Just starting out

backy77 Posts: 1 Member
Hi, I am new to MFP, my cousin told me about it as she has lost around 30lbs (I think) and looks great. I had a baby 2 months ago and now want to lose around 30lbs (only some of this was baby weight, I was overweight before I got pregnant. Have pretty much failed at any diet I've been on so do need to make life changes now to feel better about myself. If anyone else out there is a newbie and wants a weight loss friend then feel free to add me :smile:


  • ivan1964
    ivan1964 Posts: 435
    Hello and welcome here. You can do anything you put your mind too so good luck and I hope you have a great day.
  • bakercj13
    bakercj13 Posts: 26 Member
    You picked one of the best places to help you lose weight. Make friends, get advice, stay honest with your entries and before you know it you will have achieved your goals. Add me as a friedn if you want.
  • Good_Grief
    Good_Grief Posts: 15
    Congrats on your decision to get healthy! I was a member of MFP a couple of years ago and lost over 50 lbs in little over 6 months. It works! I stopped coming to the website and logging my calories and I gained it all back plus some. This is a wonderful resource. Have a great day, and remember that this is not a miracle diet. It takes hard work and support for the MFP community for this to work. Keep at it! You can do this!
  • smithy85
    smithy85 Posts: 104 Member
    Its a great site, with some great people! Make sure your honest and the people you carry with your journey will support you 100%- Feel free to add me if ya want :-) Nat x
  • i_love_me_1305
    i_love_me_1305 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey my name is Jennifer just starting out on mfp too. found it by accident and loving it so far!:happy:
  • jjmnet
    jjmnet Posts: 110
    Give yourself some time! Just are still recovering from birth - but you are very inspiring trying to get back in to shape sooo quickly. I have a 8 month old who I've held on to for the past 8 months and I have gained weight - AFTER the baby. Just being at home all day and my husband works nights - has left me eating bad and laying around due to lack of sleep. I have about 20 to lose (I could do 10 more, but I haven't been at that weight since high school) and have just started at a 24 hour gym. I think your journey is similar to mine. Good luck! Just remember how good it can feel to put on clothes and go somewhere without having to feel self conscious......I can't wait.....:)
  • kini324
    kini324 Posts: 239 Member
    This is a great site! It's been so helpful in my journey! Welcome...
  • i just stated. i dont have a big goal and dont need to lose any but i can use friends. feel free to add me.
  • simplyme44
    simplyme44 Posts: 3 Member
    hello everyone im new starting out i'm looking forward to being encouraged and sharing my fitness journey:smile: