Smokin' Hot Green Pepper's ~ Week 13

Ok, bring it SHGP's and have a great Friday no matter what! Skinny vibes to all my pepper's! :bigsmile:


  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    I'm down another ½ lb this week to 175 lbs. Only got about 120 minutes exercise in.
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    :drinker: I DID IT!!! :drinker:

    I actually lost 3 lbs, 221.6 this week!! I've lost 51.8 lbs!!! I'm so proud of myself. :happy: I managed to work out 5 days this week.

    Goals for next week, work out 6 days with at least 3 of those being C25K week 4!!
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good Morning Pepper's,
    I still am 198, no gain, no loss. It is hard not to get upset. But there is nothing I can do now. I have not exercised this week at all.

    I may be ready to move forward but it has not worked in weeks. I am just trying to be possitive, because at this rate I can not loose what I should of before my doctors appointment.

    Crystal that is so great. You should be proud you are doing great. Keep it up.

    Magglett, nice work.

    Well I will try to do better this week. Today is very busy may not get to check back in.

    Have a great day.
  • jacque509
    Hi all, still feel like crap but hanging in there
    Yeah!!!! Crystal:drinker: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :love: :laugh:
    Good job mag!!!
    I have O to report no weight loss no weight gain just 0
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Hi all, still feel like crap but hanging in there
    Yeah!!!! Crystal:drinker: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :love: :laugh:
    Good job mag!!!
    I have O to report no weight loss no weight gain just 0

    Hope you feel better soon. :flowerforyou:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    HI all

    Looks like I am the lone gainer this week....+ 2. to 187.4......gosh if I don't get serious I will be right where I was a year ago.....just kinda confused here these past few days and feeling a bit down. no appetite really, but so far has been clean today. I have a meet tomorrow, so will be gone all day again. Will pack later all my gear to be sure I am ready to walk it out...

    magglett ~ congrats on your loss! happy for ya!

    Crystal ~ 3 down, FIFTY-ONE point EIGHT GONE! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWW! I am so proud of you girly! So, tell us about your new outfit! We wanna celebrate with you!! You are in control now, nothing gonna stop ya!

    Sindy ~ Well, you are not gaining at least. Sometimes we will plateau for a you have been sick. Are you eating the same amount of calories? What about changing up your exercise routine....diff time, diff activity? Try to look closely at what you are doing and see if you need to change something up a bit. Hang in there....I still feel with what you have lost so far and your consistent exercise, that your ol' Dr won't put you on meds. You have done so well, and I know you will do more!! Stay positive!!

    Jacque ~ I'll take them " 0's "! take care this weekend, get better hon!

    ittybitty ~ YAY, down 3! good for you! keep on keepin, you'll be to goal in no time!

    Miss V ~ 5 lbs gone, woot woot! nice job there sweets! take care of that tummy thing....

    well, gotta keep pluggin away here. laundry calling. have a nice Friday gang....just a little focus is all we need and we can do a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g!!
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Morning Ladies:

    Chrystal awesome job .....

    Magglett good job on your weight loss

    Sindy good job on not gaining weight

    Jacque hope you feel better soon

    Kelly dont give up you will get this weight off .... keep your head up high and just keep plugging on .. YOU CAN DO IT GIRL

    Miss V congrats on losing 5 pounds

    If i forgot anyone soooooo sorry ... doing this by memory (which isnt the best i have at times) lol lol

    I excercised 180 minutes this week (its a start) now if i can just continue that i will be back strong with my motivation

    Hope everyone has a nice weekend
  • angiemcnett
    Crystal - Congrats on the weight lose!!::bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    Jacque - I hope you get feeling better soon :flowerforyou: and congrats on not gaining.

    Magglet - nice job on the weight loss!:happy:

    Sindy - Congrats on not gaining.:smile: You will get back into your exercise routine before you know it.:wink::wink:

    I am weighing in this week at 208.8, which is up.8 from last week. I guess my candy bar binge on Saturday was not a good thing. I wish I had more self control when it comes to cravings. I exercised for 630 minutes this week in 4 days. So much for me getting in 6 days of exercise in. If I can't go to the gym I am not motivated to workout.:grumble: I have a Weight Watcher dvd, the Wii fit, Wii active, and a stationary bike at home to use when I can't get to the gym. I am going to again aim for 6 days of exercise this week. Because of the weather this week I missed 4 workouts this week. I guess I should be happy with only .8 gain. I hope you guys have a great day today! Happy Friday!:happy:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    HI Angie ~ hey, you * ARE * doing good! you must be near 1/2 way thru your pregnancy, or close. gosh, the time is going fast! and you are still pluggin away at the exercise! that is soo good for you and baby. that is one thing I wish I had done while being pregnant, was to exercise. I know it would have helped a lot during labor. do you know what you are having? lots of kickin going on? how special! I bet you are gettin pretty excited!!

    My exercise for the week was 3 days, so I didn't meet my 5 or 6, and was 240 minutes. Lots to improve there! Will shoot for 5 days again.
  • Whitneyh29
    I am down to 145... my goal is far away i want to be 130.. 128.. what i was in high school!!
  • angiemcnett
    I am 18 weeks now. I hopefully will find out what the baby is Dec. 22, if the baby cooperates. I am excited but a little nervous too. I still haven't felt the baby kick but should soon. Since this is my first pregnancy, it may take me a little longer. I wish I could eat as well as I am exercising. I would probably would not have gained any weight during my pregnancy.:smile:
  • angiemcnett
    I am trying to get myself motivated to get on my wii fit. I am dragging my feet by putting around on the computer. Where is everyone? I am sure everyone else is busy with life. My weekends are usually very quite and lonely. This weekend is on different. Yeah! I did get one thing on my to do list done. I cleaned out my filing cabinet. Have a great night!:smile:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    a long day here.....up @ 4:45 to get ready for bus trip....on the road from 5:50 > 7:30, on the bleachers from 8:40 > 6:50...on the road again from 7:15 > 8:40..home at last 8:45. am tired. did not attempt my usual outdoor / bus trip walk as the roads are still snow packed and slippery. will get a good workout in tomorrow. dh in bed, oldest son snow boarding, and youngest is w/his gf. just trying to 'come down' from my road trip and have a decent nite's sleep. :yawn: an ultrasound! the imaging has improved 100 % since I had kids. you will be amazed by all that you can see of your lil darlin'! seems like the little 'fluttler' feelings started around 19 -21 weeks for me. diff for us all. i never know how my weekends are gonna be activity wise, unless i have a trip. i wish i had a notebook computer...i would take it with my on all my bus trips. sometimes i get bored and just being able to browse would help. glad you accomplished the filing cabinet task! i need to do that too....actually my entire 'computer' room needs a good deep cleaning...i can't believe all the junk mail we get in a week's time! ugh! think positive...your ticker says 16 lbs lost!! yay!

    well, gonna check the posts again and then add the updated chart. have a nice nite all and enjoy your Sunday. till then team! :heart:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member

    Yay Crystal!! 50 + lbs gone baby!! Look at you go girl! So very proud!! :flowerforyou:
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Hey everIyone,...
    Crystal - great job w/a 50+ lb weight loss.

    I did weigh in on Friday. now 169.2 It's a loss from the previous weigh in so I'll take it.
    Exercise wise, I did poorly. Work was very hectic that I didnt do my lunch time or end of day workouts. Only made it to curves once. Only 100 minutes exercise.

    I am attemping for more success this week.

    Dave's out of town for work and the kids are with their father this week. So it's a quiet house.... lovely quiet....

  • jacque509
    Ok so this weekend was soo busy. We had cheer copetition all day Saturday. Yeah my DD team won first place so we were soo happy. Then had to do last minute shopping for my DD birthday next Friday, Today was at church and then Christmas dinner with Church tonight. I need to go back to work to get some rest hahahaha:laugh: Eating wise did ok, no organize exercise but walked the makk sat and sun. walked all over the stadium on cheer day so I am gonna count that hahaha
  • jacque509
    hahahahaha makk meant mall:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Thanks everyone for the congrats!

    Well, I had a not so productive weekend weight loss-wise. I didn't make it to the gym, but I didn't do too awful on the food. I can't go to the gym tonight because we're hopefully getting our oven fixed and I'll need to be home for that. I think I'm going to run out a lunch and buy a workout DVD. I can do that at home while I'm waiting for him to show up. I need something to do on days I don't go to the gym anyway.

    I did manage to get all my christmas shopping finsihed. DH and I wrapped the presents that were ready. The rest are either being shipped or I have to make them. I'm making my nieces tied fleece blankets and my MIL (and probably Mom, too) some hand-made quilted ornaments. Most of that probably won't get done until Friday or later when I go on vacation.

