So hungry! HELP!!!!!



  • Dovekat
    Dovekat Posts: 263 Member
    Not being able to see your diary I am not sure what advice to offer, but maybe you really are just not eating enough. Feel free to take a look at my diary for any ideas that might help it's public and good luck :)
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    I went through the same thing, and you won't like hearing this.
    You need to just punch through, buck up and gut it out.
    People will give the usual worthless advice here: drink more water, eat celery, time your meals...blah...blah...blah
    NOTHING will stop those hunger pains but time and your willingness to push through.
    In a week or so, they will cease.
    Just decide now to SUCK IT UP!
    You will be glad you did.
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    Show your everyone else said.

    The types of food you eat can make your body go on a hunger roller coaster. If you eating high sugar, high carb or high fat with small amounts of protein it can make your body have a super high then CRASH! your hungry again. Balance girl. :)
  • NoMoreJellyRolls
    ive tried making my diary public and it keeps telling me I need a code =( but my daily(not the same every day) foods are eggs, cheese sticks, turkey sandwichs, health smart popcorn, chicken(never fried), coffee no creamer and equal, low calorie snacks (like 90 calorie smore bars, 100 calorie cookie packs), oatmeal, cottage cheese, broccolli (daily, i love it), and pasta roughly 2x a week.

    I dont eat fast food, I purposely leave my debit card and cash at home when I'm out running around. I dont drink regular sodas only diet (only with dinner).
  • jennadiane_
    jennadiane_ Posts: 36 Member
    I felt like that when I tried Weight Watchers last year. For me, it was like I was telling myself I was on a diet and couldn't eat what I wanted, all the freaking time. So food was all that I thought about, and so I was hungry all the time. With MFP, I haven't had that problem. I'm eating what I want, but with moderation. (example, last night, we took the kids to chuckee cheese; I had three slices of pizza. Did I have to work my butt off for those slices, yes, but I was still under my calorie goal for the day so it's all good) Even though you're "dieting" you can eat the foods that you enjoy. If you're eating what you enjoy (some of the time) you won't spend all day thinking about food I'm assuming. And it is okay to eat the calories you're burning - just don't go over your calorie intake.
  • thetrishwarp
    thetrishwarp Posts: 838 Member
    You don't happen to be bored or sad or something during the day, do you? I find when I'm busy I don't really think about eating and don't feel hungry, but if I'm not, I feel SO hungry all day.
  • jennifercreighton
    I have the same problem and have yet to figure out how to fix it..... Would love the answer tho! I do a lot of weight lifting and cardio per day and I don't eat back my calories......

    You don't know how to fix it? How about eating enough to fuel your activity? I certainly hope you are eating more than 1200 a day while doing all those workouts.

    I actually try to stay around 1300 cal. Isn't that the point of that goal or am I doing it wrong? I do high protein and try to eat my carbs if I'm gonna have any, with breakfast.
  • RiddleAngi
    Make sure you are eating protein and not just carbs. Avoid sugar and drink lots of water. You may want to start eating smaller meals every 4 hours during the day (making sure to have protein and complex carbs). This works for me:smile:
  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    I think gum, mints and sugar free jolley ranchers count as food. I'm pretty sure those are considered candy.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I have the same problem and have yet to figure out how to fix it..... Would love the answer tho! I do a lot of weight lifting and cardio per day and I don't eat back my calories......

    You don't know how to fix it? How about eating enough to fuel your activity? I certainly hope you are eating more than 1200 a day while doing all those workouts.

    I would guess with the weight lifting and cardio that you should be up 300-500 calories a day in what you eat. There is already a deficit built in on MFP and when you add the workouts in, you can build a very dangerous deficit. If you eat 1300 and exercise 500, you are effectively giving your body 800 calories a day to work with. You are hungry because your body needs the calories. Weight lifting can greatly increase the amount of calories a day you need. Check out the group eat more to lose to get some more information.

