Chaffing and rashes. So embarrassing.



    PANZERIA Posts: 471 Member
    I have a really bad issue with chafing in between my thighs. I lather on the deodorant down there and I find that I'm good to go. If that's not going to last you, try vaseline. I know it's icky, but it works like a charm. I've always had big thighs, so trust me, it works.
  • vara123
    vara123 Posts: 60 Member
    Don't be embarrassed about this problem, it seems a lot of people get it. When I was larger, my thighs used to rub together quite badly if I wore a skirt without tights (pantyhose?) and walked more 20+ mins/got sweaty. I went to Australia on vacation, in summer, and was dreading it... high heat, high humidity, skirts with bare legs... So I bought a tube of monistat, and a tube of lanacane to 'try them out' - and honestly, both worked brilliantly, no chaffing at all. I bought them online, but I guess you could get them in a store too.

    I forgot to say, it goes on as a gel but then dries smooth and powdery without stickiness (man, I sound like an advert for it). The consistency was the thing that put me off, but when it's on it's silky smooth! And colourless (even better!).
  • Canesten Hydrocortisone is best for sweaty creases, especially if they turn into a yeast infection. Clean the area, dry thoroughly and apply cream. Don't use scented bath products and wear loose fitting natural clothes as much as possible. No tights! Baby powder can help if it is just sweaty, but always clean it off thoroughly so it doesn't clog up your skin.
  • nothing1994
    nothing1994 Posts: 1,936 Member
    I have the driest skin ever. Well, i used to.

    It would be white and flaky. How gross.

    So i rubbed/massaged in baby oil 30 mins before bed time EVERY SINGLE DAY! and ALWAYS MOISTURIZE!!! To seal in the baby oil i then rubbed light cream on top. yeah it felt gross, but it did my skin wonders!!!!

    Then i randomly became allergic to it. Sad :(

    *EDIT: Ok i posted without reading the OP's thingi. i just read comments and assumed its about lack of moisture.... SO IGNORE THISSS LOL SORRY!!!!! *
  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    How about using a moisture barrier like lanolin? When my husband is going to be doing certain activities, like walking extensively, he uses Desitin on the insides of his thighs.
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    Body glide is great stuff. It helps to eliminate the chub rub. I've even used it during a charity 60 mile walk (over 3 days), and I had no issues at all with my thighs or underarms. I've also heard the monistat stuff works really well.
  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    excess skin creates a nice breeding ground for bacteria n yeast to grow...given a moist warm and the proper conditions things grow.. Keeping those areas dry can be almost next to impossible because of sweating...n talc seems to just cake up in the sweat really. The thing that i have found beneficial is washing the area well...drying well then using a clear solid of deodrant all over... i use old spice. it works fabulously and i no longer have rashes or break outs where at one time use to be very sore n bleed.