem Posts: 390 Member
    I know that feeling of stopping and starting. It's plagued me for years! My only advice would be to maybe not try to do everything at once. Gradually incorporate things into your life and then when you get used to that add something else. How old is your daughter? Could you take her swimming maybe? Or take her out for walks. If she's young enough to need to be pushed around then you could go out and you'll burn extra from the pushing. Don't think that everything you do needs to be regimented. Think about how much exercise you get from being on your feet all day and then playing with your daughter. You're probably doing more than you realise. Your body might just be giving up because you're trying to do too much at once. I hope that helps :-). Good luck.
  • kittyhug1986
    kittyhug1986 Posts: 60 Member
    Hi add me. I am 25 and also fighting weight off and on with a busy schedule. You can do it. I am trying to stay with it myself
  • sapienti
    sapienti Posts: 17
    Hang in there! So many people have busy schedules, it makes it hard not to give into snacky temptations. Try planning meals a little better, maybe have some pre-defined meals that are easy to fix up, so 1.) you don't have to spend time thinking about 'what to cook' and 2.) You will know and control what is going in to your body.

    If you can control your meals, then you can tweak the contents to prevent unscheduled hunger. Try adjusting the ratios of your 3 fuel sources: protein, carb, & fat. Everyone is a little different, so you have to find the combinations that make you feel energetic and prevent you from getting hungry. The thing is, when you simplify everything you eat down to these 3 levers that you can adjust, you will be able to majorly affect your stamina and energy levels. Intensity bears that name for a reason, it's not something you can dive into without the proper nutrition to back it up.

    Quite often its the diet that makes us feel like we've failed ourselves and we throw in the towel, but making some beneficial, and impactful tweaks to what we eat can and will put us back on a good track. Also, in your case, it seems since you keep getting back on the horse, that you do have the willpower to succeed. Add me as a friend and keep me posted! :-)

  • kenyahsheree
    I just started and trying to get this weight off so we can be friends I am nice,cool to be around, i am a little young but age is not a problem for me. I am trying to get down on my dress size so I am here for encouragement
  • DayElias
    DayElias Posts: 6
    Feel free to add me also.

    I'm 23 and am on Day 4 on the Insanity workout.
  • GreatSetOfBrains
    GreatSetOfBrains Posts: 675 Member
    Prepackage all your snacks so your low calorie snack doesn't turn into the whole bag (I'm guilty of this all the time!)

    Feel free to add me! Insanity is great, but its hard on your body so be careful :)
  • hope76579
    hope76579 Posts: 53 Member
    I hear ya sister! It is tough to get it all done, work, eat healthy and still get a work out in. Here are some suggestions that have helped me:
    - Cook for the week on your day off. Many foods are less expensive in family sizes. Freeze cooked chicken in single servings for your lunches and in larger portions for family meal. We also freeze extra healthy pancakes, just microwave and go. Home made soups are really cheap and also freeze well. I make my own salad mixes instead of buying bagged salad.
    - Yes, you need time to really get your sweat on, but mini work outs can be fun with kids. We have "crazy" dancing during commercials or do mad minutes of jumping or even push up contests. We laugh a lot. Also, fitting mini workouts in during house work is possible. I do squats while folding wash, or lunges while waiting for the microwave.
    Good luck to you! Great job on setting such a good example of a strong, healthy mom!
  • lincolnd
    lincolnd Posts: 2
    Keep going and don't give up this time!
  • fitfunnygal
    I am doing the Insanity workout and trying to eat healthier. I am a single mom and on an EXTREMELY tight budget. I also work 11am-7pm so my eating habits are not to great. Granted I keep starting my workout up and then two weeks in (if that) I just stop. Even after seeing how much i changed my body in that short amount of time. I am 5'6" and weigh 195 and am only 23 years old. I used to be a dancer for 12 years and although it's been hard to be a single mom and I snack a lot because of it I want to get my stamina back. I want to be able to have more energy to play with her. Especially since I run around in heels for 8 hours at work I don't have enough energy for outside work. Really I am just looking for people to help encourage me to stay with the fitness program and to eat healthy. I want to do this for myself and for my daughter. so PLEASE HELP!!! lol :flowerforyou:

    I can tell you what's worked for me in the past. It's helped me stop smoking (almost 10 years now) and helps when I'm in the zone to eat healthy and loose weight.

    Just say to yourself....ok I started I've gone (insert how many days ) and I don't want to have to start over. Give yourself small goals. Hit that one then move to the next. Just take it one day at a time. :) Hit me up if you need anything!
  • fitfunnygal
    Prepackage all your snacks so your low calorie snack doesn't turn into the whole bag (I'm guilty of this all the time!)

    Feel free to add me! Insanity is great, but its hard on your body so be careful :)

    Good idea!
  • didans
    didans Posts: 42 Member
    I completely understand! I'm in the same boat. This time I am more determined than ever to keep up a great workout routine and take time to plan for healthy meals.

    My downfall is that I give in to urges to eat something quick(and it just happens to be unhealthy ;) when I'm stressed out with work which has been often lately. I've gotta slow down and be more intentional, disciplined and focused.

    We can do this! Good luck!
  • Arolan87
    Arolan87 Posts: 3
    Trust yourself that you can do it. Forgive yourself when you go off track. I try to remind myself that junk food might be OK for a few minutes, but I feel so much more energized if I treat myself to good, wholesome foods. It takes a little time, but once you purge your diet of overly processed snacks, your tastebuds begin to appreciate the subtle flavors and textures of healthier foods. It gets easier!