    I actually try to stay around 1300 cal. Isn't that the point of that goal or am I doing it wrong? I do high protein and try to eat my carbs if I'm gonna have any, with breakfast.
  • NoMoreJellyRolls
    You don't happen to be bored or sad or something during the day, do you? I find when I'm busy I don't really think about eating and don't feel hungry, but if I'm not, I feel SO hungry all day.

    I go to school full time for Paralegal, so all my classes are boring... LOL
  • feagindm
    feagindm Posts: 17 Member
    Especially in the mornings, I notice that if I eat ANYTHING with bread, I get hungry faster.... if I run through a local fast food, which I RARELY do, I ask for the egg and cheese without the muffin/bagel, etc. Try almonds for a snack (but measure them). That seems to help me. Best wishes!
  • BeckaT79
    BeckaT79 Posts: 216
    When you get hungry try keeping fresh veggies around. They are low in calories and will fill you up. Good luck!
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Hey girl! It's your snacks. Scrap ALL the 100 calorie stuff. The popcorn, cookies etc. They are all sugar. They will make you super hungry and they are not filling. Try and keep the snacks protein packed, and if there are carbs make them slow burning ones. Oatmeal etc is fine...turkey sandwiches etc. Maybe get some protein powder and make some smoothies. Low carb, high protein, and filling. I make mine with vanilla powder and PB2 chocolate. It's like a peanut butter milkshake with 23 grams of protein. :-)
  • tinlis
    tinlis Posts: 34
    Hoodia Gordini worked for me. I think if I take it for 4 weeks I reeducate my appetite. Look it up online. It is really worth it.
  • brooke_young08
    When I am hungry and know it's not real hunger, I try these things:
    -Keep my hands busy: clean, make a to-do list, organize a drawer, play a game, read a book
    -Cook (believe it or not): grill up some chicken to use later in the week, boil eggs, etc
    -Exercise: I know this is hard to do when you are hungry, but you will feel less hungry if you do (hormones)
    -Drink HOT tea: green, herbal
    -Post here: we won't judge, and you will be busy reading responses :)
  • amsohs85
    amsohs85 Posts: 166
    As others have said...if your diarys private no one can look to suggest changes for you to make. So heres a few ideas. First off make sure you are eating at least what MFP reccomends in calories. Make those calories come from a quality filling variety of healthy foods. Junk food will not keep you satisfied and it plays havoc with your insulin. Second, if your burning alot of calories you may need to eat back part of what you burn. Make sure you are spreading your meals out through the day starting with a good lean breakfast. Third, if you know you are or have been an emotional over eater then you need to address why that is. Diet alone wont fix that problem. Also if you over ate enough your stomach gets stretched and it will take awhile to adjust. Find something to do if you feel bored or down!!!
  • lostwisdom
    lostwisdom Posts: 73 Member
    I've had a similar problem the last two days, sometimes my tummy is rumbling literally an hour after a meal, seems worse in the late afternoon and evening! Have been having white bread instead of multigrain though a couple of times so gonna switch back and hope the added "goodness" will sort me out!
  • snowball69
    snowball69 Posts: 25 Member
    water is the best advice i can give u may feel hungry but your brain may just need a drink , its hard when u feel hungry especially when u trying to lose weight food is always on your mind , take up a hobby or just eat little an often
  • reneecgc
    reneecgc Posts: 179 Member
    Chewing gum always made me hungry. It tricks your body. Your stomach thinks it getting food, but nothing ever comes.
    I suggest adding a high protein low sugar snack. I suggest a low fat cheese stick with an apple or 100 calories almond pack. I really like the almonds with the cocoa. Eating 5 times a day really helped me. When my goal was 1,200 calories a day I found
    it very hard. One on my fitness instructors told me 1,200 is way too low, so I upped my calories to 1,400 on my rest days and 1500 on the days I worked out. I lost just as much if not more by adding calories. I hope this helps good luck. I weighed 215 back
    in February of 2012 and now I weigh 158.6, so I was just there. Keep focused.