    Kelly, the new outfit was a pair of jeans that actually fit (all my other jeans are 2 sizes too big) and a long tunic-style shirt with purple flowers and butterflies all over it. Very cute. I had several people at work comment on my weight loss that day. Probably because I was wearing clothes that fit!!!!
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    Morning all :bigsmile:
    Hope that everyone is having a wonderful day! Today i become the dog lady:noway: and add 2 other dogs to my already 2 as i am watching them while their families go out of town:grumble: why am I always talked into this? I don't know, but noone in my house enjoys it...
    Had a busy weekend, and got some exercise in there, tummy is feeling a little better and I am working on getting this day over with! got up extra early to drive to the big town to take daughter to an eye check up , and there was snow. I am from the snow so i know how to drive in it, but that does not mean that others know how to :angry: I do not enjoy almost getting killed by the stupidity of non snow drivers:explode: It is not ok for people continue to go 35 on a non plowed road on a hairpin turn when i am going 15 and then fishtail into my lane and miss me by inches and laugh about it:explode: :angry: :explode: :angry: I swear! people are stupid and should not be let out of their houses sometimes!!!!
    Anyhow sorry for that but i had to get it out!
    Congrats on the skinny Crystal!
    Hope everyones monday rocks:)
    Sounds like kelly nd jacque stayed busy:)
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hey team~

    been busy here....went to a wake yesterday of a mom of some kids that used to ride my bus. 3 kids, 14, 17 and 20. mom had breast cancer about 5 yrs ago. thought she had ovarian cancer in Sept, so did hysterectomy and learned it was not there, but spread everywhrere else..... very sad. she was 44, a year older than me.

    went to the city today to shop, almost done...went to 8 stores and then had a hair cut...and this was all after a 2 hr 'ice' delay!

    but, i had some high fat foods eats, way too much, and now i don't know what is going on....i have about a 12 yr history of anxiety / panic attacks....and since about 4:30 pm or so i have had heart palp, L chest/arm discomfort, choking feeling/lump in my throat, slight nausea, lightheaded, tingling in L neck, jaw and face. NOW, i have had all of these symptoms in the past and 3 ER visits, and nothing is ever wrong with my heart. and back then I did have high cholesterol/trigs, and higher blood pressure. i am on chol meds now, and last checked 6 mos ago, everything was normal. anyway, i took 2 baby aspirin, and i already take one a day and a fish oil per my cardiologist b/c of bio mom having a 'bruie'/stent ( sp?). now in the last few minutes my L arm feels heavy and almost kinda numb....o what to do....

    my panic feelings usually come at this time of year, holiday stress, and driving, weather.... it could be nothing. and i have not exercised since LAST WEEK! but tomorrow I am going to call my dr and hope to get in. i just hate it when this happens. may have to go back on my Xanax 1/2 tab. geez, i have not had to take them in like 3 yrs. why is this happening?? oh, and i took my b/p and it was 138/84 which is high for me, usually 118/72. i wonder if your b/p goes up really high if you are having a heart attack? my past panic episodes usually occured b/c i was scaring myself, health wise, fear of dying of stroke, ha....lots of anxiety. i will take some more baby aspirin, a fish oil and my chol med b4 bed....hope to sleep decent.....

    well, sorry to post all that, and i hope i didn't scare anyone.....just trying to see if this will help me any.

    tomorrow i have bus i better be ok! that would be horrible to have a problem on the bus with kids! :frown:

    anyway, just wanted to check in and wish you guys all a good week! let's try really hard and go for a loss Friday! and if not, then just keep toning that body into a smaller you!

    Barb ~ enjoy the peace and quiet this week!

    Jacque ~ nice pic of you and tree! congrats on dd's win!

    Crystal ~yippy shopping done! the tied fleece blankets and quilted ornaments sound so neat! very talented you! woot woot smaller clothes!

    Miss V, aka dog sitter....I dread watching my parents dog as well...she has this screaming fit that sounds like a hyenna that drives me nuts. my parents think it is cute...NOT. i almost have her broke from doing it here...she knows i am boss! probably not a fun visit here for her since i keep her in my kitchen/dining on lanoleum...don't trust her yet. uh huh., them crazy drivers...need to slow their A$$e$ down! i am more worried bout the 'other' driver than i am myself! and i feel more comfortable in my bus than my own car. drive it so much and it is 6 tons! :bigsmile:

    nite all! :heart: