RUNNERS! Plz come in, need shoe advice

Hi everyone.

I have been running for about 6 months, I am training for a half in Novemeber. When I say that I have been running for 6 months, I have tried for years but it didn't click until I got fitted for shoes.

Anyhow, I had the Brooks trance. They were at the end of mileage so I got refitted (after losing 20 lbs) just to make sure and they recommended the Brooks Adrenaline. I have ran about 50 miles in the Adrenaline and my planter faciatis is getting worse again.

I am debating on buying another pair of Trance, which the plantar was bareable but not completely gone or trying another brand all together. What do you think?

The Trance run about 140 so this running habit of mine is getting expensive. I want the plantar to go away completly but I also don't want waste money on another pair that may clutter the closet!



  • grimsin
    grimsin Posts: 78 Member
    have you tried barefoot running? I wear vibram five finger shoes and that fixed my running and foot problems.
  • Colbyandsage
    Colbyandsage Posts: 751 Member
    have you tried barefoot running? I wear vibram five finger shoes and that fixed my running and foot problems.

    I haven't, I would like to but part of my regular run is gravel. So I am afraid :smile:
  • grimsin
    grimsin Posts: 78 Member
    barefoot running is more of a type of running, not necessarily running without protection. removing the heel strike from your gait is the biggest change, never putting your foot out in front of your body center so you need to really maintain good posture. I wear vibram running shoes if you want to see what I'm talking about.
  • CommandaPanda
    CommandaPanda Posts: 451 Member
    Go with one of the Inov-8's! I prefer them over the Vibram 5 fingers for two reasons: 1) I think they are more fashionable; 2) they're very lightweight and thin -- no worries about destroying your feet on gravel.

    I'm a sprinter, I don't really do too much distance running but from what I've heard from other people, they do pretty well out on the road.

    The F-Lite series are sweet. I have the 195's, myself... I'm considering getting a pair of the 230's for a little more support if I ever do decide to go on a distance run (improbable).
  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    Take the shoes you bought back, and tell the people there why you are returning them, and see if they can recommend something different. Most running stores have good return /exchange policies, and would rather see you happy with your shoes than not (that way you keep coming back.)
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    Go to a running store and get fitted for shoes, without paying attention to the brand if you aren't particularly attached.
  • mandi1020
    mandi1020 Posts: 26 Member
    I'd go back to the store you bought them from, and have them analyze your gait in the shoes. If Trance helped - or, didn't hurt - then you might be better off getting those again.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
    i also use vibram shoes for running, i did my half in them... i haven't used tennis shoes for about 3 yrs.
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    return them if you can, let them know what the problem is with both previous shoes... all knowledge you can give them will help get you a better fitted pair...
  • 99clmsntgr
    99clmsntgr Posts: 777 Member
    Take the shoes you bought back, and tell the people there why you are returning them, and see if they can recommend something different. Most running stores have good return /exchange policies, and would rather see you happy with your shoes than not (that way you keep coming back.)

    This. You may also need some kind of orthotic to go in your shoe. Talk to your running store guys. If you have access to one, talk to a podiatrist, who may recommend the same. I have a couple friends that have had foot problems, regardless of the shoes they had, then once they got inserts, they were much better.
  • davidr730
    davidr730 Posts: 126 Member
    My wife has been running for over 25 years. She will only wear Saucony. (She's run 8 marathons and countless halves.) She says that Saucony runs a little wide, which is good for wider feet, and allows for swelling while running. Make sure to go to a specialty running store where they can give you proper advice. Also, most runners she knows buys running shoes 1/2 size bigger than every day shoes. Good luck!
  • redhousecat
    redhousecat Posts: 584 Member
    go to the running store and have them check out your gait. That will get you the best shoe for your feet.
  • Colbyandsage
    Colbyandsage Posts: 751 Member
    Thanks everyone! I will check my receipt and make a trip up to the store this weekend. I may try some of the barefoot runners as well.
  • 512cheangela
    512cheangela Posts: 133
    Did your running shop watch you run and analyze your gait at all in the new Adrenalines prior to recommending them? When I shed 20 or so pounds I found myself transitioning out of a stability trainer (like the adrenalines/trance models) and into a more neutral cushioning shoe. Do you know if you have some kind of pronation/supination they were trying to correct with footwear? Anything else goofy about your running stride?

    You might want to look into ChiRunning or Pose classes. It is a great opportunity to spend several hours with a seasoned running coach that will take the time to analyze your gait and offer support and feedback on how you can more efficiently move your body. I took my first ChiRunning class 14 weeks before my first half marathon and it helped immensely.

    I just have to add - Minimalist running shoes are something that takes quite a bit of time and conscious effort to ease into. With only 16-20 weeks left to train for your debut event, it would not be advisable to make that huge shift in footwear.

    If you ever want to nerd-out runner-style, please friend me. I've made it through 2 marathons (working on my 3rd), 14 half's, 2 15Ks, 10 10K's, and more 5K's I can count. I'm cheering for you! You can do this!
  • Laurej
    Laurej Posts: 227
    A good running shoe store will have days when they'll have podiatrists there to assess feet for you to see if you need orthotics, maybe check with the place you got fitted at to see if they have any scheduled.. Also,explain your situation and usually if it's been less than 60 days no matter how many miles you've run they'll exchange them. ( usually only at really good running shoe stores)

    also, there's a product called second skin which can help.

    It could be another fitting is what you need.

    I just got fitted for new shoes, they were out of the model I usually like so they highly recommended a dif shoe... for my stride well, after about 30 miles I just knew I couldn't bear to keep them. They happily exchanged them and refitted me and 40 miles in on these new shoes and I can tell they are perfect. :) hang in there!
  • tdfarmer
    tdfarmer Posts: 176 Member
    My mom asked our running store about 5fingers, and they don't sell them because of Injuries from them.
  • ncthomas09
    ncthomas09 Posts: 322 Member
    Ok so I know this sounds drastic but....My dad got the same problem with his feet from cycling. He went to the Dr. after trying several types of shoes...They had him wear a boot thing while sitting around the house (so not like when people break their foot and wear them 24/7). And he also got a shot in his foot which he said helped tremendously. So just a thought if the shoe thing gets expensive and all.

    His was bad enough he couldn't wear any of his shoes at all.
  • Laurej
    Laurej Posts: 227
    oh, and I know this is old wives tale-ish, but my son had plantars faciiatis when he was a kid, we tried all the normal remedies, even checked with his doc and nothing helped, he spend a week at my mom's and it was gone... I asked what the heck she did and she said oh I take Japanese eggplant ( the skinny kind) and cut the stem and rub the cut part of the stem on it several times a day.

    All I know is it's never come back O.O crazy sounding? heck yea... but lol worth a try in my opinion :)
  • cathdrew2
    cathdrew2 Posts: 136 Member
    My wife has been running for over 25 years. She will only wear Saucony. (She's run 8 marathons and countless halves.) She says that Saucony runs a little wide, which is good for wider feet, and allows for swelling while running. Make sure to go to a specialty running store where they can give you proper advice. Also, most runners she knows buys running shoes 1/2 size bigger than every day shoes. Good luck!

    Ditto on all counts! Love my Sauconys!

    My running shoe store says if it ain't broke, don't fix it. They never recommend I change shoes. I'd go back to what felt good. Do you also have good socks as well?

    My husband cured his plantar with Brooks Beast for exercise and Ecco the rest of the time. Remember not to go without shoes even when you are just hanging out around home.

    Good luck!
  • kylTKe
    kylTKe Posts: 146 Member
    Hi everyone.

    I have been running for about 6 months, I am training for a half in Novemeber. When I say that I have been running for 6 months, I have tried for years but it didn't click until I got fitted for shoes.



    That's your problem. PF is an overuse injury whose main treatment is to let it heal. If you have PF then you need to rest and stretch. When you do start running again, manage your progression so that you don't encounter overuse injuries.