A New Start

Hi! I am a 40 year old mother of three, (20,19,16), and married 21 years. I have hit that stage of feeling frumpy. A full time desk job has had its toll, along with 2 herniated discs. I am not too overweight, but need to lose 25 lbs, to feel good about myself again. This is my first crack at this, since I used to have great metabolism. Apparently metabolisms expire at 40, since mine retired and is no where to found! I love this app/program, as it is helping me really count the calories that I need to keep track of. I am 4 days into the new GNC Go Lean kick start diet, with meal replacement shakes. So far..I am keeping to it. The temptations are great, as I would with younger, skinnier, women who graze all day long. It sure does not help that the food stash and mini fridge are in my offiec! So any suggestions on curbing the grazing munchies...would be much appreciated!

Good luck out there....we can do it! I know that with support and continued effort, anything is possible. :wink:


  • tvl0308
    tvl0308 Posts: 96 Member
    Good morning and welcome,
    I totally understand what you are saying i have a desk job too and it DID have a toll on me as well. But now, it has been all good. On my breaks I go walk for 15 minutes and i take my snacks to work. Try taking an apple and peanut butter or celery and peanut butter. Take some cucumbers and dressing. ( I use Walden Farms it is calorie free, need to go get it at the health store though). Nuts are good snack or yogurt. I hear ya on those vending machines and when we have food day too, but what helps me is I can't have gluten and most of the stuff has gluten in it so that saves me there. :) But if you take your own snacks you won't have those vending machines calling you especially if it is something you really like and will enjoy eating.
    The metabolism i can really relate, I am 49 and it seems to me that it has really slowed down but that won't beat me cause i still work out and eat healthy. :) I am on here everyday logging in my foods and exercise so feel free to add me as a friend and we can both do this together. :)
  • StefPayne
    StefPayne Posts: 126 Member
    I am 43 and in the same situation!! On the count in front of my desk is a birthday cake, that has been there since Monday and a box of doughnuts that were brought in this morning. I have just started asking my self is that cake or the doughnuts worh it? I am now walking 4 miles before work and I have decided that I don't want to throw that away by eating doughnuts or cake. I have four apples laying to the right of me and I will eat one of those later for a snack. Don't worry as you starting losing the weight and feeling better you will be less tempted by all of the snacks and grazing! I do cheat sometimes, lol, a miniature candy bar will do wonders!! Good Luck!!
  • beth0672
    beth0672 Posts: 37
    Hi! I'm a 40 yr old mom of 4. My metabolism took an early retirement about 3-4 yrs ago. I've never been happy with my weight but never been terribly overweight either. I used to be able to drop several lbs in no time, however now, it takes alot of effort and sweat! 3 of my kids are teenagers and 1 pre-teenish. They eat all day long and the boys are happy as long as they can be in front of the XBox. Will power comes into play a lot while they are in the kitchen grazing. I keep plenty of yogurt in the house, easy to grab and low cal to satisfy the snacking urge. I've also found I like snacking on things like steamed squash or oven roasted okra. Fix ahead and then just pop in the microwave and warm it up and I'm good :) Feel free to add me. I'd love to help support you :)