So hungry! HELP!!!!!



  • orchid568
    orchid568 Posts: 20 Member
    I had the same problem until my daughter became a Beachbody coach and we started using the chocolate Shakeology. I use to be hungry all day long. Now it is one shake in the morning and I'm good for hours. We also started doing the Brazil Butt Lift and our bodies are changing for the good. Within 12 days we saw a difference in our muscle definition. If you want some info let me know. There is a trial offer right now that is really inexpensive. Something like $14.95
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    How much do you eat and how tall are you?
  • NoMoreJellyRolls
    Thanks for all the advice. I go to school full time and i have come to the conclusion that i am a bored eater. Since I no longer mindless snack on m&m's, kitkat, etc I feel hungry all the time :( Ive even tried reading, doing puzzles, and stuff to occupy my mind.
  • reneecgc
    reneecgc Posts: 179 Member
    Oh yeah I just read so ones other post regarding water. Always drink water first, sometimes your body
    thinks it is hungry but it just needs water.
  • dawnclemons1571
    It's so hard, I know. I just started my diet of 1200 calories a day and I'm still trying to adjust. I have found that if I get hungry between meals or if I don't get full from a meal, a protein bar or a protein shake is a great help. Try that and see if that helps.
  • NoMoreJellyRolls
    How much do you eat and how tall are you?

    Im 5'6 and I eat the calories MFP has recommended, sometimes im short on the calories but nothing major. My set calories = 1890
  • jonski1968
    jonski1968 Posts: 4,498 Member
    Nuts & seeds...Keep me happy..
  • RunnerBlonde808
    RunnerBlonde808 Posts: 257 Member
    Without actually seeing your diary I couldn't say for sure, but I'm going to agree with what a lot of others are saying about protein. when i upped my protein intake I was much more satisfied. A good goal is to eat one gram of protein per pound of lean body weight.
  • stuntpilot51
    stuntpilot51 Posts: 53 Member
    I went through the same thing, and you won't like hearing this.
    You need to just punch through, buck up and gut it out.
    People will give the usual worthless advice here: drink more water, eat celery, time your meals...blah...blah...blah
    NOTHING will stop those hunger pains but time and your willingness to push through.
    In a week or so, they will cease.
    Just decide now to SUCK IT UP!
    You will be glad you did.

    I went thru the exact same thing. It took about three weeks for me and the pains went away.
    I can't think of better advice then the post above.
    You just have to gut it out and when your through it you'll be amazed how much less you will eat.
  • rachmass1
    rachmass1 Posts: 470 Member
    I am ravenous sometimes as well. Foods I have found that help me are;

    Greek Yogurt
    Fiber One bars
    Chia seeds

    I find often I get hungry in my car so carry almonds with me. That and an ice tea really help stave off the hunger for a little while. I am one of those people who eats 5-6 times a day, usually trying to stay around 300 calories each meal. It seems to never fill me up but usually I only get really ravenous about one week out of the month and the rest of the time it is tolerable.

    Oh, and sometimes light excerise helps take away hunger pains (try a little walk).

    Good luck, this isn't fun.
  • Kaitou
    Kaitou Posts: 50 Member
    I agree with reneecgc on this one. You might need to eat more, especially if you're physically feelings the effects of hunger and aren't just a bored snacker suffering cravings. It could help with weight loss, but even if makes it go slower, sometimes it worth it to take a little longer but suffer less while doing it. The more negative effects you feel the greater the chance you'll eventually lapse if you suffer them over a long period of time.

    Or it could just be the food itself that you're eating... I know when I was on a low-fat plan I was hungry all the time, and apparently most people are... So if you're not getting enough fats in your diet that could be a contributor.
  • JasmineRose14
    JasmineRose14 Posts: 34 Member
    Snacking. I snack throughout the day because I had that problem. I have my breakfast and then 2 hours later I have a small snack (fruit or baby carrots with hummus or almonds). Lunch, then like 2-3 snacks before dinner. I also try to drink 2 bottles of water in between my big meals. I use a mix to put in my water just because I can't stand plain water. Try it! Also, let us see your diary so we have a better idea of what you are already eating

    This is exactly what I do, I eat ALL DAY, but its such small/healthy poritons that it helps...and I REALLY notice it when I am too busy to grab something quick, I am ravished when I get home and I really have to work hard at not inhaling everything thing I see...
  • teacherinorlando
    teacherinorlando Posts: 5 Member
    I used to have that problem too. What really helped me out was to eat big portions of foods that are very low in calories like salads and fruits. That way you feel like you are eating a lot of food, but still keeping your calories low.
  • kathyann84
    kathyann84 Posts: 8 Member
    I went through the same thing, and you won't like hearing this.
    You need to just punch through, buck up and gut it out.
    People will give the usual worthless advice here: drink more water, eat celery, time your meals...blah...blah...blah
    NOTHING will stop those hunger pains but time and your willingness to push through.
    In a week or so, they will cease.
    Just decide now to SUCK IT UP!
    You will be glad you did.

    This. I was so hungry the first week or so that I started using MFP. My body was used to getting so much more food that it just needed time to adjust. Of course, I make sure to eat my three meals and snack in between each one and make better choices, but your body needs time to get used to the change. Drinking water did nothing for making me feel full and I could eat all the fruit and veggies I want and still feel hungry. Give it time and it will pass :)
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    If you aren't already, listen to the advice about adding in a serving of nuts. They help provide feelings of fullness even though it's a small amount of food. If you are eating 1900 calories, I don't think the problem is likely to be that you need more food. Try eating more "real" food if you rely on a lot of snack type foods. Fruits like bananas and apples travel easily; have a serving of nuts or seeds with one of those and you'll be good for awhile.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Hmm, depends what you are eating thats not making you full. Maybe fill up on some protein?
    I agree with need to eat things that make you feel full. You're probably eating stuff that isn't sticking with you. If done correctly, there's NO need to feel like you're starving all the time.
  • tryinghard71
    tryinghard71 Posts: 593
    I went through the same thing, and you won't like hearing this.
    You need to just punch through, buck up and gut it out.
    People will give the usual worthless advice here: drink more water, eat celery, time your meals...blah...blah...blah
    NOTHING will stop those hunger pains but time and your willingness to push through.
    In a week or so, they will cease.
    Just decide now to SUCK IT UP!
    You will be glad you did.

    I went thru the exact same thing. It took about three weeks for me and the pains went away.
    I can't think of better advice then the post above.
    You just have to gut it out and when your through it you'll be amazed how much less you will eat.

    Same here. I think the first month was the worst. Felt like I was starving. Upping water and protein did help but! He is right. You just have to punch through. It is amazing how your body adjusts and you do stop feeling this way.
  • athangap
    athangap Posts: 17
    If you a not hungry and want to eat then u feel something , stop for a moment and think should you eat at this time or not.. To alienate you can try
    1. Do some push ups .
    2. Eat sugar less gums.
    3. Try eating fennel seeds raw ( It really suppress the hunger altogether )
    4. Drink lemon water .
    5. Drink butter milk with crushed ginger and salt .

    If you still feel the pain it should be some digestive disorder , meet the Doctor. Actually the ginger with butter milk would help.

    Fenugreek seeds will help a lot with this digestive problems !! If you want to eat it soak it over night and drink the water along with the seeds not more than 1 tps.

    Hope this helps..
  • Corjogo
    Corjogo Posts: 201 Member
    I agree with the "fat" solution. Almonds do it for me and I eat a lot of coleslaw. Don't know if you are avoiding fast food. That is a must, as the "fast" aspect is a double whammy. I eat it too fast and it doesn't have enough substance to keep me satisfied.